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Chapter 1

The sound of smashing porcelain ricocheted off the walls as El-Tamar's wife threw yet another vase against the wall in anger and humiliation. The news of her husband losing his title and wealth made her furious while he sat passively on the sofa as if he had lost the will to live. All his life he had wealth and status. He did not know where to go from here. His wife was taking it worse than him.

“It is all because of that bastard of yours,” Abia screamed at her husband. “Why did you have to sleep with another woman?” she shouted as she threw a vase towards her husband.

“Abia, we had this argument before. There is nothing to be gained from having it again,” El-Tamar said. He knew it was a mistake twenty-four years ago when he slept with Pamela. That was now irreversible. However even if he hadn't slept with her and gotten her pregnant, Aman still made a mess of things. He was responsible for them losing their wealth, not Saja.

“She bewitched the Prince and turned him against you,” Abia cried. She stood there with her hands on her hips panting. She was so angry she wanted to rip Saja’s head off with her bare hands. Abia threw herself on the sofa, as if she had come to some sort of revelation. She nodded a few times and ran her hands threw her hair.

“We will need to move out,” El-Tamar said. The Prince had seized all his assets to cover some of the monies lost from the embezzlement and that included the home where they raised their three sons. El-Tamar and his wife would have to move into a much smaller home.

“Father, that is so unfair,” Akeem complained as he walked into the living room where his parents were. He had overheard them talking about moving out. He was born and raised in this house and despite not living there anymore; he still considered it his home.

“Blame your father's illegitimate bitch,” Abia said to her son. She stood up and walked over to the glass cabinet. She grabbed a bottle of scotch and opened it. She did not even bother pouring it into a glass and simply drank straight from the bottle.

“Isn't there anything you can do about it?” Akeem asked his father. He felt as though his father hadn't begged for forgiveness enough or tried anything really. El-Tamar shook his head and buried it in his hands. He had thought about it over and over again, there was nothing he could do about it. In fact, as far as he was concerned, the Prince had let them off lightly. With the amount of money Aman stole, they were lucky not to be in prison.

“We cannot simply sit back and do nothing!” Aman said as he walked into the room. His parents looked as though they had given up. He was not ready to give up without a fight. He was his father's heir. He was ready to take over but then this happened. This meant that he was not going to be sheik. He would have to find employment, as his wife had grown accustomed to living a certain way and she was not open to making changes. He was not sure that he would be able to live out his days as an ordinary man. He knew Saja was trouble when he met her.

* * * * * *

Saja was brushing her teeth when Basil walked into the bathroom and switched on the shower. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he kissed the top of her head. It had been two weeks since they were married and it was finally time to show their faces. People were starting to worry. He was still the Prince and had plenty of work to do. He could not take more than a week off for their honeymoon and he hoped that Saja wasn’t too disappointed.

“Come and bathe me, woman,” Basil commanded, as he unwrapped his towel and dropped it to the floor.

“You can wash yourself,” Saja replied. What was his obsession with her washing him? Before they were married, he always demanded that he bathe her, something she always refused. She rinsed her mouth with mouthwash. Just as she was about to escape, Basil grabbed her and yanked her towel free. “Oh my gosh!” Saja cried out. Basil carried her into the shower.

“I’ve already showered,” Saja complained.

“Good,” Basil replied with a wink. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her. She smiled and kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes, as he reached for the taps. Water sprayed them from all directions. Basil picked Saja up forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist while he walked her to the nearest wall. Tilting his hips, he entered her swiftly as Saja moaned into his mouth. Picking up speed, Basil moved smoothly in and out until he was completely buried deep inside her. With a groan, he held her pinned to the wall as he ravaged her mouth. One hand snaked up to grip her hair and tilt her head farther back. He simply couldn’t get enough of her. With a moan, Saja managed to tilt her hips encouraging him to start moving again. With a savage thrust, he started pumping hard into her, each thrust generating bolts of pleasure that had them both spiralling higher and higher.

With a cry, Saja clamped down as her orgasm hit her. The suddenness brought Basil to climax as the clenching of her muscles milked every drop of cum from his body. Shuddering against her, he held her tight before he slowly withdrew; making sure Saja was able to stand on her own. Kissing her deeply, he stepped back as he reached for a cloth and some soap. Giving her a wicked grin, he handed both to her as he said, “Since, you’re here; you might as well wash my back.”

* * * * *

Mona and Amber waited for Saja and Basil. They were scheduled to have lunch with some of the sheiks from the local area. It was their first appearance as a married couple and all eyes would be on them. The newlyweds had been showering and getting ready for a couple of hours. The two maids were very aware of the reason why they were taking so long. Since they returned from their honeymoon, the couple could barely keep their hands off each other.

They finally emerged out of the bedroom fully dressed and ready for lunch. Saja's face was glowing. The two of them looked so happy. Mona and Amber bowed their heads to them. Both of them had mischievous smiles on their faces. Saja noticed it.

“What are the two of you so happy about?” Saja asked.

“It is simply a good day. Wouldn’t you agree your highness?” Mona asked with a straight face. Saja laughed and shook her head.

Basil and Saja headed to the courtyard where the lunch was being held. Saja felt a bit awkward about their first meeting. She had never met any of these sheiks or his friends. She had no idea how she was to act around them. She assumed that they would be boring and discuss things like politics and the economy. Saja knew that this was going to be the rest of her life and she had to find a way to cope with the changes. She had her arm linked around Basil's when they walked out onto the courtyard. The sheiks all stood to greet them bowing their heads as the couple approached the table. Bas

il pulled out a chair for Saja and tucked her in before sitting down next to her.

“It is nice of you to join us,” Basil said to them. The sheiks smiled and bowed their heads.

“Congratulations, your highness,” Sheik Atif said. The other sheiks also congratulated them both and complimented Saja on her beauty.

The maids brought out lunch and served them all while the sheiks asked Saja what she did in London. She told them about her medical degree. Most were impressed with the fact that she was both smart and beautiful. Then they began discussing political matters. Saja had never been interested in politics and simply smiled through it. She enjoyed seeing a different side to Basil. Not only was he handsome, he was very intelligent. When he spoke, the sheiks listened and they respected him.

That's my husband; she said to herself and smiled. She realised that there was more to him than she first thought. So far, she liked what she had discovered about him and she couldn’t wait to find out more.

After the lunch, they bid farewell to the sheiks. Each of them kissed Saja on both cheeks before they left. She smiled and bowed her head to them. She turned her attention to Basil after they had left.

“Politics,” she said to him and stretched her neck. Basil was amused. It did not surprise him that she was not interested in politics. She was not that kind of woman.

“I noticed your silence during lunch,” he replied to her. “A rarity, I will add,” he said with a grin. She sighed and took her shoes off. “Do your feet hurt?” he asked her.

“No, I am going to sit in the sun for a bit,” Saja smiled like a little child. She loved sunbathing, particularly since they did not get much sun in London. It always rained in summer or it was cloudy and humid. Sunny days were few in number.

Saja walked onto the grass. She smiled the moment her feet touched the grass. She stretched her arms out to the sky. Lying on the grass, she lifted up her dress to expose her skin to the sun. Basil shook his head. She was never going to be a proper lady but that was what made her so interesting.

Chapter 2

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