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Chapter 4

Tiana was with the palace’s head seamstress, as she wanted new clothes made for herself. The palace sewing room was next to the laundry facilities and the maids were watching her in awe. Most of them had never seen her in person. Zara was amongst the spectators. At first, she was not very interested but when she saw everyone rush to the windows, she wondered what the curiosity was all about. Beautiful, Zara thought to herself. Tiana was tall and carried herself with grace. Her honey-coloured skin glowed framed against her ebony-coloured hair. It was no wonder the King made her his mistress.

Just as Tiana was in the midst of giving out orders, Amira walked in. She, too, was beautiful and tall, as she carried herself with an elegance befitting a queen. Her maids bowed their heads to Tiana. Tiana’s maids along with everyone else bowed their heads to the queen. The queen asked what was happening. The head seamstress informed her that they were making clothes for Tiana as per her instructions.

“What is it to you what I am doing?” Tiana demanded of Amira.

“How impudent of you. Modify your tone immediately and show some respect,” Amira said calmly.

Tiana laughed before she replied, “And if I don't?” her tone was even cockier. She was confident that the queen would not do anything to her. The queen turned her attention to the seamstress.

“Do not sew anything without my authorization,” the queen instructed her. The seamstress stood there unsure what to do. Tiana had just instructed her to sew clothes for her and now the queen was instructing her otherwise.

“Excuse me? Are you saying she cannot make my clothes without your approval?”

“That is exactly what I am saying.”

“Just who do you think you are?”

“The queen,” she replied calmly as she turned her attention to the seamstress. “Do as I say or lose your job.”

“Ye…ye...Yes, your Highness,” replied the seamstress who bowed her head multiple times. She quickly packed up the fabric that Tiana had picked out for her dresses.

“Oh, so one night in the King's bed makes you arrogant?” Tiana frowned at the queen.

“Your impudence is maddening. You have no respect and it is about time I put you in your place,” the queen said. As she turned to leave, she instructed the maids to report to her first if Tiana requested anything.

Tiana almost passed out from humiliation. She was mortified that the queen had pulled rank on her in front of the staff. Now the maids were going to fear the queen and not her making them less inclined to do what she ordered, as she now appeared weak in front of them. Regardless, she walked out of the room with her head held high vowing revenge.

“Are they always like this?” Zara asked Rachael; a fellow laundry maid and friend.

“So I hear,” Rachael replied and crossed her arms over her chest. “Apparently, there is never peace between them,” she added. Zara sighed.

“Stop loitering around and get back to work!” the laundry supervisor shouted. All of the maids scrambled from the windows and returned to their duties.

The King received the news of the quarrel between Tiana and Amira later that afternoon. He grunted out of annoyance when he heard it. There was never a moment of peace. Just the day before, they had argued. And now today, they were arguing again. He decided to speak with Tiana as Amira had requested.

The King arrived at Tiana's quarters moments later. As soon as he walked in, she ran into his arms and embraced him. “I am so glad to see you,” she said to him during the embrace. She held his hands in hers and searched his eyes. She immediately told him about the earlier incident. She had never been so humiliated in her life. It was unfair and uncalled for. The King led her to the sofas and asked one of the maids to prepare them lunch.

“She does have a point,” the King said gently. Tiana's eyes flew open.

“What!” she cried out.


?Calm down and listen to what I have to say first.” Tiana nodded and apologised. “You must remember your place. Amira is the queen and despite how you may feel about her, she does have authority over you. Your rudeness and lack of respect have gone on far too long and it was what caused the queen to be so infuriated with you.” Tiana sat there and listened to the King speak. She could not believe her ears. Was he actually taking the queen’s side?

“I know that look.” The King held her face in his hands.

“What look, your Majesty?”

“I am not taking sides.” He leaned in and pressed a small kiss on her lips. “The queen is a formidable woman and so long as you continue to cause trouble, she will do the same.”

“Are you saying that I am NOT formidable?”

“Not at all, Tiana, but is it not better to gather bees with honey than with vinegar?” At Tiana’s slight nod, the King rose pulling Tiana with him. “Come, let us have lunch together.”


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