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“That’s an acceptable excuse, I guess, although you could have told me after. And didn’t I tell you he’d want to move back in so he could run your life? Totally called that.”

“Well, he’s not allowed, as you know. And he’s under orders to behave himself with you, the troop, and especially with Olivia. I told him I won’t tolerate his usual hate and conniving, and he’ll be out on his ass if I catch wind of it.”

Her brown eyes widened almost comically. “You threatened to throw him out of the troop? I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I guess meeting my mate brought it to the surface. And it’s a threat I will carry out if he gets out of hand.”

“Your mate,” his sister breathed out, clasping her hands together. “So romantic. Is it everything normal shifters say it is?”

“We’re normal, Linds. We’re just a little extra is all.” Knowing she’d argue with that, as she always did, he quickly continued. “And it’s what they say it is and more. I don’t think I can even describe it.”

“I knew Olivia was special the moment I met her. I just didn’t realize how special she was.”

Letting out a squeal that hurt his ears, she suddenly threw her arms around him. Laughing gruffly at her exuberant hug, he squeezed her tighter, hoping that one day, she’d find her mate, too.

No one deserved it mor


“Okay,” she said, pulling away and blinking rapidly in a way that made him think she was getting rid of tears. “Why did you really come in my office? Because I know it wasn’t to tell me about Olivia. You can be a little dense sometimes, so I know you probably wouldn’t think about how much I’d want to know about that.”

Rolling his eyes at her words, he ignored her insults. “Her and the other dragons are going with the full reno, so work up the paperwork and get it all organized, would you? I want to get started on it as soon as possible.”

Frowning when she didn’t respond, he watched as her eyes widened, wondering what he said to put that look on her face. Running his words back through his mind, he cursed himself as he realized what he said.

Slapping a hand over her mouth just as she was opening it, he shook his head. “Do not repeat that. Ever. To anyone. Fuck, I’m an idiot. That’s her secret to tell.”

Reaching up, she grabbed his hand and pulled it away. “She’s a freakin’ dragon?” she whispered, so softly he barely heard her. “And of course I won’t tell anyone. I’m kind of offended that you think I would.”

“I just don’t want anyone else to know, Linds. Like I said, it’s their secret to tell. Not mine.”

“Well, I won’t be telling anyone. I’d suggest you watch your own words from now on, though.”

Frowning at her, he just shook his head. His sister, with her rapid-fire words and smart mouth, was exhausting sometimes.

But apparently, she didn’t care whether he answered her or not. “I didn’t know they even still existed. I have so many questions.”

“Maybe I’ll answer them later. At least, the ones I know,” he said, glancing at his watch. “But for now, I’ve got a lunch date, so I need to get going.”

Lindsey let out a long sigh. “A lunch date with your mate. Gah, my heart can’t take it. Okay, go. Wouldn’t do to piss off the girl with the fire.”

Shaking his head at her, he didn’t reply as he left her office. What could he say, after all? She was one hundred prevent right. With that in mind, he quickened his steps as he headed for the backdoor.

There was definitely a form of fire he wanted from Olivia—but it for damned sure wasn’t her dragons’.

Chapter 18


Olivia leaned forward in her seat, trying to take everything in at once as Cody drove them through the gates and into his troop’s lands. Her heart was racing with a mixture of anticipation at seeing his home, and fear at being surrounded by his people.

She knew in her heart that they weren’t all that different from her, and that Cody would protect her. But knowing all that didn’t completely stem the fear.

Sometimes she wondered if she’d live with some sort of fear her whole life. She hoped not, but if she did, she’d learn to accept it somehow.

Cody reached over and took her hand, lacing their fingers together. She tore her eyes away from the scenery to give him a smile, and he returned it with the one she loved so much.

“You okay over there? I know going into new places, with new people, can be daunting for you after everything you’ve been through. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, let me know, and I’ll bring you back to town.”

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