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“I am here to escort Miss Zara on the King's orders,” Alma said. Zara

and Rachael looked at each other.

“She will come right away,” Rachael said and pushed Zara along.

Zara left the laundry with Alma. She had been concerned about the King’s welfare and had spent a sleepless night worrying about him. Alma escorted Zara to the King's quarters. They walked down the hallway and took a turn into a large studio filled with painting supplies. Alma told Zara to sit down and await the King's arrival. She nodded and did as she was told as Alma left the room.

The King entered the room moments later. Zara got to her feet and bowed to the King. He was wearing a t-shirt and loose fitting slacks. “Hello, Zara,” he greeted her as he walked over to a stool.

Zara couldn’t resist eyeing him. “You look well, your Majesty.”

“Well much better than when you last saw me,” the King replied. “And I have you to thank for it.”

“I…uh…I was so worried. I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing. I mean, you’re the King. If I was wrong, regicide is a BIG DEAL,” Zara replied, unsure what to say.

Stepping toward her, the King grabbed both her hands and squeezed them. “You did well, little one. More than well. You saved me and I thank you. Ok?” At Zara’s nod, the King stepped back. “Good. And since I’m supposed to be resting, I thought that I would paint a portrait of you,” he added.

“Huh?” Zara laughed a little. No one had ever drawn or painted a portrait of her. “You mean to paint a portrait of me? But why?”

“You inspire me to paint.”

Zara shifted uncomfortably as the King took her hand and positioned her to where he needed. Zara panicked internally. The King was touching her hand again, and then he was touching her face. He turned her face to a profile and tilted her chin up to catch the light. She felt the redness creep into her cheeks at the intimate contact. The King watched her turning red, as he sensed her shyness. He found it enchanting. He deliberately took his time playing around with her face. He unexpectedly found himself enjoying the feel of her skin. It was very soft and smooth. Her lips looked soft and full. He found himself wanting to explore those as well. He cleared his throat and walked back to his easel.

Arranging paint colours on a well-used palette, he couldn’t resist teasing. “You can breathe now,” he told her as he picked up a paintbrush and dipped it in paint.

“You tease me, your Majesty,” Zara chastised. The King laughed softly. He enjoyed teasing her. As he began to paint the outline of her face, he paused.

“Untie your hair,” he said to her. She quickly did as she was told. He saw her thick curly coils of hair tumble down and rest on her back. He grunted with pleasure, she was beautiful. Her hazel eyes looked magnificent, as she looked at him doe-eyed and asked if it was better. He nodded and started painting.

Zara had to start talking. The quietness was too much. It was too intense, being in a room alone with the King and having him looking at her the way he was. Today, he was looking at her in a different manner. She had to speak. He answered her every question and she answered his. They soon found themselves laughing and enjoying one another's company and the awkwardness quickly passed.

After several hours, the King finally paused. He took a step back and looked at it. He liked how it was turning out.

“Join me for a late lunch,” the King said to Zara and gestured for her follow him.

“Can I see it?” she asked standing on her toes to peek at the painting. She was curious as to how it turned out. The King wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from the painting and out of the room.

“Not yet,” he said to her. She pouted her lips like a child. They headed to the balcony where two maids were setting the table. They bowed as the King walked out.

“It’s beautiful,” Zara said as she walked over to the edge and looked at the view. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the cool breeze on her face. The King sat down at the table and watched her as she tilted her head up to the breeze. She was so full of life.

She sat down as Alma walked out with food. Zara thanked her as they picked up their cutlery, but before she began eating, she looked around the table.

“Did you need something?” he asked.

“No, not really; just wondering if there should be an EpiPen included with the cutlery.” At her giggle, the King started to laugh. Granted what happened was life threatening, but that they could be so comfortable with one another made him realize how much he missed feeling such moments of joy and pleasure.

After lunch, she asked again to see the painting but he refused. He said he would show her when it was dry and he was completely done with it. She finally agreed. He kissed her on both cheeks before she left. She bowed her head and left his quarters. She had to go pick up her little sister from school.

Zara was smiling to herself as she walked along the palace hallways. She could still feel the King's lips on her cheeks. It made her blush. It was the perfect ending to a perfect afternoon. She stopped abruptly when she saw Tiana and her retinue walking toward her. She stepped out of the way and bowed her head. Evidently, the women had been released from their rooms.

She heard one of the maids whisper, “It is her,” to Tiana. The King's mistress stopped and looked at Zara. She walked toward her and stopped in front of her analysing her from head to toe.

“You are Sara?” Tiana asked.

“I am Zara, my lady,” Zara replied.

“Whomever! I hear you have been spending time with the King.”

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