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“We were instructed not to allow you to leave.”

“By whom?”

“The Prince.”

Saja blinked a couple of times before she responded. “Why would he do that?” she asked.

“I am sorry but that is all the information we received.”

“Then let me go speak with him.”

“He is busy at the moment. He will come to you.”

Saja dropped the suitcase and placed her hands on her hips. She was being held hostage! She could not believe it. During breakfast, she had told him that she was going to leave and he had not said anything to stop her. Now, he was not letting her leave. That did not make any sense.

Mona picked up Saja's suitcase and dragged it back to the closet while one of the guards closed the door. Saja started pacing up and down. She was trying to keep her temper in check. The situation was so frustrating for her. Firstly, her so-called father had insisted that she come here and then told her she was betrothed. As if she was going to go through with it! Then she was stuck in this strange man's house and he would not let her leave.

Saja went to call her mother. She had to do something to take her mind off the situation. She had to stay calm and save it for the Prince. Oh yes she had a few choice words for him, thinking he could control her, holding her hostage in his house. He did not know her and he had another thing coming.

Chapter 4

Saja conferenced her mother and best friend, Jordan, in Skype. She needed to vent to the both of them. Whenever she needed to clear her mind or she needed advice, they were the two people she went to first.

“Saja!” Jordan said cheerfully as soon as she picked up.

“I am so infuriated,” Saja voiced out.

“What happened dear?” her mother asked. Saja was pacing up and down in her bedroom. She paused half way and looked at the laptop screen.

“This man, my so-called betrothed, will not allow me to leave this place. I am being held hostage. Can you believe that?” she shouted at the screen. Her mother and Jordan both gasped.

“Why would he do that?” Jordan yelled out.

“I have no idea,” Saja threw her hands in the air. That was the same question she had been asking herself and trying to answer. It did not make any sense at all.

“I suspect that your father had something to do with it,” her mother said.

“That man is not my father!” Saja snapped.

“Is your husband to-be attractive?” Jordan asked with a smirk on her face. Saja walked towards the laptop, sat down and stared into the camera with a blank face.

“Is that even important right now?” she asked Jordan.

“Well, I'm curious.”

“He's fine.”

“Just fine?”

“Look, I was not sizing him up or taking notes. But if you must know, he is also impolite, so I could care less about his looks.”

“You will not consider getting to know him?” her mother asked.

“Mother, no!” Saja was shocked that her mother would even ask her that.

“Relax darling, I am pulling your leg,” her mother laughed softly.

After complaining and venting, Saja finally calmed down. Speaking to the both of them always did her good. When the call ended, she lay on her bed and waited for the Prince. He had a lot of explaining to do.

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