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Margot cried out in delight as he bucked up beneath her. He propped himself on his forearms, clenched his ass muscles, and lifted his hips; she clung on and rode every up and down movement, tightening her knees and hiking her legs up on either side of his waist. His pelvic thrusts were strong, controlled, and uninterrupted. It was as if her weight atop him meant nothing, and sh

e marveled at how easy he made it look...but it was hard to concentrate on something as G-rated as Eddie's form when he was busy pumping himself inside her. She cried out and planted her hands on his chest. His skin was already slick with sweat from their exertions, and it would only be harder to find purchase as they proceeded.

But Margot was up for the challenge.

"Are you...familiar...with this one?" Eddie's eyes were so dark they had to be all pupil as he watched her ride him. The flames off the candles surrounding them glimmered in the depths of his gaze.

The same strand of errant hair fell into her eyes as she bounced. Margot blew a defiant gust of breath to push it back. Her hands were tasked with keeping herself balanced atop the surging body beneath her. "I'm familiar." She bit the words out quickly before their jouncing drew another moan. "What else you got?"

"I don't know if you can handle it."

Margot scoffed at his cockiness. When Eddie next lowered himself to the mat, she planted her knees and moved her body in a series of feline undulations. "Why don't you show me, hot-shot?"

"I'd love to."

Eddie surged forward, seizing hold of her thighs to keep them tightly wrapped around him as he upended her. It was the same strength of his arms that she had been admiring that kept her from falling backward on her ass now. She cried out in momentary protest, so sure the maneuver would cause his cock to slip free from her and put an abrupt pause to intercourse, but his hips followed hers closely. He laid her down and shoved his hands along the insides of her legs, coaxing them up over his shoulders. Margot arched and hissed as she eased into the stretch. Thankfully, she kept herself warmed-up and flexible most intimate detail that Eddie was privy to since their first night together. She still remembered the look that had crossed his face when he realized the possibilities her own athleticism brought to the bedroom. He had certainly tried to get her into every possible position he could at the time.

They had both thought it was a one-night fling, after all. They had made drunken love that first go-around like they were running out of time.

Now, Eddie seemed intent on learning every inch of her at his own excruciating pace. His hands trailed up her legs, wicking perspiration. Margot moaned and trembled beneath him. She loved the searing burn of her muscles at work, locking into their new position hooked around his shoulders. Eddie circled her ankles with his fingers and clenched, holding her firmly in place. He started to surge forward into her again, and Margot raised her hips up off the mat to better accommodate their new position. The slap of flesh rang louder, increasing in frequency as Eddie started to lose the last vestiges of his control.

"Eddie..." Her own cry of pleasure cut her off. She wasn't even sure what she had been about to say. Maybe she'd only been gearing up to beg him aloud for what her body already told him it wanted.

Eddie pumped into her harder, faster, with an answering groan that sounded like he had intended for it to be a real response. His cock felt so rigid and unrelenting thrusting inside her that Margot couldn't remember a world without it. Her focus had narrowed to that single, overactive point where their fevered bodies joined; her hips moved to meet him as if someone else was pulling them on a string. She didn't have to worry anymore, or plan, or even think. Her body was on blissful autopilot, putting her through the necessary motions that would lead her to that ultimate...

"Ah! Oh, God, Eddie! I'm coming!"

Margot froze and reached for him, and Eddie gave her himself to hold onto. He let go of her legs so they could fall and wrap around his waist; she hooked her ankles and clenched as he buried himself deeply inside her. He craned forward, pushing their chests together, sealing her cries with the hot, wet press of his mouth. It was the sensation of his lips that put her over the edge. Margot returned his kiss with a passion that should have burned them both up as she came in a burst of incendiary pleasure. Orgasm rolled through her in warm, cresting waves; her thoughts fragmented and were pulled out to sea. She sank back into complete bliss.

Distantly, she felt Eddie shudder on top of her. She threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled him in close as he came; she laved her tongue along the hot seam of his lips until he opened it, groaning, and let her slip inside. He spent himself between her thighs and collapsed heavily atop her.

Margot stroked his forehead, enjoying the feel of him resting in her arms. After a moment, he lifted his head. His rich auburn hair hung forward in his eyes, damp with sweat. He gave an exhausted chuckle as his eyes fell on her. Eddie gazed with such feeling that it shook Margot more deeply than any mind-blowing orgasm she could experience at his expert hands. She lifted her hand to smooth his hair back tenderly, and smiled.

"So. How about that iced tea, Miss Daley?" he suggested.

"That sounds delightful. Thank you, Eddie." Margot laughed. "Are you ever under-prepared, Mr. Jameson?"

Eddie withdrew and rolled off her. She lay basking in the afterglow of terrific sex, soaking in the bright rays of the moon. She felt like a goddess who had just been thoroughly worshipped and found her tribute more than satisfactory.

“Never, with the exception of last time.” Eddie grinned.

"You mean that time I got you drunk and rode you bareback?" she inquired. "I admit it rings a bell. Why, do you regret letting me have my wicked, unprotected way with you?"

Eddie settled a hand on the smooth plane of her stomach. His unexpected touch surprised her; after a moment, Margot laid her hand tentatively upon his. She wondered if he could feel two pulses beating in time.

"I don't regret a thing," Eddie said. He withdrew his hand and rose before she could come up with a response. "You wait right here. Don't budge even an inch. I meant it when I said I wanted you to have a relaxing night in...even if the last twenty minutes might not make that totally apparent." He treated her to his signature crooked grin, and turned to go inside. Despite his command for total immobilization, Margot propped herself up on her elbow to watch him. She loved the way the moonlight pooled along his naked muscles as he moved, filling in every hard hollow of him like liquid silver. If Eddie thought they would be relaxing tonight, then he was sorely mistaken.

Margot was already ready for round two.

Chapter Ten


"Hey Eddie." Margot bounced across the top deck of Annabella and over to where he stood pouring her a glass of sparkling cider, and draped her arms around his shoulders. "What's the wireless password?"

Eddie had already seen this coming a mile away. After a stressful week at work - not to mention a stressful week of rushing to plan out every detail of the wedding - he could see that Margot was wearing thin. Despite showing no signs of stopping, and despite the puppy dog eyes she was making at him now, he knew her too well. Her blood pressure was probably sky-high, even if she wouldn't let him close enough to get a cuff on her and check for certain.

That was precisely why he had invited her to spend the night aboard Annabella with him. It was the end of the week, and there was no better way for the hard-working mother of his child to spend a Friday night than relaxing with him to tend to her every need.

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