Page 53 of A Royal World Apart

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The intimacy of it jarred him, the reality of being inside Eva’s body far surpassing any fantasy, any depiction on screen or in books. She was surrounding him. Her breath, her voice, her softness, her scent. His world was reduced to her. Was dependent on her.

She stiffened beneath him, her full breasts pushed against his chest, and he felt the pulse of her orgasm around his erection. Deep, raw need overtook him, his thrusts losing all measure of control, all rhythm, as his mind lost its connection with time and space.

There was nothing but Eva. Nothing but her body, their connection.

He let go of everything, everything but the intense feelings rolling through his body. It was like going over the edge of a cliff, release roaring through him as he fell into ultimate, uncontrolled sensation. His chest burned, sensation bursting through him as he found his pleasure.

In the aftermath, he pulled her to him, resting his forehead on hers. She moved her hands over his chest, murmuring words so tender, so sweet, they were like balm, spreading healing over his soul.

He held her as his heart quieted, until his muscles stopped shaking. Until his hands stopped trembling.

In the morning, they might regret it. He would find his way back to his controlled, careful path. There would be recriminations.

But that was for the morning. Tonight he would allow himself to stay lost. Lost in Eva.

It felt better than being found ever had.


EVA had woken up that morning feeling the same. Turning twenty-one hadn’t made her feel any different. But she felt different now.

She turned and looked at Mak. He was on his back, his eyes closed, the lines in his face more shallow as he slept, his expression relaxed. His chest was bare, the hard, cut lines of his muscles exposed, tempting. She traced the ridge that ran down the center of his abs, down to the point covered by the sheet. The bit of fabric rode tantalizingly low, giving her a tease, a taste of the rest of his body without giving it all away.

He was amazing. He’d been amazing. She hadn’t realized pleasure like that was possible. Hadn’t even had a clue. But he’d blown away every expectation. A smile curved her lips. They’d been explosive. And none of it had come from past experience. None of it from great practiced skill. It had just been … them.

Her stomach fluttered and along with the fluttering came a resurgence of desire. Mak had been beyond fantasy for her. She hoped very much that she’d been the same for him.

She pressed a kiss to his shoulder, her mind replaying everything that had happened since dinner. He stirred beneath the contact, and she kissed him again, letting her fingers join in, drifting over the lines of his stomach.

He shifted beneath her touch, the change in his breathing signaling his return from sleep.

“How come you had to learn to disassemble a bomb?” she asked, the question popping out of her mouth without any thought. But she was curious.

One of his eyes opened and he looked at her. “Just in case. A good skill to have. I only had to use it once.”

“On a real bomb?”


“That’s horrifying.”

“It all worked out. Normally I’m guarding a person, and military tend to handle bombs and other hazards of that nature. But I happened to find one positioned at the entrance of the home of a political official I was guarding. There was no time to wait.”

“Inexperienced is simply not the right word for you,” she said. “You’ve experienced things I can’t even fathom.”

He rolled over so quickly she didn’t have time to do anything beyond offer a half-hearted squeak of shock, his body covering hers, his hands on either side of her head. “And we’re working at remedying things I may not claim proficiency in yet.”

“You feel quite proficient to me.” She could feel his erection, hardening against the juncture of her thighs.

“You have no one to compare to.”

“Don’t need to,” she said, stretching her neck to kiss his mouth. “Don’t want to.”

She could happily stay in bed with him forever if she had the chance. If she could freeze one moment and draw it out for as long as she liked, it would be this one. With Mak, so strong and firm on top of her, his gray eyes searing into hers, his heart pounding hard and heavy against her chest.

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