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“You have a one-track mind.” Leading him to the living room, she stepped away and watched him anxiously. “It’s not your mother’s decorations and really, the choices weren’t all that great. It’s probably going to look tacky, but I thought that it might take your mind off things. We could decorate it together.”

“Poppy,” he whispered and drew her into his arms. “This is absolutely perfect.”

Sighing, she rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he held her. In that moment, she knew that Samir wasn’t just using her for random entertainment. No matter what the future held, at least she would have this moment and know that it was real.

“I used to love Christmas,” she admitted. “When my grandmother got too old, I started doing more to help out around the house. My father and my brothers were close, but they were gone a lot on hunting trips. I cooked and helped keep the house clean. Christmas was the one time where we would all be together, and I could feel special.

“When my grandmother passed away, I did my best to duplicate her recipes, but I was not a fantastic cook. Still, my family pretended it was the best food they ever had. Then, one year, I knew that everything was perfect. It was a big deal too because my father was bringing over his girlfriend to meet us all. I couldn’t wait to impress everyone. Instead, she’d taken one taste of the food and given me the most patronizing look. She told my family that the lamb was dry, but we shouldn’t expect anything more from a child. She said that it was lucky that she came along when she did.”

“Oh, Poppy,” Samir said as he tightened his hold on her. “That must have hurt.”

“My father married her a few months later, and she took over everything. My brothers loved her, and I should have felt happy since I had less to do, but I felt pushed aside. When I went away to college, my family actually seemed surprised that I had returned that first year for Christmas. When I didn’t come back for Christmas the next year, no one even acknowledged it. I left to study abroad the year after that. I occasionally get an email, but I didn’t even get an acknowledgement of my last birthday. Sometimes I think that they blame me for my mother leaving us, and now that they have a stepmother, I don’t matter anymore.”

Pulling back, she gave him a stiff smile. “That’s why I don’t love Christmas.”

“Tonight, we’ll change that,” Samir promised her. “I’m going to give you one good Christmas memory.”

“Even though you have no idea where your brothers are and someone is trying to kill you?”

“I’m not going to think about that right now. I’m going to decorate this tree with you. We’re going to finish that bottle of wine. And then I’m going to make love to you all night long. Slow and sweet. I’m going to love every inch of your body the way it’s meant to be loved.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “And here I was trying to cheer you up.”

“Oh, Poppy. You have no idea how much brighter you make everything.” He leaned down and kissed her seductively. Afterward, he did everything that he promised to do.


Despite his body being sated, Samir still couldn’t sleep. Poppy’s naked body looked inviting under the moonlight, but he knew that she was sleeping soundly. Even though his body stirred at the swell of her bottom under the sheets, he pushed the thoughts away and slipped quietly from the bed.

The night had been wonderful, and Samir knew he’d never forget it, but he couldn’t stop worrying about his brothers. Despite their differences, he loved his brothers, and he couldn’t stop fearing that they were dead.

He no doubt had a string of women who wanted him dead, Jarik had a few secrets that he was tight lipped about, and Kashif had some political enemies, but as a family, they were beloved by the country. Samir couldn’t think of a single person who would want them all dead.

Hearing the unmistakable sound of the front door opening and closing, Samir tensed. Opening the bedroom door a crack, he sighed with relief when he saw Melka glaring at the Christmas tree.

“What did you find?” Samir whispered when he stepped through the door and closed it carefully behind him. Melka whirled around.

“When I sent her out for errands, this is not what I had in mind,” he growled.

Samir smiled. “She wanted to cheer me up. There are leftovers for you if you’re in the mood for a midnight dinner.”

“Cheer you up, huh?” Melka sighed and shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so blind before.”

“I’m not blind.” Samir sighed. “I think I might be falling for her. I haven’t felt this way about anyone since…well, I’m sure you know. Anyway, we can talk about that when I’m sure she’s not going to get hit by shrapnel aimed at me. What did you discover?”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. I’ve got some bad news, Samir.”

He felt a hand close around his fist. “Did someone die in the explosi

on?” he whispered.

“No,” Melka shook his head and crossed the room. “It was a cabin about six miles south of the safe house at the far end of the property. Thankfully, the cabin was empty because nothing would have survived the blast.”

Feeling queasy, Samir reached out to brace himself against the wall. “Maybe it has nothing to do with us. After all, it’s not our cabin.”

“It has everything to do with you, but the bomber wasn’t after your cabin. Does it seem odd that Poppy would keep you at arm’s length only to let you seduce her? That she would put all this together to make you feel better when she barely knows you?”

Samir looked up sharply. “What the hell are you talking about?”

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