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Talib had met briefly with Sheikh Kamal, leaving PJ alone as she participated in a telephone conference with the rest of the team and Slade. He and several other operatives were already in the air headed for Jawhara, but would not be in country for at least another twelve hours.

“Talib, Erin is my heart,” Kamal said softly, watching Talib from across his office.

“Your Majesty, if it is within my power, I will return Miss Malone to you shortly.”

Kamal looked at his head of security and his younger cousin. The two men had grown up around each other, and Talib had never once bemoaned his station in life. After he and Khalil had returned from college, Talib had assumed his role within the palace, and Kamal realized he had never once given any thought as to what Talib wanted to do with his life. It had always been assumed that he would continue to serve the brothers as he had in the past. As a protector. As a confidant. As a companion.

“Talib, I want you to know that your willingness to serve the people of Jawhara is much appreciated,” Kamal began.

Talib grew uncomfortable with Kamal’s praise, not liking to be in the spotlight, preferring to stay in the shadows and just perform his duties. “Your Majesty…”

“Min fadlak! Let me have my say! I just want you to know that I personally appreciate everything you do for not only Jawhara, but myself. It has not gone unnoticed.”

Talib swallowed back his reply, choosing instead to simply nod his head in acceptance, in hopes that Kamal would stop this type of talk. He much preferred him as the strong, alpha leader of a country; one that answered to no one but himself and made no excuses for his actions, nor expected to receive anyone’s approval but his own. Talib had admired that character trait of his older cousin since he was a young man, trying to emulate it whenever possible.

Kamal wasn’t a dictator like so many other Arab leaders; he was a fair and just man, but was known for being decisive and consistent. Talib appreciated the fact that Kamal’s reactions were very predictable – except for this instance.

He knew Erin’s kidnapping had shaken his ruler. He also knew that Kamal had deep feelings for the American woman, but until this moment hadn’t realized how much those emotions had affected his thinking and judgment.

“Your Majesty, have you contacted the new Sumari leadership yet?”

Kamal nodded his head, “I spoke with them over an hour ago. They are presently rounding up and arresting everyone who is a known member of the extremist group they can find. They have promised to offer whatever help is needed and to prosecute the perpetrators of this crime against Jawhara in any way I see suitable.”

Talib raised an eyebrow, “They do not wish to prosecute them according to Sumari law?”

Kamal shook his head, “No. They are in a very delicate stage of gaining citizen support and to execute very prominent leaders would only serve to weaken their cause. They have promised to have anyone directly responsible for today’s attack delivered to Jawhara when the time comes for prosecution under our law.

”They are still claiming that the peace agreement was not a façade and that they believe the young kidnapper is working on his own out of revenge for his father’s death.”

“Is that likely?” Talib asked.

“Does it matter? He has dared to threaten one under my protection. He, and anyone working with him, will pay the ultimate price.”

Talib nodded his head, knowing that Jawharan justice would call for the immediate death of all those involved. Unlike the American justice system, there was no judge and jury in Jawhara. There was only Sheikh Kamal, the accused, and the facts. As Sheikh, Kamal made all judgments of innocence and guilty on his own – rarely asking his brother or other advisers for input.

“I will make sure everything is readied when the time comes,” he assured Kamal, speaking of the gallows that would n

eed to be erected in the prison yard. Executions were rare in Jawhara, because the people respected their leadership, and the swift way justice was meted out tended to discourage felonious behavior. “I will also make sure the proper discourse is released to the media personnel who I am told are even now en route to Jawhara.”

“Shit!” Kamal growled.

Talib hid his smile. Kamal had picked up several American curse words during his time at university, choosing to use them in times of distress rather than disrespect the Arab language with demeaning words or gestures. Talib and Khalil had laughed about this for years, chalking it up to one of Kamal’s little idiosyncrasies.

Kamal saw the grin Talib was trying to hide and then realized what he’d done. “Forgive me. This situation is taxing my ability to remain civil.”

Talib gave his ruler a nod and a grin, “Understandable. I will be in contact as soon as the com unit is in place. You have the frequencies they will be transmitting on. If anything changes, please let Brett know. He will be running lead on the stationary team until Slade arrives.”

“I wish you well my friend. I will expect to see my bride at your side when you return.”

Talib took that as a dismissal and quickly left Kamal’s apartments. He had a job to do and was anxious to get going. He hoped PJ had finished her business and was ready as well.

PJ had finished her conversation with Slade, made final preparations with her teammates, and then gathered up her gear for their mission. Slade had been concerned about her being alone and without backup, but once he had heard that Talib was going to be travelling with her, he had grown quiet and given his approval.

PJ had assured him that she was up for the task and he promised to join up with the second team as soon as he could. PJ hoped that by the time he landed, they would have Miss Malone in custody and the Islamic extremist group under control.

The rest of her team had already left the palace twenty minutes ago, using the Sheikh’s private helicopter to deliver them inside Sumari by the quickest route. They were all the backup Talib and she would have during the first stages of this mission. The sooner they established a communications channel, the better.

For her part, she was still trying to figure out how to don the elaborate headdress one of the palace maids had procured for her when Talib arrived.

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