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Shayma. Here. Now.

His body reacted before his mind caught up. Muscles tense and senses on high alert, he weaved his way through the crowds toward where she stood arguing with one of the guards as if drawn by some invisible cord. This guard wasn’t the young one he’d bullshitted his way through earlier. Must be his older partner, Murphy suspected.

The closer he got, he more he could hear of their conversation. The guard wanted to see Shayma’s tickets for the event and she was trying to flirt her way past him. How anyone could care about something as trivial as tickets when a gorgeous woman in an incredibly stunning, figure-hugging, floor-length velvet gown stood before him like a vision, Murphy had no idea. His cock twitched in appreciation of all Shayma’s golden flesh on display, even as his masculine pride bristled at the other men around her openly ogling.

She was his, goddammit, and no one admired her body but him.

No one.

With a growl, Murphy stepped in beside Shayma and took her by the elbow, forcing a smile for the security guard before giving her a quick kiss on her startled mouth. “Darling, you’re late.”

The words emerged gruffer than he’d intended, forced past his tight vocal cords.

Shayma’s dark gaze flickered to his, held for a moment, then snapped back to the guard. “Yes, I’m so sorry, baby. I wanted to look perfect for you tonight and the taxi took longer than I expected and traffic was a nightmare and—”

“Is the lady with you, sir?” the older guard asked him.

Shayma leaned forward slightly to kiss Murphy’s cheek, giving him a perfect view down the front of her dress and he damned near swallowed his tongue. In truth, she could’ve worn a garbage bag and he still would’ve thought she was the most beautiful woman in the universe. He cleared his throat and nodded to the security guard. “Yes, she’s with me.”

“Fine. Go.” The guard harrumphed and waved them into the ballroom.

Murphy guided Shayma over to a quiet corner near the end of the buffet table and gave a quick glance around before leaning closer and lowering his voice. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were going back to the Plaza.”

“I did. To change. We’re partners in this, remember?” She looked at him, her expression unreadable. “Look, Murphy. Just because you don’t want to sleep with me anymore doesn’t mean I won’t still help you find your sister. The truth is I came here to put everything on the table with you. I realize how crazy it sounds, since we’ve only known each other a short time, but I’ve fallen in love with you. I’d like to try working this out between us, if you’re willing. Given what you’ve told me about your mother and your dating history, I know that’s a long shot. And yes, you basically walked out on me earlier and my pride says that I sho

uld take the hint and leave you alone, but if I don’t say this now, I might not ever have the courage or opportunity to do so again. I love you. I want to be with you.”

Stunned, he blinked at her, his mind still snagged on the fact she thought he didn’t want to sleep with her anymore, and that she’d said she loved him. Sweat broke out on his forehead and his pulse pounded. She loves me and I love her. But he wasn’t good enough for her. She deserved a man who was open and trusting and undamaged by life. He was cynical and jaded and broken inside.

He stumbled back a step and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead. Yes, what they’d shared earlier back at the apartment had been more than just incredible sex. He felt connected to her now, body and soul, and that would never change. Which was exactly why he’d had to leave. Not because he didn’t want her anymore, but because he did. More than nearly anything else in the world. It was the right thing to do. The only thing to do.

Head lowered, he took her arm and steered her away from a chatting couple who stood a few feet away. The speech burned like acid in his throat, but he forced it out anyway, knowing it was a lie, knowing it would kill any chance he had for a future with her, knowing his shattered heart would never recover after this. “Look, I appreciate you wanting to help, but I’m taking a big enough chance sneaking in here myself. If we get caught, it could blow any chance I have of talking to Senator Lawrence. You don’t love me. You love the idea of me. I’m not a good guy, Shayma. I never have been. You said it yourself. I’m stubborn and bitter and I’m far too emotionally damaged to be able to give you what you need, what you deserve. That’s why I was clear with you from the start. I thought we were on the same page. Fling only. No strings. No regrets. That’s the only reason I allowed myself to take you to bed.”

“Allowed yourself?” Shayma looked like she wanted to say more then seemed to stop herself, her jaw clenched and the fire in her eyes going cold. The shards of his broken heart froze right along with her gaze, but he had to stay strong, had to focus on his objective, had to find Aileen and make sure she was all right so all this pain and suffering wouldn’t be for naught. Shayma crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze, turning away from him slightly and lifting her chin. “Isn’t that Senator Lawrence standing right over there? Have you talked to him yet?”

“I’m waiting for the right time.”

“I see.” Her eyes flicked upward then back down to him. “Did you do this on purpose? One last kiss to remember me by?”


“That.” She pointed up at a sprig of mistletoe hanging down from the ceiling above them. “You know, for a man who claims to be in control of himself at all times, you certainly seem to give off a lot of mixed messages.”

Murphy stepped back and held up his hands. “That was entirely unplanned. Promise.”


“Right.” Before he realized what was happening, Shayma grabbed him by the lapels and tugged him forward into a kiss. As always, his senses were overwhelmed with her—her taste, her scent, the warm softness of her lips and tongue and breath. He wanted to run away and never return. He wanted to hold her close and never let her go. In the end, he returned the kiss deeply then set her away from him, both of them panting and bewildered.

The band announced they were taking a break and Murphy looked over to see the Senator and his wife making their way off the dance floor. If he hoped to snag a moment of the man’s time, now would be ideal. The presentations and speeches would start soon and he wanted to be long gone by then. Too many complications, too much vulnerability.

“Excuse me.” He started toward the senator, then turned back to Shayma with a warning stare. “Listen, please stay here and don’t interfere. If things go south, I want you to get to the nearest exit and go back to the hotel. I don’t want you to get messed up in this. It’s bad enough we both snuck in here. Tell the guys what happened and let them know I’ve been arrested.”

“But the guys—” she started to say before he cut her off.

“Don’t argue with me, please. Not now. Just promise me, okay?”

“Fine. Whatever,” she muttered, followed by something in Arabic he didn’t quite catch but which sounded very much like an insult. Her aggravated huff chased him across the room, but he didn’t stop or turn around again. His best opportunity to find out new information about what had happened to his sister stood just ahead and he had to go for it. He owed Aileen that. He had to keep his promise to protect her. His own wants and needs came secondary. Always.

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