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Ani plastered on her best smile and stepped inside. All four women at the table stopped talking immediately and stared at her, making Ani’s face heat and her hands shake. Oh, Lord. It was like being on a stage alone under a hot spotlight. Inside her head, she ran through her mother’s mantras for self-confidence—you’re good enough; you’re strong enough; people like you.

At last, one of the women rose and came around the table, hand extended, and smiled. The family resemblance was there. She had the same dark eyes as Rehaj, with the same smooth honey-brown skin, though she stood several inches shorter than Ani.

“Hello, you must be Anastasia Brightbridge. I’m Cala. So pleased to meet you. Rehaj has told us so much about you.” She gestured toward an open chair at the table, her English impeccable. “Please help yourself to the buffet, then have a seat. We have so much to talk about.”

“Thank you.” Ani filled a plate with fresh fruit and some homemade naan bread, then took the chair Cala had indicated across from the sisters. Her fingers still trembled slightly as she placed her napkin across her lap then picked up her fork. “I think I’m at a disadvantage. Rehaj told me he had four sisters, but I’m afraid that’s about all he said.”

The youngest girl, sitting at the end of the table rolled her eyes and snorted. “Figures. Rehaj isn’t much of a talker. I’m Razi. Youngest kid. And that’s Najma,” she pointed to the girl next to her. “Good luck trying to talk to her too, she’s always got her nose stuck in a book or a device.”

Najma gave her sister a disparaging stare then shook her head, not glancing up from her phone once, her thumbs flying across the screen like lightning. “Shut up, Raz. We can’t all be a spoiled brat like you. Some of us have work to do.”

“Whatever.” Razi grinned. “Oh, and the one down there on the other end is Jessenia. She’s the oldest and thinks she’s the boss of everyone. But she’s as bad as Naj these days, with that stupid phone practically glued to her hand. Thinks she’s got an excuse because she’s helping out our brother, Raheem, promote his animal preserve. Isn’t that right, Jess?”

Jess glanced up briefly from her device to give Ani a genuine smile. She too had that perfect honey-brown skin, but her eyes were a light green. Strikingly beautiful. “Very glad to meet you, Anastasia. I’m so glad Rehaj met someone on the island. It’s why we sent him, you know.”

Ani paused mid-bite of a chunk of melon. “Wait a minute, you guys sent Rehaj to the love retreat?” She bit back a laugh. “He did mention his sisters had been involved. That’s too funny. Now I know why a buttoned-up guy like him was there. My sister did the same thing to me, after a bad breakup.”

“Ouch, I’m sorry,” Cala said, her expression understanding. “Losing someone is never fun. Our father passed away last year, so we understand that feeling.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Rehaj never said anything.”

“He wouldn’t.” Cala frowned. “He’s so private. Hard to break through that shell of his. I suppose it’s good he turned down the head advisor position, after all. Though he’d seemed so much more open after arriving back from the island with you.”

r /> Ani didn’t miss the hint of interest in her tone. “He did relax a lot with me during those two weeks. It was fun. Like an escape from reality.”

“But now you’re back,” Raz said, far too astute for her age. She looked about thirteen. Ani couldn’t remember ever being that worldly so young, but then she’d never been royal either.

“Yes, we are.” She speared another chunk of melon and chewed it slowly before swallowing. “I was disappointed for Rehaj that the job fell through with the cabinet. I know it meant a lot to him. I helped him get ready for his speech. Lots of speeches, actually.”

“Really?” The sisters said in unison, their gazes darting from Ani to each other before they began chattering again in rapid-fire Arabic.

At last, Naj looked over at Ani, her gaze narrowed. “How long are you planning to stay here in Djeva?”

“Oh, well. Rehaj had invited me for two weeks, but now that things have changed with his advisor positon, I’m not sure. I should really get back to Texas soon. My parents run a large charity there, and I have duties of my own to attend to, so…”

“But you surely will stay through the end of the week at least, right?” Cala asked, her dark eyes sparkling with something akin to mischief, if Ani had to identify it, though she didn’t know the woman well enough to say for sure. “Rehaj has another speech then, perhaps you have helped him with it. A press conference, late Friday afternoon. I’m sure he’d love to have you around for that.”

“Gosh, I don’t know.” Ani sat back as a server took away her empty plate. She sipped her strong Turkish coffee and considered the possibility. She could text Gwen, she supposed and let her know she’d be staying in Djeva for the rest of the week instead of coming home early as she’d planned. It would give her a chance to perhaps see more of Rehaj’s beautiful country and also to spend more time with him. Her heart warmed at the thought of more time in his arms, more kisses shared, more sweet nothings whispered in his ear. Honestly, despite the short time she’d known him and all the reasons why she shouldn’t, Ani had fallen hard for her beautiful, distant desert sheikh. He was wise and good and kind and smart and she wasn’t sure how she’d go back to her boring, humdrum life without him. Plus, maybe she could get some more scoop on him from his sisters. An idea formed. “I’d need to get some new clothes to last me. Would any of you like to take me shopping later, show me around Al-Qustra? Maybe help me learn to be a proper woman of Djeva?”

Three hands shot in the air, all the sisters except Jess.

“I would love to help, but unfortunately I’ve got my hands full with this wildlife conservation marketing,” Jess said, her smile wide. “But I’m sure Cala and the others will help you fit right in here in our family.” She gave the other three sisters a knowing look. “Isn’t that right, ladies?”

“Of course.” Cala said, standing. “Rehaj won’t want to let you go once we’re done with you. Shall we begin?”

* * *

“What the hell do you mean it was leaked?” Feraz demanded across the conference table. “There was supposed to be no technology allowed on that island. It was one of the reasons I allowed Jess and the others to send you there, knowing your privacy would be safe. And there you are, intoxicated, breaking Muslim dietary laws without concern. It’s shameful.”

Rehaj exhaled slow, feeling the old weight of his responsibilities and guilt rest firmly on his shoulders once more. Gone was the carefree relaxation he’d experienced with Ani on the island. Reality had crashed back hard for him this morning and it had not been pretty. Not only had he lost his coveted head advisor position over a ridiculous tacked-on “transparency” rule, but now more footage was coming out about him and Ani.

First it had just been the yacht and them leaving the island. Now, today, there was video of the dinner they’d shared on the beach that night, of his drunken stumbling, and their subsequent night together in the villa. Nothing too graphic, thank Allah, but enough to be a public embarrassment. Already the traditionalist Arabic media was calling him a heretic for consuming alcohol. Never mind he’d been on vacation and that the Nazrani family weren’t exactly strict when it came to religious laws and observances.

“My apologies, brother. I was on vacation and relaxing.”

“Yes, I can see that.” Feraz scowled down at his phone for the umpteenth time since their private meeting had begun. His continuing issues with his jet-setting wife were the stuff of gossip and legend around the family dinner table. Feraz’s marriage was a long-suffering one, at least from his brother’s end of things. For Feraz’s wife, who knew? The woman hadn’t been around long enough for any of them to decide. Feraz cursed softly under his breath then looked back up at Rehaj. “What are you planning on doing about it?”

“About what?” Rehaj frowned. “Ani is staying here as my guest until such time as she needs to head home.”
