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Later that evening, the Prince was just getting out of the shower. He towel dried his hair and slipped into casual clothes. He was getting ready to go speak with Saja. He was intrigued and curious about her reaction. He did not know what to expect since he barely knew her. One of the guards had reported to him that she was not pleased and had demanded his audience. On his way out of his quarters, he ran into Badir.

Badir bowed his head to the Prince. “Where are you off to?” Badir asked him.

“Saja's quarters,” he said calmly.

“That should be interesting.”

“I am sure I can handle her.”

“What do you intend to do with her?”

The Prince sighed before he spoke. The two of them turned a corner. “I am not sure yet.”

Badir laughed before he parted ways with the Prince. He did not trust him in this situation. Usually when he was unsure of something, he would test it to its limits and judging from the fact that he had not allowed Saja to leave; he was going to do just that. This was not going to be an easy adjustment for her.

Mona announced the Prince's arrival as he entered Saja's quarters. She was in her room when he arrived. Finally! she thought to herself. It was nearing 9 pm. She had waited for him the entire day. She walked out of her room calmly. He had made himself comfortable at the sofas. He gestured for her to join him. She did not really want to sit with him but at least this time he had asked whilst looking at her. She sat down across from him.

“I trust that you are well,” the Prince said very calmly. Saja narrowed her gaze. She wanted to get straight to the point. There was no need to beat around the bush.

“I am not well, actually,” Saja replied.

“Why is that?” he asked as if he did not know the answer already.

“You knew that I intended to leave and yet you held me here against my will.”

Ignoring her comment, “I do not like your clothes,” he replied. She had changed into white leggings and a grey t-shirt.

“I do not care what you think of my dress sense.” What do my clothes have to do with you? Saja asked herself. He grunted in response. He was starting to get a feel for what she was like and he was not pleased. “I wish to go home,” she added.

“I understand that.”

“Well then, call off your guards and make it happen.”

Mona and one of the other maids, Amber, stood there in disbelief. They had never witnessed anyone speak to the Prince the way Saja did. Clearly, she was not from around here and did not fear him.

“I do not respond well to demands,” the Prince replied silkily. He still appeared relaxed and kept eye contact with Saja.

“Neither do I,” Saja replied. He smirked as he stood up. Clearly, she was challenging him. “I shall leave tomorrow morning,” Saja told him as he headed for the door. He paused halfway and turned to look at her.

“I do not think you are grasping the magnitude of the situation,” he said to her. Saja frowned. What was he on about now? “Your father entrusted you to me. Therefore, you belong to me and I will do as I please with you. The rules are different here,” he added. Saja's jaw dropped.

“BELONG?!” Saja shouted. She had managed to keep her temper until this point. She couldn't keep it any longer. “I am not a piece of property and I certainly do not belong to you. You can't keep me here against my will,” she added. Mona and Amber stared at the floor. The situation was getting more and more uncomfortable for them.

“We will see about that and that attitude,” the Prince said and headed out of her quarters. He was not impressed with her tone. He never had a woman raise her voice to him like that. She needed to be tamed.

“What just happened?” Saja asked Mona and Amber. “How dare he? Just who does he think he is? I am leaving this place in the morning.” Her hands were shaking from anger.

“Ma'am, the Prince's word is law. It will be hard for you to get around it,” Mona said softly, trying not to provoke her any further.

“Law? Simply because he is a prince, he thinks that he has the right to be arrogant and controlling?”

Mona shrugged, “It has always been this way.”

“Well, I have a phone! And the internet! We’re not in the 15th century anymore - I’ll just call the police.”

“You’re in Quabeca now, the police all report to the Prince. And any foreign calls with be monitored. I am sorry Saja, there is nothing we can do to help,” Amber said gently.

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