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Kale hissed out a breath at her first touch; at this rate, she would never touch the water. Control! He needed to maintain his control just a little longer.

Grasping at whatever he could to distract himself, he took the bottle of sunscreen from her and looked at the bottle before shaking his head. There was no way he could maintain his control if he had to put his hands upon all of that wonderful bare skin!

Seeing him shaking his head, Shira reached for her sunscreen, “What?”

“I have other sunscreen that is much better.” And it comes in an aerosol spray can. No touching or rubbing required!

Shira shook her head, “I’ll just use this one. I’m allergic to most other sunscreens. The PABA in them causes a red rash to break out on my skin that itches and burns worse than any sunburn. This one comes from my dermatologist’s office and doesn’t make me break out.”

Kale bit the inside of his cheek in frustration. So much for keeping his hands to himself! He quickly realized that his plans for showing her his country, feeding her well and then taking her to bed needed to be readjusted. Once he got his hands on her, there would be no holding back the chemistry between them.

“Why don’t you pick a lounge chair and get settled? I need to speak to the staff for a few minutes and then I will join you.”

“Will you help me put my sunscreen on?” Shira asked, knowing that she was asking for much more and liking the heat that flared brighter in his gaze as he nodded is assent. “Good.”

Kale closed his eyes and struggled to keep from hauling her off her feet and taking her right there in the sand. Once he had control, he said something in Arabic and two uniformed palace employees presented themselves. He quickly gave orders for a meal to be prepared and left in the cabana for them. He then dismissed them, telling them not to return again until tomorrow morning, and to bring breakfast when they came.

His informed his bodyguards that he would be spending the night in the cabana and that he did not wish for any interruptions. They nodded in understanding and soon had disappeared from sight.

He turned back and watched as Shira settled herself upon one of the chaise lounges. She had chosen one receiving full sun and he shook his head at her. She wasn’t used to the harsh sun that beat down upon Jawhara, and even with her special sunscreen, her skin would look like a boiled lobster if she spent too long lying in it.

Chapter 8

Approaching her on silent feet, he grinned when she jumped at the touch of his cool hand upon her shoulder. Looking down into her upturned face, he couldn’t resist dropping to his knees and taking her mouth with his own. After devouring her for several minutes, he encouraged her to lie the chaise down and turn over to lie on her stomach.

Shira rolled over once the back of the lounger had been lowered, cradling her cheek against her hands and trying to relax. She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the waves rolling in, the seagulls chattering in the distance, and then she heard the sunscreen lid snap open.

She tried to relax her muscles, but the anticipation of finally having Kale’s hands upon her bare skin was too much and when he placed both hands high on her shoulders, she couldn’t help the reflective shiver that travelled through her.

As she felt his hands begin to massage her muscles, she relaxed into his caress, floating in a state of mindlessness.

Kale felt her relax beneath his hands and continued to massage her shoulders and upper back until she melted beneath his touch. Placing more sunscreen in his palms, he let his hands move down her spine, pushing lightly along each side, smiling at her moan of pleasure when he reached her low back. He used his thumbs to push along the waistband of her too small bottoms, and only when she began to squirm beneath his touch, did he let his thumbs push beneath the band - seeking out the dimples he knew he would find where her spine ended.

Shira was in heaven. Kale’s touch having sent her there. She wanted to insist he move his hands a little lower, and when he finally did, she sighed in pleasure and then moaned as her desire climbed another notch. She could feel the moisture pooling in her center and hoped that she wasn’t completely soaking the bottom of the suit.

Kale leaned over her back and could smell her arousal. Using his large hands, he molded the curves of her ass, squeezing once before allowing his hands to skim down the length of her legs. The muscles were a testament to the level of activity she normally kept and he made a mental note to show her the palace gym when they returned. He had also been informed of her running activities. That was not an activity his countrymen normally engaged in and he would have to discuss the issue with Kamal to find a solution. He wanted his woman to be happy and not feel like she was giving up things in order to remain in Jawhara.

When he reached her feet, he took them in his hands separately, using his thumbs to press against the soles and arch of each foot. Shira had started to pull her feet away from him, ticklish and not wanting to disrupt the chemistry between them by giggling, but when his sure touch only brought forth more pleasure, she couldn’t stop the loud groan from leaving her mouth.

“You like?” he asked.

“Yes. Who knew my feet could…,” she trailed off as another wave of lust clouded her thinking.

“The feet are very sensitive and one of the body’s erogenous zones. Many people do not know this.”

“I’m so glad you do,” she murmured, longing to feel his caress on other parts of her body. She was so turned on and he had yet to touch her breasts or her center.

“Turn over,” he instructed her, gathering more sunscreen in his palms.

Shira took a breath and then rolled over, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun. Kale saw her squint, reached up, and placed a pair of dark sunglasses over her eyes. “Better?”

“Yes,” she said, giving him a grateful smile and looking up at him. She watched his face as he began to apply the lotion to her arms. He appeared to be fascinated with his task and she had never felt so cared for in that moment. Kale moved to the front of her legs next, making short work of rubbing the lotion in. When he reached her upper thighs, he brushed lotion on her skin before gently pushing her legs apart and letting his fingertips skim her inner thighs. Shira wanted him to continue but before she could say anything, his hands were on her stomach.

Kale was so hard he could pound nails and the longer he touched her, the harder controlling his basic urges was becoming. When his fingertips skimmed the underside of her breasts, he looked up to see her watching him beneath half-closed eyes.

Wiping his hands on the towel nearby, he placed a hand on either side of her head and leaned over her, kissing her gently at first. When she instantly responded by licking his bottom lip, his control broke and he devoured her with his mouth. Imitating with his tongue what he soon intended to do with his body, he traced her teeth, the inside of

her cheek and the roof of her mouth.

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