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“It’s actually a good thing,” replied Damon, “It seems that word about our deal with Jawhara has spread and late last night I received calls from to other Arab nations who would like us to work on bids for their marketing campaigns as well.” Damon was grinning from ear to ear as he finished speaking.

“Really?! That’s great!” Shira exclaimed. This is what her bosses had been hoping for. International exposure and a client base around the world.

“Really!” answered Rick. “Anyway, there are delegations flying in from those countries over the next several days and the team is frantically pulling together those presentations.”

Shira’s heart dropped as she quietly asked, “Does that mean you’d like me to stay as well?” She had been looking for to seeing Kale again. She swallowed down her disappointment, not wanting her bosses to see how much she was really hoping they still intended to send her.

“That sacrifice will not be necessary,” came a familiar voice from just behind her.

Whirling around, Shira found herself looking up into the laughing brown eyes of Kale. “What are you doing here?” she asked, just before she found herself swept up in his muscular arms.

Hugging her close felt amazing, but remembering where they were, he quickly set her back down on her feet. “I am here to personally escort you to Jawhara.”

“But you said you needed to help your brother…” Shira tapered her speech off. She had spoken to Kale almost daily since his premature departure several weeks ago. They had talked about almost everything and she had grown attached to the man of character standing in front of her.

“Kam has everything well under control at this time. Besides, we are less than twenty-four hours away from Jawhara.” Turning to address her bosses, he shook their hands, “Gentlemen, thank you for everything. I will assist Miss Malone in getting her office set up and see that she has everything we discussed.”

Shira watched, confusion clouding her brain, as she listened to Kale and her bosses discuss her future. It didn’t sound like she was only going for a short visit! Looking at both Rick and Damon, she didn’t miss the glances they both threw her way as Kale finished discussing their travel plans.

“Kale, what..?”

“Come, Shira. The pilot is anxious to begin our flight, as am I.”

“But my luggage…”

“Has already been taken care of. Ahmed was waiting for it and has already delivered it to the jet. Say goodbye.”

Shira turned to her bosses, not liking the knowing grins upon their faces, and dutifully replied, “Goodbye.”

“Have fun, Shira. Take a few days to get acclimated and then give us a call. Rick and I have some ideas of what kinds of information and footage would work best in the ads.” Damon gave her a brief hug but quickly removed his arms at the low growl coming from Kale.

Shira looked at him over her shoulder, startled by the fierce look upon his face. When Rick pulled her to him for a brief hug, she watched, amazed, as Kale’s eyes narrowed and his fists clenched.

Before she could question him, he pulled her from Rick’s arms, wrapping one arm around her waist and anchoring her to his side. “Gentlemen.”

Khalil did not like seeing another man’s hands upon Shira. He found he was very possessive of her already, a good sign indeed. He had enjoyed their phone conversations over the last several weeks and was determined to make her fall in love with Jawhara and bind her to himself.

Protocol demanded that his older brother must marry first, but Kamal had already chosen his bride-to-be. Erin Malone, Shira’s cousin and roommate, might not know it yet, but she was destined to become the next Sheikha of Jawhara. Kamal had decided he wanted her, and his brother always got whatever he set his mind on. Always!

Escorting Shira through the security gate and customs booths, he then led her out to onto the tarmac to the private jet that was waiting to fly them to Jawhara. He glanced down at her several times, taking note of her wide eyes and the bemused expression upon her face. Shira didn’t appear to be one for surprises!

“Watch your step,” Kale told her as she began her ascent up the steep steps.

“Kale, I…” Shira began, stopping on the first step and turning to look at him.

Kale steadied her on the narrow step with his hands upon her waist, “Don’t be concerned, habibiti. Everything will work out just fine.” Using his hands to turn her back around, he gave her a gentle tap on her rear to get her moving again, “Up you go. Watch you head, I wouldn’t want you to injure yourself before we get airborne.”


Shira carefully stepped inside the private jet and gasped at the sheer elegance of the furnishings. Luxurious seating arrangements were scattered around the space, covered in butter-smooth leather with thick, plush carpet that begged her to remove her shoes and sink her toes into it.

A slender and elegant attendant stood towards the back of the space, dressed in a sleek navy blue uniform with her hair pulled tightly back at the base of her neck. Shira looked at her face, hoping for some sort of recognition, slightly alarmed when the young woman ignored her presence, only coming to life when Kale entered the plane behind her.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness.”

Shira turned to Kale, a question upon her face, “Your Highness? But I thought Kam…”

“All Crown Princes are referred to in this way. Kamal’s correct title is Your Majesty. I trust you can remember that?” Kale looked at her and when she nodded, smiled and gestured for her to take a seat.

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