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“Well, every job has to have some perks.” Slade chuckled, “I’ll be waiting for your return. Let us know when you leave the states and I’ll make sure we have extra security waiting for you when you land.”

“Will do. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I can

’t wait to meet your woman. Kamal tells me she is the perfect mate for you.”

Kale looked at Shira, who had been watching him the entire conversation and smiled at her, “Yes, she is perfect.”

Shira knew he was talking to someone about her, and smiled at him, a blush staining her cheeks at his words.

When he hung up, Kale pulled her to him and hugged her close, filling her in on the new threats that had been discovered and securing her promise to keep at least one bodyguard with her at all times, unless she was with him.

The threat to her wasn’t in the states, but once they returned to Jawhara, her life would be just as precious as Erin’s. He was taking no chances with her, now that he had found her.

Chapter 17

The refugee camps, Jawhara western border….

Erin walked amongst the refugee tents, pleased to see that many of the people not only bowed to her, but gave her shy smiles. They were growing to trust her more with each passing day and she hoped that their lives would return to normal when they were allowed to go home.

“Your Highness?” one of the new bodyguards called to her.

Erin turned to the young man with a raised eyebrow, “Yes?”

“Ma’am, there is a woman several rows over who is demanding to speak with you.”

“What does she want?” Erin asked, confused at the guards use of the word ‘demand’.

He shook his head, “I really have no idea. She said she would only speak directly to you.”

Erin glanced to where the rest of the palace detail were still handing out food packets and water. She had promised Kamal that she would take extra precautions and that included having several guards with her at all times.

“Where is her tent?” she inquired, straining to see where the young man pointed. It was less than a football field away, and Erin decided she could be there and back before anyone missed her. Kamal was anxious for her to return to the palace and had already called her cell phone six times in the last ten minutes. She found his concern for her pleasing, but sometimes if felt like she was being smothered by it. Hopefully, he would back off a little after the baby was born.

“Take me to her. We will go there and come straight back.”

The young man nodded and gestured for her to precede him through the tents.

Erin nodded at the people she passed, noticing that the farther they went, the less people were around. No one was outside the tent when they finally reached it and Erin looked at the guard, “Where is she?”

“I do not know, Your Highness.” He turned and called out something in Arabic, which Erin still couldn’t understand. She had managed to pick up a few words and phrases, but everyone spoke so quickly, she despaired of ever mastering their language.

When a faint reply was heard back, she waited for the guard to interpret for her. “She asks you to come inside. She is feeling poorly and is unable to walk.”

Erin had a fleeting moment of trepidation, but shoved it aside. They were surrounded by refugee tents, the palace guards and workers were only several hundred yards away, and she had an armed escort with her. What could possibly happen to her hear?

Smiling at the guard, she stepped to the tent, pushing aside the canvas and ducking her head, she entered, followed by the young guard.


PJ looked at the workers handing out food packets and water to the refugees, searching for some sign of the Erin Malone. She had seen the young woman this morning, dressed in a yellow pantsuit and grew alarmed when she could not immediately locate her.

Stepping up to the one of the guards, she gained his attention and asked, “Where is Miss Malone?”

The man looked around him for several seconds, scanning the area and then shrugged, “I don’t know. The last time I saw her she was over by those tents, speaking with a group of children.”

“Did she have an escort?” PJ asked, scanning the area around the tents and seeing no one.

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