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“Yeah, a job. I was an MP in the military. The thought of sitting behind a desk for the rest of my life didn’t hold any appeal. Slade took me in and the guys have been great about helping me learn what I didn’t know, and improve on areas I was weak in.”

Talib watched her before asking, “So how does that translate to you being in charge of this particular mission?”

“That’s easy. Your boss hired us to watch his fiancé. Somehow the fact that she’s pregnant got lost, but nevertheless, Slade thought it might be easier to ensure her safety if I was on point. I can go places the men can’t.”

Talib nodded, “Yes, that is true. You seem to like this type of work.”

“I do. But it’s become more than work, it’s kind of like a second family now.” PJ shook her head and then turned the conversation to him, “So what’s your story?”

Talib smiled at her, allowing her to change the subject, “My mother was sister to the former Sheikha. Sheikh Kamal and his brother are my cousins.”

“So, you’re related to the throne, but yet you work for them?” PJ asked, not sure she had followed his connection to the royal family.

“It is different here. All children born to the Sheikh are considered royal, but only male heirs can inherit. Since I am only related to the royal family by the marriage of my aunt, I am not really considered royal. Nor would I want to be. I am very content managing the security for my cousins.

“I had the benefit of being born only a few months before Khalil, Sheikh Kamal’s younger brother. I was given all of the same training they had, attended the same schools and everything in between, but I don’t have the responsibility that comes with the title. I like things the way they are.”

PJ nodded, “I can see that. So,” she paused, “are we going after the girl?”

“Yes. Assemble your team while I procure a map of the area. We need to put together a plan and then I will call the palace. I assume you have brought along an assortment of gadgets and such that might be useful.”

PJ grinned and nodded, “You know it! Slade sent along a little bit of everything. I’m sure we can find plenty of things to play with while we look for the missing bride-to-be.”

Talib laughed at her and shooed her away, “Good! Get to it then!” He watched her call the American men back over, pleased to see the way they interacted with her, treating her as an equal while yet respecting the fact that she was a woman. A difficult task for most men, but Slade’s crew handled themselves expertly. A fact that made Talib very happy indeed. He had enough on his plate without having to defend PJ’s honor.

Chapter 4

Kamal paced his chambers in the palace, anxious for word from Talib about Erin. I should have never let her go this morning! When I get her back, I’m going to lock her up and throw away the key!

Hearing the soft knock on his door, he called out for them to enter, struggling to contain his anger and present a calm façade to whomever had the courage to visit him now.

He looked towards the doors, pleased to see Erin’s parents being escorted into the room by one of his ever-efficient household personnel. “Shukran!” Kamal told the young girl as she bowed her head and backed from the room, closing the door behind her.

Turning to address Erin’s parents, he stepped towards them, shaking their hands in turn, “It is a pleasure to meet the two people responsible for taking care of my Erin. I only regret she cannot be here to greet you in person at this time.”

Tom Malone shook his hand and then asked, “No word on where she is yet?”

Kamal shook his head, “I’m afraid not. Talib went straight out to the refugee camp, but he hasn’t checked back in yet. I am sure everything possible is being done to locate Erin.”

“Mr. El-Jawhara…,” Patty Malone began, only to be cut off.

“Please, Mrs. Malone. Call me Kamal when we are in private.”

“And when we’re in public?” Patty asked, watching his face and liking the strength she saw there. This man was very agitated at having lost her daughter, yet he managed to maintain his control and project a calm façade. Very nice! Just what Erin needs in her life.

“Your Majesty would be the correct form of address.” Kamal watched Erin’s parents as they digested this information, pleased when they merely looked at each other and then nodded in his direction.

“I’ll try to remember that….Your Majesty,” Patty Malone replied with a small bow and a teasing smile.

Kamal was charmed by her ability to tease him in face of the news that her daughter had been kidnapped by neighboring rebels. Sobering, he gestured for the couple to join him in the large sitting room.

“I assure you, we will find Erin.”

“Kamal, we know you’re doing everything you can. Talib seems very capable of handling whatever situation our daughter has gotten herself into.” Turning to address his wife, Tom commented, “That girl is a trouble magnet. Ever since she was six…”

Patty laid a hand over her husband’s lips, silencing him with a wink, “There’s no reason to go into all of that now.” Looking at Kamal, she smiled, “I’m sure he’s already aware of her propensity to find trouble. I would love to hear how you met our daughter.”

Kamal smiled at Patty, very aware that she was doing her best to distrac

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