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Annabelle cackled. “Oh, God. Like I didn’t see this coming from a mile away.”

Omar grinned despite the anxiety gnawing him alive. So many things had yet to fall into place. Every second, his plan coalesced more inside his head.

“This has to be a surprise. But I need her address and contact information for someone who can help me over there.”

“The first one is easy. And the second is…” Annabelle paused, and then squealed. “I know who it is! Layla! One of her closest friends in NYC. I can send you her information as soon as we hang up.”

“Great.” Relief flooded him, and a to-do list began materializing in his head. “And Annabelle, I just want you to know, I didn’t sell her out, or throw her under the bus, or use her for anything.” He swallowed hard. “I’m just crazy about her.”

“Awww, Omar.” Annabelle tutted. “Pack your shit and go find her!”

When he hung up the phone, he felt energized and ready to tackle everything. He’d arrange his departure on the family jet for first thing in the morning, meaning he’d get to NYC sometime in the morning their time. And hopefully along the way, he’d be able to solidify the final details with Layla about the surprise plan percolating in his head.

Glancing one last time at the glowing embers in the fireplace, he realized that small gesture had freed him in a way he hadn’t counted on.

Freed him up for an entirely new future with Marian.


Layla texted incessantly about going out that night. All through her first day back in the office, Marian could barely keep up with the pinging messages about outfit choices and makeup looks. Layla always had a penchant for date nights, but this seemed excessive. Maybe she was taking Marian’s sadness and making it her own.

“Damn girl, calm down. I might not want to go out tonight. Let’s see how work goes,” Marian responded to a string of 13 texts.


Marian frowned at the phone screen. Well, that was settled. She turned to her computer, finishing the email she’d started. Half a day back in her regular spot in the regular office and already it seemed a little bland. Like maybe nothing had changed in her absence…and maybe that nothing ever would change.

She’d relished the freedom and agency of her temporary position abroad. Having that sort of negotiation power and importance was a welcome change. Far better than being an executive assistant, even though she was paid handsomely and loved her job.

She was ready for more. And as far as she could see, her next chance for more might never come.

She sighed heavily, returning to the email. Work today was a struggle. Between Layla’s texts and wondering about Omar, she was about braindead. And still no word from him, which only convinced her further that he’d entirely forgotten about her and moved on. Her disappearance probably just made it so easy for him, fit perfectly into his stupid little plan. She scoffed.

Layla texted again. “I think you should wear that green dress, the one with the scoop back.”

Marian picked up her phone in a huff. “We’re not going to the MET, Layla. We’re going to a BAR. Why do I have to get so fancy?”

“I want to go to a fancy place before the bar, I thought I told you. Aren’t you reading my messages??”

Marian scrolled up, finding a brief mention of a fancy place. “Sorry. Ok fine, fancy dress. Whatever. You dress me. I don’t even care, I just want fucking martinis.”

Layla sent a smiley face, and Marian watched her phone a moment longer, just to be sure no other queries were coming. When it seemed Layla the Dress Code Goddess had been appeased, Marian returned to her work.

She made it ten minutes before Layla texted again. “I’ll be over at 5:30 to start getting ready.”

Marian’s eyes widened. What did she think this was, Saturday night? It was a Wednesday. She shook her head. Incredible. She’d have to leave work exactly on time to make it home before Layla got there.

Marian made it through the rest of her workday somehow and then squeaked out of work just a few minutes early to get a head start on the commute to Brooklyn. As predicted, Layla was waiting in the hallway with a backpack when Marian arrived, smiling like she knew a secret.

“It’s a night to celebrate,” Layla said, following Marian inside the apartment.

“What are we celebrating? The fact that I’m still single?” Marian dropped her purse on the counter.

“No. Well, only if you want to, but that seems a little sad. We should rephrase it, at any rate. I would like to celebrate the fact that I’m quitting my job.”

Marian turned slowed to her friend, eyes wide. “Really?”

Layla grinned, nodding excitedly. “Yep! I finally made the decision.”

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