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Gasping as he let go of her wrists and her bare chest pressed against his, she swallowed, trying to find some moisture for her dry throat. “Why the slow pace?”

He shook his head slowly, his eyes roaming over her face as his calloused palms slid over the skin of her back. “I didn’t realize I was going too slow for you,” he replied, his lips slowly pulling into a smile even as he gazed sincerely into her eyes. “I want this to be good for you, Olivia.”

“I don’t think there’s any scenario where it won’t be. Slow, fast, gentle, rough. I want all of it at some point, but right now, I just want you.”

The red in his eyes glowed brighter. “Then that’s what you’ll get.”

Before she could reply, he bent down, picked her up, and tossed her on the bed. She hadn’t realized he’d backed them up all the way to the bed, and a startled squeak escaped her throat as she bounced on the mattress.

Giving her a look with so much heat it could melt steel, Cody slid his zipper down, finishing the job she’d playfully started. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband, he shoved them and his boxers down, and when he stood to his full height again, she couldn’t breathe.

Hell, it was all she could do not to combust on the spot as the desire she felt scorched a blazing path inside of her.

He didn’t give her long to admire his body, but what she saw before he crawled onto the bed with her had been impressive, making her middle tighten almost painfully. She thought he’d go back to taking his time, but to her surprise—and delight—he went for her jeans next.

The feel of him unbuttoning them, of his fingers brushing her thighs as he pulled them off, made her skin tingle and her heart race. Tossing them off the bed, he turned back to her, picking up her leg and placing a gentle kiss on her ankle.

Her toes curled as he repeated the action on the other ankle, then slowly slid his hands up her legs, trailing kisses in their wake. She had the fleeting thought that she was incredibly grateful she’d shaved her legs that morning, and then all ability to think vanished.

His hands trailed over her hips and up the sensitive skin of her belly, before cupping her breasts. He began kneading them gently, and her back arched off the bed as he leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

Moaning as the pull of his lips sent pleasure shooting straight to her center, she clenched the covers in her hands, her body beginning to writhe underneath his. Pulling his mouth from her nipple, he trailed it across her chest to the other one, repeating the same motions he’d used while his fingers plucked at her wet nipple.

When her undulating hips brushed against his hardness, she gasped at the lightning bolt of pleasure that seared through her. Cody groaned, his mouth turning more frantic, and he trailed his hand down, easing it underneath her panties.

And when his palm was resting directly over her hot core, they both moaned at the same time.

Running his fingers up and down her slit, he gathered the moisture there, his finger slipping easily inside her folds. He found her clit instantly, rubbing soft, slow circles around it, the roughness of his skin against that sensitivity startling, and more pleasure inducing than she could have guessed.

She could feel her orgasm building, but even though she knew it hadn’t been long, it felt like she’d been waiting for this forever.

And maybe she had—for this moment, with this man.

Her mate.

“Cody… please,” she begged, unsure of what she wanted more—to find some relief from the pleasure building inside her to an unmanageable degree, or to finally feel him inside her.

Probably both. Preferably, at the same time.

Her nipple left his mouth with a pop as he moved up to take her mouth. He slipped one finger, then two, inside of her, pumping them in and out as his thumb rubbed her clit, and she saw stars behind her eyelids at the sensations.

And when the band of pleasure finally snapped and she flew apart, he was there, swallowing her cries as she rode out her orgasm, his fingers still working, drawing it out as long as possible.

When she’d finally come back down, he slowly pulled his fingers away, just as she became too sensitive for touch. Easing his mouth from hers, he brushed her hair away from her face as she panted, trying to catch her breath, her body still tingling from the pleasure he’d given her.

She could see the strain around his eyes, and knew as much as he wanted his own release, he was giving her time to recover before he sought it. Opening her mouth to tell him she didn’t need anymore time, she paused, eyes growing wide, as he took the fingers that had been inside of her and popped them into his mouth.

He groaned as he tasted them, the sound combined with his actions so fucking sexy and erotic, she swore she nearly orgasmed again. Heat built steadily back up in her core as he licked his fingers clean, his eyes burning redder than she’d ever seen them in human form.

“You taste fuckin’ amazing, sweetheart,” he growled.

Nearly swooning at the gravel and grit in his voice, she swallowed hard, for a moment having no clue what to do or say.

Fuck it. She was going with her first instinct.

“Then don’t be stingy. Let me have a taste, too.”

Curling her hand around the nape of his neck, she pulled him down and kissed him. She honestly wasn’t sure she even wanted to taste herself, but the moment she did, it made her rekindling desire flare even hotter.

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