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“I like him, too,” Wyatt admitted. “He’s a good man, but he’s not from here, Kristy. Eventually, he’s going to leave.”

“I know that,” she said taking a deep breath.

“Are you going to go with him?”

“Oh.” Stunned, she dropped the brush and bit her bottom lip. Moving slowly to pick it up, she mulled over his question. She could only come to one conclusion. “He hasn’t asked me, so it’s not really an issue yet.”

“Yet, being the operative word,” he grunted. “I want you to be happy, baby. You know that. Right?”

Smiling, she reached out and grabbed his arm. Her father was a good man. He was the strong, silent type, and she knew that talking to his daughter about these things made him uncomfortable. “I know, Daddy. Right now, I’m getting to know the man. I promise that if things get more serious, I’ll talk with you about it.”

He nodded his head and squeezed her hand. “When you finish up here, will you head into town and pick up the food for the dogs?”

“Sure thing.” Left alone, she finished grooming the horses and tried to focus on her job, but her mind was far away. Did Kashif envision a future after leaving the farm? Did she?

Stopping by the practice track, she sighed and watched him drive. She missed him when he was gone, and she was happy when he was there. Despite knowing the obstacles between them, she couldn’t help but think of them together when she thought of the future.


He stopped the sled in front of her, and her stomach flipped in anticipation. “Are we on for dinner?” he asked in a seductive voice.

“Can’t wait.”

Resting her head on his stomach, she smiled sleepily as he played with her hair. The television screen flickered in the darkness, and she lifted her head and smiled at him. “You don’t ever talk about your family,” she whispered.

Kashif stroked her cheek and shifted as he pulled her up on the couch so she could snuggle under his arm. “You never asked. What do you want to know?”

“Your father runs a whole country. That has to be stressful.”

“My father is a beloved man. He’s strict and hard, but he’s a good man.” Kashif stroked her cheek, and she felt a shudder go through her body. Wrapping an arm around his hard chest, she reveled in the feel of him.

“What about your brothers?”

“My youngest brother is a good guy. He’s fun-loving. I always joke that he has it the easiest because our father has no expectations of him. Jarik is more like our father. He’s serious and responsible. I sometimes think that he’d make a better Sheikh.”

“You don’t think that you’ll make a good ruler? I think you will.”

“Really?” he smiled indulgently at her. “Do tell.”

“And stroke your ego?” she laughed. “You don’t need it.”

“I don’t?” he reached over and started tickling her. “Tell me!”

Shrieking with laughter, she struggled half-heartedly to get away from him, but he was soon on top of her. Clasping her wrists in his hands, he lifted them above her head. “Tell me,” he commanded again.

“I shouldn’t have to tell you,” she said softly. “You should have confidence in yourself. I’ve seen you with the people in the town. You’re kind and attentive. Even though you don’t know them, you listen to them and ask after their families. You’re an alpha male, but you care about those under you. You’re brilliant and driven.”

“Alpha?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Did you just compare me to your dogs?”

“Only a couple of them.” Kristy smiled as she teased him. He slid his hands under her shirt, but he no longer tickled her. Instead, his touch was slow and scorching.

“Kristy,” he whispered. “Do you have any idea how I feel about you?”

Her heart skipped a beat. “No. How do you feel about me?”

Stroking her bare skin below her breast, he stared at her, and she saw the strange anguish on his face. Afraid that he might say something that she couldn’t bear to hear, she tugged her arms free and framed his face. “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me.”

“I don’t even know how to begin to tell you. Let me show you. Please,” he pleaded.

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