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“Not yet, but Abia’s call was traced back to Noor City,” Basil replied.

“What's in Noor City?” The King was confused. There was no special reason for El-Tamar to be there. He had no properties or alliances there that they were aware of or it would have shown up when they ran a background check.

“Nothing. I suppose that is why he took her there. It would be the last place we look.”

“Well, big mistake on their part.”

“Exactly.” Basil headed for the door. He could see why they had chosen that location. Sadly, they did not know that Basil was very familiar with it.

“So, you are going yourself?” The King called out behind his brother. Basil nodded and carried on walking out. The King narrowed his gaze and shook his head. His little brother was so stubborn. Of course, he would go there himself. Ever since he was a child, he was like that. If he want

ed something done right, then he would do it himself. This was different. The King had never seen his brother fight for a woman. There was a different look in his eyes. He also feared for El-Tamar's life.

Badir had the team assembled in the courtyard and ready for Basil's arrival. They all dropped to one knee when Basil arrived. They awaited his command.

“Everyone ready?” Basil asked Badir.

“Yes, sir,” Badir replied.

Basil looked to his team. “We shall ride for Noor City,” he said to them. Noor City was deep in the desert. The quickest way to get there without being seen was to ride in on horseback.

The King walked out moments later. “I am coming with you, brother,” he said to Basil. The Prince raised his eyebrow.

“Why?” Basil asked his older brother.

“Because that is my sister-in-law out there and I know you. The way you are right now, you might murder someone for looking at you wrong.”

Basil rolled his eyes at his brother's poor timing to be funny. “This is not a safe place for the King,” he said.

“Have you forgotten who taught you how to fight? I'll be fine. I am coming, end of discussion.”

Indeed the King had taught Basil how to fight. He had given Basil his first sword and taught him how to use it. Badir shook his head. The royal family was more stubborn than normal people. Royal people were meant to sit back and let people do their bidding. However, that was not how it worked in this royal family. They were all so hands on. The security team rose to their feet.

Badir decided to dispatch a few men via the old road. They were to drive there whilst the rest of them rode in on horseback. He figured it was best to have men circle in from different directions in case El-Tamar was on the move. They would search every bit of the city.

* * * * *

Saja stared at her food for a moment before she ate it. Her stubborn side wanted to throw it against the wall, but she was too hungry to protest. She reluctantly ate it. She touched her face, which was swollen from Abia's beating. She really wanted to return the favour. It was not exactly a fair fight. She looked up at the windows. There were little windows very high up, near the ceiling. They let a little bit of sun into the room.

“Where do you suppose we are?” Saja asked Mona.

“At least eight hours from the city, on horseback,” Mona replied. On their way there, they had been blindfolded after being hit so many times when they tried to escape. “The smell of the air is different, so that means we left Quabeca. This building looks very ancient. I'd say we are in an old city like Kaltari, Sahari or Noor City,” she added. Saja turned to look at her and raised her eyebrow. She was not expecting such a detailed answer.

“What?” Saja laughed. “How do you know all this?” she asked.

“I have an interest in history and geography,” Mona replied.

“Wow, really? I never knew that.”

“Kaltari, Sahari and Noor City are the oldest cities in Al-Basrat. They were left in their original condition for historical reasons. There is nothing much in any of these cities except some old families who chose to remain here.”

“You know about buildings too?”

“Yes, just a bit though.”

Saja was impressed by Mona's knowledge. She was never good at history. She always found herself falling asleep in history class. She admired those that stayed awake and were able to recall the lectures.

Chapter 9

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