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“I was wondering if maybe you’d like to come to the compound with me.”

Her eyes widened. “The compound?”

“That’s what we call our lands. It’s just a bunch of houses and a meeting hall, but we have a large fence around it to keep wondering humans out. I thought maybe we could go back to my house and get some lunch.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Get some lunch? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

“What? No, I’m not coming on to you. I really did just mean—” pausing, his eyes narrowed as he took in her barely suppressed laughter and dancing green eyes. “You’re teasing me.”

“Just a tiny bit. And yes, I’d love to.”

The corner of his mouth curled up. “Good. I’ll wrap up inside, and once you’ve fixed the truck, we’ll head out.”

“Okay. Oh, by the way, we’ve decided to do the full renovation. I was going to come inside and tell you when I was done with the truck.”

“That’s a good choice. I’ll feel better about your sister and friends living there it it’s fully done.”

She arched an eyebrow again. “My sister and friends?”

Fuck. He hadn’t meant to word it like that, and he didn’t want her to think he was trying to push her into something she wasn’t ready for. Stupid, stupid, stupid. A slip like that could set them back, considering everything she’d been through.

“I mean, I’ll feel better about all of you living there. I worded that wrong.”

She gave him a look that said she didn’t buy a word of his backpedaling, but since she didn’t look mad, he was going to take it.

“I get it. I’ll feel better about it then, too.”

Leaning down, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll let you get this finished. I’ll meet you out here when you’re done.”

“Sounds good.”

Reluctantly sliding his arms from around her, he turned and walked inside, his thoughts still consumed with her. She seemed happier, more at peace, than he’d ever seen her. He’d thought she was amazing before, but this version of her was one he absolutely loved.

Her happiness was his happiness.

“So… your mate, huh?”

Startled out of his thoughts by his grandfather’s gruff voice, he stopped and eyed him suspiciously. “Yes.”

Pops nodded slowly. “You’re different with her. Happier.”

Folding his arms, he cocked an eyebrow. “You were watching us?”

“I wanted to see for myself. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, and I won’t push anymore women on you. If you think she’s all you need, then I’ll leave you be.”

“How generous of you,” he replied, unable to hold back his sarcasm.

But his grandfather either didn’t catch it or just didn’t care, because he only nodded, going back to his work. Blowing out a breath, he quickly put up his tools, and then walked to Lindsey’s office. She’d be the one mostly coordinating the reno of the dragons’ house, and he wanted to get her started on it.

The moment he walked into the office, she snatched his arm and pulled him deeper inside, shutting the door behind her. She was practically vibrating, a huge smile dominating her face.

“Did I just hear that right? Olivia’s your mate? You have one? Our kind can have one?”

Resisting the urge to ruffle her hair like he had when they were kids, he nodded. “She is. My gorilla told me yesterday.”

“He talked to you and told you that you have a mate? Oh my God, Cody, this is amazing! I’m so happy for you. Why didn’t you tell me last night, asshole?”

Giving her an exaggerated wince when she punched him in the shoulder, he shrugged. “Because last night was nothing but fighting and bickering with Pops.”

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