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Trinity sighed in blissful response, and let her eyes fall shut. "More than anything, Sam."

The moment he entered her was pure, unadulterated paradise. His cock slid past her slick folds easily—she had been wet in his arms since before they got off the dance floor—and Trinity arched to accept him. It had been so long that she had forgotten just how full Sam made her, and how complete.

She glanced down between them, and a low hiss of pleasure escaped past her teeth at the sight of their joining. She hiked her leg a little higher so she could get a better view. Sam's cock was completely buried inside her. A nest of tight black corkscrew curls was all she could see pressing up against her entrance from the outside.

Heat bloomed in her belly at the erotic sight, and her head fell back. Sam was too much to take in—physically and visually—and she couldn't remember the last time she had felt as turned-on as she did in that moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam leaned in, and his hot breath gusted along her ear. Trinity shivered in response.

"How good we are together," she replied. "Despite ourselves. Always despite ourselves. We work well together...we live well together...and we almost dance well together."

"I couldn't agree more."

He began to move against her in a slow rhythm. His pacing off the dance floor, under the cover of illicit darkness and gripped by a desire he had no hope to easily define or control, was excruciatingly perfect—although Trinity would never tell him as much. The moment she diverted Sam's attention to his performance was the moment he got in his own way with his need to polish and execute the best possible plan.

And God, what he was doing to her now was perfect. He ground his hips against her own, withdrawing and pumping himself forward into her. His movements were a steady, methodical pulse that had nothing to do with perfection, and all to do with pleasure.

There was that element of the forbidden, too, which couldn't be denied. Sam was filling the void he had left, satisfying an itch that Trinity had nursed and never scratched in all their time apart. She shouldn't have ever let him get this far, and yet...she just couldn't help herself. She had been addicted from the moment they first started dating. Nobody could ever make her feel the way he could.

"Ah! Ah!" She had a peripheral awareness of where they were, but she couldn't keep herself from crying out in wordle

ss ecstasy. Her ass bumped the wall, its natural swell cushioning her as Sam's hips pumped into her. He changed it up suddenly and began to thrust upward, his momentum carrying her up the wall a few inches each time. His thrusts became longer, deeper, and he moaned into her ear. Holy shit, he was so hot when he let himself get carried away like this. Was there anyone else on earth who could bring down his walls with their body alone?

Trinity tightened her thighs around him, and this time Sam gave an audible gasp as his cock slid up into her. She felt the thick head of him strike her inner trigger, and fireworks exploded behind her eyes that seemed bright enough to light up the dark broom closet. She cried out and strained against him. He groaned and knocked his forehead against her neck. Sweat-soaked strands of his hair curled and stuck to the perspiration on her skin. His hand groped its way up between them and closed gently over her mouth. It was meant to serve more as a reminder than a show of force, but the thought of him stifling her cries was almost too erotic for words.

"Shhh," he bid her. Trinity cried feebly into the palm of his hand. He had withdrawn his cock halfway, and she could feel it dripping between her legs with the slick evidence of her need. He pulled out fully and rubbed it up against her clit. She moaned against the cage of his fingers at each steady push. "You like that," he noticed. It wasn't a question. "I was married to you for five years and I didn't know that."

"Neither did I." It was all she could do from keep her voice from descending into a primal growl. Sam's steady, teasing thrusts against her were divine, but the need building in her belly wasn't going to release without him. She hopped up, using the wall at her back to brace herself as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pinned his cock between them. Before he could protest, she raised herself up and descended back down onto him.

"Oh, fuck." His hand fell away from her mouth, and he buried his lips in the crook of her neck to stifle his own groan. "You're going to make me come just by doing that." His fingers dug into her hips as if he needed to steady himself, even though he was the one with both feet planted solidly on the floor.

But she couldn't hold off any longer. Trinity revolved her hips and shoved down on him. The pressure building inside her was exactly what she needed to push herself over the edge, and she wasn't going to let Sam withhold it now. She orgasmed with a surprised cry and tightened her legs around him when she thought she would fragment in the wake of the burst. Pleasure coursed through her in pulsing waves. She continued to ride his cock in an effort to claim every little sensation it would give her. Her small, fluttering moans and undulating hips were the cause for Sam's own climax. He surged forward and pressed her hard into the wall as he came; Trinity barely noticed the cold, unyielding surface of it anymore. There was too much to relish in the fever-hot reality of Sam's body pressed up against her, coming to completion inside her.

"Mmm." Trinity sagged against the wall. Sam took her in his arms and overturned them so that his back was to the wall, and she was cradled in the tight ring of his embrace.

"Yeah." His murmur of agreement stirred the hair on her forehead, and he reached up to push it back behind her ear. Trinity burrowed in against him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace and relaxing despite herself. She had just let her ex-husband thoroughly fuck her in an unlocked closet in a very public space, but she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so safe and taken care of. Scratch that, she could remember: it was when they had still been married to one another.

"We'd better get back to the class...if it's even still going on," Trinity mentioned as she pulled back with a breathless laugh. Sam didn't let the circle of his arms break; he held her for a moment longer, as if reluctant to let the outside world back in. He released her only when his phone buzzed a notification from somewhere in the darkness. Trinity stepped back as Sam yanked his shorts up and found his cell in one of the pockets.

"Shit!" he muttered.

Trinity dropped to grope around in the darkness for her own phone. She always kept it in the side pocket of her exercise leggings...which wasn't exactly something she encouraged other agency employees to do on their days off, but she liked to be prepared in case of weekend work emergencies. She thumbed her e-mail open and studied the reminder. "Sam, it's just that networking event we told Eddie we'd go with him to. I called him earlier to let him know it conflicted with my class and he told me not to worry about it. He can handle it on his own."

The event had never been anything necessary or urgent, but the desperately unhappy expression on Sam's face was like a splash of frigid water. Trinity recognized his look; what's more, she had come to hate this response more than anything else in the entire world. Sam's mask didn't crack easily, but a scheduling mishap always brought out the worst in him. She had never seen someone so obviously broadcast their disappointment with an expression alone.

"You would have left me." It wasn't a question. Sam raised his eyes from his phone screen, and Trinity met his gaze with unflinching conviction. He ran a hand through his mussed hair as if he half-expected to step out of the closet and already be at the work function. "You would have left me, and you wouldn't have thought twice about it," she accused. "Well?"


"No, Sam. I'm done. This time I'm really done." She felt vaguely ridiculous yanking her tights on as she told him off, but maybe some of the boiling anger she radiated would make up for it. "You know what? You and your phone deserve each other. If you're going to make it—if you're going to make work—the priority over spending time with me, then go right ahead. Don't let me stop you. But don't think for a second I want to start anything with you if that's how it's going to be. My priority has always been…"

Her throat constricted around the truth and cut it off before she could speak the word: you. What a miserable confession that would be. Only a completely masochistic idiot would bare their soul like that to their workaholic ex-husband.

Sam watched her dress with a helpless expression on his face. "Trinity, what the hell did I do wrong here?" he demanded as he passed her shirt to her. Trinity snatched it from him and yanked it on over her crookedly-hanging bra; she didn't care if it was inside out or backwards or whatever. Let Sam watch how she didn't dress by the rules and suffer internally. Let every wrinkle that disrupted her appearance haunt his memory long after she had walked out of this closet.

"You can't seriously be asking me that question," she said. "Sam, we just had sex for the first time in over a year, and you look like someone poisoned the cat you didn't even know you had!"

"I see you've been talking to Eddie." His eyes narrowed. "The cat has nothing to do with this, but Eddie does. I needed to be there tonight to put out fires. To mitigate."

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