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“What the hell, dude?” Daveed said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “Want to tell me why you’re sitting here eating Chinese food with the woman we’ve been busting our asses for the last month to find?”

Aileen looked between the two men. “I can explain.”

“I damned well hope so.” Daveed crossed his arms and glared down at her, his dark eyes unreadable. At that moment, he looked every inch the Arabic prince Murphy had once mentioned he was. All bristling alpha anger and staunch power. “Start talking.”

“Don’t tell her what to do,” Heath growled, pushing to his feet behind his desk. Aileen managed to suppress her eye roll at the copious testosterone zinging through the air, and sighed.

“Hello,” she called to get their attention. “I’m here and perfectly capable of speaking for myself. Thanks. Heath is helping me with my investigation.”

“Really?” Daveed didn’t sound convinced. “Investigation into what?”

“Senator Lawrence and his fraudulent deal with EnKor.”

“And this precludes you from telling Murphy you’re alive and well why?” Daveed didn’t budge an inch, his posture the equivalent of a middle finger in her direction. “He’s your brother and worried sick about you. Don’t you care about him at all?”

“Of course I do,” she said, her voice rising with her temper. “I love my brother more than anything in this world. He’s the only family I have left. But I’m undercover and things have gotten more complicated.”

“And dangerous,” Heath added, not so helpfully. “That’s why I’m here. I’m making sure she stays alive and in one piece until she gets her story.”

“Right.” Daveed’s glare went flat. “And what’s your excuse for lying to Murph and me? How long have you known she’s okay?”

Heath’s tanned face drained of color and his gaze lowered, remorse written in every line of his body.

“How long, dude?”

“A few days.”


“A week, okay?” Heath looked up again, dots of crimson now coloring his high, sculpted cheekbones. “What does it matter anyway? You’re busy wooing Mel and Murphy’s got his hands full with Shayma. Don’t worry, I’ve been keeping a close watch on Aileen and won’t let anything happen to her.”

“How close?” Daveed asked, raising one dark brow sarcastically.

“How dare you—” Heath came around the desk, teeth bared, and Aileen barely had time to toss her empty plate on the desk before stepping between the two seething males. Jeez. It was Christmas Eve, not opening night at the WWE. “I’m protecting Aileen. Nothing more,” Heath growled.

Considering what they’d done in bed last night, it was a hell of a lot more than protecting, but Daveed didn’t need to know that. She kept herself wedged between the guys and crossed her arms. “What Heath and I are or aren’t doing is no one’s business but ours. The fact is I’m undercover on a case and I cut ties with Murphy to keep him safe until I’m done. That’s it.”

Several tense seconds passed, with both men clenching and unclenching their fists and snarling, before the tension finally abated and Aileen released her pent-up breath.

Daveed stepped back first, his shoulders slumping. “I came to check in on our mission.”

Heath exhaled slowly and removed his hat to run a hand through his hair, leaving it adorably spiked. Aileen felt an unaccountable urge to run her fingers through it and smooth the locks back into place, remembering their silky feel against her skin when she’d clutched his curls tight as he’d driven inside her so hard and fast and d

eep and…

“Right?” Heath asked her and damn if she had any idea of what he’d said.

Aileen shook off her erotic daydreams and took her seat again. “I’m sorry?”

Heath shook his head and collapsed back into his chair behind the desk. “I said, it’s imperative that Daveed keeps his mouth shut about seeing you here today. Right?”

“Yes, please.” She gestured to the empty seat beside her and was surprised when Daveed reluctantly took it. “At least until I finish gathering the information I need for my story. Please. I know it’s hard on Murphy. Believe me, it’s hard on me too. But I have to do this. People’s lives are at stake and if I don’t pursue this story, no one else will. Please?”

Daveed stared at her, silent, for several minutes. So long, in fact, she began to think he wasn’t going to go along with her wishes. Then, with a sigh, he shook his head. “Fine. But I want to go on record saying I don’t like it. Murphy’s miserable, not knowing where you are, if you’re safe. His holidays will be ruined.”

“I doubt that.” Heath snorted. “With Shayma playing doting Santa over him, I’m sure he’ll find his ho-ho-ho just fine this Christmas season, even if he is missing his sister something terrible.”

“Hmm.” Daveed pushed to his feet and headed for the door. “I came to tell you that we hadn’t really found anything new. But now I can see why.” He opened the office door and started out. “Merry Christmas.”

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