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“You were with him last night and you are coming from his quarters now?”

Zara was not sure what was happening here or the correct response. She remained silent and kept looking at the ground. She had heard of Tiana's temper and did not want to anger her.

“You are coming from there now, aren't you?” Tiana shouted at her before slapping her. Zara gasped. She placed her hand on her cheek and looked at Tiana. “Why is it that a maid from the laundry has access to the King, when I cannot?” she demanded.

“My lady, I would suggest that you speak with the King,” Zara said.

“I am speaking with you, now,” Tiana responded icily.

“My lady, anything that you wish to discuss regarding the King should be taken up with him. Now if you please excuse me,” replied Zara as she attempted to step around her. She wanted to shout profanities at Tiana but that would only make her think something did happen. She would also be punished heavily for speaking poorly toward the King's mistress.

“Cease any interactions with him, you whore!” Tiana snapped before she walked off. She did not believe that nothing happened between the two of them. Not after last night. Why was she in his quarters when it was supposed to be Amira dining with him?

Zara ran out of the palace. She was angry. There was no justification for the way she was treated. Part of her felt relieved that Tiana had not punished her further. She was usually strict with punishing the maids. Zara took a deep breath. What if the King summoned her again? Was she to say no after everything that happened? There was no way she could deny the King and obey his mistress. It was not right. Everyone obeyed the King on the pain of death. She knew there was going to be trouble and this was only the beginning.

After picking up her little sister from school, she got home to find Racheal attending to her mother. She sometimes went over to her place to help, as it was too much for Zara to handle on her own. Zara hugged Rachael as she walked in and kissed her mother on the forehead, before heading to the kitchen to make something for Ruby; her little sister. Rachael followed her to the kitchen.

“Spill,” Rachael said as she closed the door.

“Excuse me?” Zara asked as she opened the fridge.

“You have been in the King's quarters for hours, what happened? Tell me everything.”

“She was what?” Ruby asked as she stood in the doorway. She shut the door behind her and sat on the kitchen counter. “Tell us everything.”

Zara looked at her sister and Rachael. They were both waiting for her to talk. She sighed and told them about him painting her portrait. She was dying to tell them what happened last night, but she had been forbidden until they knew what happened, so she had to content herself with the events of the afternoon. They were both gasping and sighing as she talked. They loved the idea of being approached by a king or prince. It was simply romantic.

“He kissed you,” Ruby repeated and sighed.

“On the cheeks!” Zara clarified.

“Did he paint you dressed or undressed?” Rachael whispered so that Ruby did not hear.

“I can still hear you,” Ruby said.

“I was dressed!” Zara cried out. Rachael laughed.

“Just checking,” she replied. She was no longer l

aughing when Zara told her about Tiana. Both Rachael and Ruby were not impressed. They felt angry for Zara. It was unfair. She did not deserve that kind of treatment.

Chapter 9

The King could barely concentrate during his meeting. While the attempt on his life should have weighed heavily on him, Zara held his thoughts hostage. He could not stop thinking about her. He found himself positively anticipating the next time he would see her. He couldn’t wait to show her the painting, he felt like he had done a good job with her likeness and he was anxious to hear her opinion. He decided that he wanted to take Zara horseback riding.

“Let us postpone this meeting, gentlemen,” the King said as he stood up. The men looked at each in confusion. They were still very much in the middle of discussion. The King had not been paying much attention and now he was leaving early? This was unlike him. He headed toward the door at full speed.

He returned to his quarters to dress in his riding clothes as quickly as he could. He stared at his painting and smiled to himself. As much as he wanted to show it her, today he was going to take her riding. He turned on his heel and headed for the exit.

“Your Majesty, wait,” Alma blocked his path. “It is better that you do not go to the laundry yourself,” she said to him.

“Huh, why?” the King frowned at her.

“Because, your Majesty, people will talk.”

“And they won't talk if you go?”

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