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Simon hated being blindsided.

He strode down the hall toward the royal apartments, focused like an arrow on his target, anger burning a hole in his gut. Earlier today he’d been at a meeting at a men’s club—which stank of cigars, but seemed to be necessary to the political elite in Escona—and had sat next to a member of the country’s old guard. The man apparently hadn’t held a position of power over others beyond forcing them to sit through his stories for years, and he’d taken great pleasure in cornering the new king and telling him all about how much Simon was like his father. Simon’s father was a great man, so Simon hadn’t minded the long-winded story—something about not killing all the deer in a residential part of Escona after an accident involving the man’s cousin—until the old guard had said that Simon and his father were both pushovers.

Simon had been stunned into silence, which the storyteller had only taken as encouragement. He’d related the rest in one of those quiet tones that was sympathetic on the surface but oozed self-importance beneath that: he’d heard Penelope was very much in charge of and still earning money from her toy company—the man thought Simon had more ethics than to promote a national education initiative that would most likely heavily line his wife’s pockets.

Simon had managed to graciously back out of the conversation at that point, but inside he was shocked and seething. He’d given up everything for Penelope and Escona, and he’d thought she’d done the same. Why had she misled him? Hadn’t they promised each other complete honesty? And now that they’d consummated, honorably backing out of the marriage—if he’d wanted to do that, which he didn’t, but still—wasn’t even an option anymore.

He stormed (politely, because there were housekeepers in the hall and they’d done nothing to earn his wrath) toward the royal apartments and his wife, planning to give her a sizeable piece of his mind.

But he found her ready for a fight too.

When he pushed open the door to her writing room, she was sitting at her desk, scribbling out a letter with angry strokes of her pen. She glanced up when he entered and saw the emotion on his face. Her eyes narrowed.

“Did the meeting not go how you wanted?” she asked cattily. “Bad day at the men’s club sauna?”

“I wasn’t at the sauna, I was suffering through endless stories about the good old days. What’s got your panties in a twist?”

She huffed, flinging her pen to the table. “I spent the whole day doing interviews with magazines to promote the education initiative, but somehow two thirds of the talk always ended up being centered on ‘what did you wear?’ Is that all anyone even cares about? I have more important legislation to pass than wearing white after Escona Day!”

Simon had meant to lay into her about the toy company, but he hadn’t expected to find her so angry herself—and damn, she was hot when she was catty. He tried to focus. “Please. Try sitting three hours in a room that stinks of cigar smoke with old men who rattle on forever about the good old days. You’ll wish you were only being asked about your clothes.”

She stood up, knocking the chair backwards as it scraped a complaint against the wood floors, and stalked toward him. “Don’t try to belittle my struggles. I’m the first young Queen in nearly two decades. I have to make them see me as more than a royal supermodel or I’ll never get anything done. You have nothing to complain about. Everyone already takes you seriously.”

She stabbed a finger into his chest. He caught it. She pulled away, but he was either going to kiss her or yell at her some more, and he really didn’t like yelling at her. So he yanked her into him—she stumbled, caught off guard—and slanted his lips across hers in a punishing kiss. After a moment, she reciprocated, biting down a bit too hard on his lower lip. He muffled a curse and she pulled back, smirking up at him, eyes smoky with heat—from both anger and desire, if he wasn’t mistaken.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “You think you can dish it out without taking any yourself? I have had a hell of a day, mister, and if you think—”

He silenced her with another hard kiss. This time she scraped her fingernails across his back, then grasped his collar and yanked down hard, popping his buttons.

“Fuck, that was my favorite shirt,” he said, staring down at his now-bare chest in consternation.

“Too bad,” she snarked. “Take it off. The pants too.”

Glaring, he obeyed, but tore her shirt open in retaliation. Half her chest was now exposed, her breasts heaving inside a lacy black bra. He stood back. “Your turn,” he said, his tone rough and demanding. “Take it off.”

She swept the blouse and bra off, then stomped back toward him, skirt swishing around her legs. Before she could reach him, though, he grabbed her arm and spun her around. He snatched up a handful of her skirt, pulled it up, tugged her panties off and bent her over the desk. Then his own boxers were on the floor.

He slid a finger inside her. She was wet and tight and he wanted her right now. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” he said roughly. His cock was already aching, rock-solid, a drop of pre-cum beading on the tip.

She grabbed onto the corners of the desk. “Yeah? Prove it, tough guy.”

He kicked her feet apart and drove himself into her. His fingers gripped her hips, and she wiggled her ass, lifting it higher as he set a punishing rhythm. That was good. Fuck, this was just what he needed, hard and fast and angry—but she pulled away after a moment, spinning around and pushing him to the floor, turning the tables as she took control of the lovemaking. She shoved him back on the carpet then lifted a leg over his hips. She paused then, teasing him cruelly, smirking as she rubbed her slick folds up and down his length without taking him back inside her. He reached down and grabbed her hips, trying to position her where he wanted her, but she grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the carpet. Then, slowly, teasingly, she eased herself onto his cock. He groaned and thrust hard and she smiled, grinding in slow circles when he wanted to fuck her rough and quick.

“Yeah,” she moaned, throwing her head back. Her dark hair tumbled in waves over her bare shoulders as her frilly skirt pooled around her. He needed it off, he wanted to see. He gathered himself and flipped them over until she was beneath him, glaring and panting. He smiled in victory and pulled out just long enough to yank her skirt off, then plunged into her hilt-deep. He took her again and again, marking her as his with each hard thrust, and she locked her ankles around his back and dug her fingernails into his shoulders to make her own mark.

“Fuck, yes,” she gasped. “Make me come, Simon.”

“Always ordering people around,” he growled, and took a nipple in his mouth, delaying both their climaxes as he forced himself to hold still instead of continuing to drive himself into her the way he wanted.

She reached down and grasped his balls, massaging them with one hand, and he cursed at how good it felt. When he managed to resist the impulse to thrust, she pouted and moved her hand between them and rubbed at her clit, writhing and whimpering as she pleasured herself.

“Damn it all to hell, that’s my job,” he muttered, and shoved her fingers away so he could tweak her clit himself. He plunged into her again, filling her until he was balls-deep. She arched against him, changing the angle, taking him even deeper as she gasped his name. “Come for me,” he ordered, and she did. Her muscles shuddered around his cock, wet and tight and heavenly as she shouted. His thrusts grew more chaotic as he worked toward his own climax and then he was pumping into her and crying out his own release.

Then they slumped, anger and passion equally spent, and spiraled slowly back to Earth. “Hell,” she managed after a few minutes, “I should be angry more often.”

He chuckled and rolled off her, going to clean up and returning a moment later with two robes. He offered her one. “You definitely should,” he agreed, “if it leads to more of that.” He sat on the ground next to her, feeling boneless and sated.

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