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This time, it was her turn to snort. “Tell that to the tabloid gossip pages.”

“He’s helping Murphy with a family problem.”

“Huh?” She stared at all the papers and lists again. “Sorry. Not following.”

Daveed pushed his notepad away and put his pen down. “You asked me earlier where Heath was and I’ve told you. He’s helping Murphy.”

“Figures.” She rolled her eyes, more out of habit than true frustration. Yes, she was still a bit pissed about the way Heath had all but ignored her during their engagement, but now that she was warm and dry and safe with Daveed, those other slights fell by the wayside. “Care to share?”

“Share what?” Daveed asked, sitting back, his white cotton shirt stretching taut over his cut torso. She wasn’t sure where he worked out, but from the looks of his flat, washboard stomach through that shirt, he didn’t have an ounce of extra fat on his body.

“Murphy’s issue,” Melody said.

His bland look faltered slightly, replaced by a frown as he looked away. “Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter if you know. Besides, I’d be out there helping them now if you hadn’t shown up. Murph’s sister has gone missing.”

“Oh, no.” Melody gasped, leaning in a bit closer to Daveed, her eyes wide with horror. “You don’t think anything horrible has happened to her, do you?”

“Don’t know.” His voice took on a frustrated edge. “That’s what we’re trying to find out. Aileen’s not the type to just drop off the radar. So yeah, Murph’s justifiably concerned.”

“Wow.” Melody glanced up to find Daveed watching her closely with those warm brown eyes of his. They were the color of pale coffee and infinitely intriguing and— she shook off her errant urge to stare into them all night and instead folded her hands in her lap. “Well, if anyone has the contacts to find her, it would be Heath.”

Heath had contacts in the CIA and all the other major intelligence agencies too.

“Yep.” Daveed continued to study her with his too-perceptive gaze, causing a fresh surge of heat through her bloodstream at his slow perusal. “It’s how he knew you were back in the country before it exploded in the media. Why he asked me to keep you away from him as well.”

At her startled look, he gave her a sexy little half grin. “Look, the last thing Heath needs to deal with right now is another scandal, courtesy of you. So, he asked me to handle you. That’s why I’m staying in the condo, in case you showed up.”

The words caused her knees to wobble slightly. Or maybe it was the man across from her.

Or both.

Her naughty mind began to conjure all the ways Daveed might “deal” with her. Maybe take her hard and fast up against the wall. Or slow and sweet on the rug in front of the fireplace. Or there was always the bedroom…

“…do with you,” Daveed said, jarring her back to reality.

Melody hoped her cheeks weren’t as flaming red as they felt. “I’m sorry?”

“I said I’m not sure what to do with you now.” He stood and walked back into the living room. “I don’t want to kick you out on the street, but I really need to concentrate on helping Murphy find his sister.”

“I understand.” She stood too, hesitating for a minute before heading over to where her coat still lay drying on the living room floor. “I didn’t mean to cause problems or be a burden.”

Melody blinked hard against the sting of tears. Why she was crying again, she wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like she and Daveed were close, and what had she expected? Him to roll out the welcome mat when they barely knew each other? He was a busy guy. He had things to deal with in his own life. He didn’t need her hanging around, causing issues, just like he’d said. As she pulled on her damp coat and slid her feet into her now-ruined pumps, she swiped her hand under her nose and sniffled, squaring her shoulders before heading for the door with her suitcase rolling behind her. “I’m just going to go

now. Thanks again for letting me dry out for an hour or so.”

Where exactly she’d go, she didn’t know. She’d volunteered one time for a charity ball at a local homeless shelter. Perhaps she’d bed down there for the night, except she couldn’t remember now where it was or if they accepted women at that particular establishment. One of the other gals volunteering that night had said only certain ones took women and children.

Her hand was on the doorknob when a sharp male curse echoed from behind her. “Wait.”

Breath held, Melody stopped and turned slowly to face Daveed.

“Where will you stay tonight?” he asked, his annoyance plain in his tone.

She didn’t have an answer for that so she didn’t give one.

“Shit.” He raked a hand through his thick dark hair and shook his head. “This goes against every instinct I have, but I don’t see another option.” Before she could react, he’d taken the suitcase from her hand and was carrying it down the hall toward the back of the condo. He stopped halfway and looked over his shoulder at her. “Come on, before I change my mind.”

As if in a daze, Melody followed him to a tiny guest room next door to his master suite. The room was clean and tidy, with a full-sized bed and a dresser and not much else inside.

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