Page 10 of Revenge in Room 426

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‘Chloe, I do want you. Hell.’ He grabbed hold of her elbows. ‘Dammit, would you stop trying to get away from me and listen.’

‘No.’ She shook her head violently, determined not to embarrass herself any more with him. ‘I want to go. I don’t want this.’ She forced herself to hold his stare. ‘You. I don’t want you.’

‘I’m sorry, but it was you who stroked my chest before.’

‘It was an accident.’

His look told her he knew that had been no accident. ‘You did it twice.’

‘I have to go.’

Liam tightened his hold on her. ‘Stay.’

Chloe looked at him and knew that years of hurt and humiliation were reflected in her blurry eyes. ‘You had a bet with your friends that you could make me fall in love with you,’ she cried.

‘Yes. And I’m sorry I did that to you.’

His honesty and the sincerity of his apology floored her and it must have shown because he laughed. ‘You weren’t expecting me to confess my part in it?’

No she wasn’t.

‘I admit that I initially invited you out as part of a dare,’ he began slowly, ‘I was… I was messed up at the time but I promise you that I had nothing to do with the proposal or the video. In fact I had my father take it down from the internet as soon as he could.’

Chloe wrapped her arms around her waist. ‘So your friends improvised. Big deal. I’m over it. I’m over you. I’m over your pity.’

‘What pity?’

Chloe really didn’t want to have this conversation but she only had herself to blame because she’d started it. She’d come here on some stupid mission for revenge that she should have known she didn’t have the wherewithal to pull off. ‘The pity I saw in your eyes the moment I threw my arms around your neck and said yes, I’ll marry you.’ She gave a self-deprecating laugh that rang hollowly in the quiet room.

‘That wasn’t pity you saw in my eyes’ Liam said quietly. ‘That was regret over my actions.’

She made a noise in the back of her throat. ‘God, I must be the village idiot. How could I have ever thought…’ She checked herself and shook her head, her hair falling around her face in soft waves. ‘Please forget you even know me and we’ll call this the end of it.’

‘Dammit, Chloe, I do not pity you.’


‘I’m serious about seeing you again. In fact I want you to come with me to the premiere of Time Could Wait tomorrow night.’

‘Your movie?’


‘The one that will be lined with about a gazillion women all screaming your name and throwing knickers at you.’

‘They don’t tend to do that anymore. And some will be screaming Bethany Lord’s name, but yes. That one.’

Chloe wanted to she realised. Really badly. Which was a very good reason why she shouldn’t. ‘No.’

‘Give me one good reason why not?’

Liam had widened his stance as if he was going into battle and Chloe wished for one brief moment that all that hard male perfection could really be hers. ‘Give me one good reason why I should?’ she countered.

‘I want to see you again and tomorrow I’m busy all day in radio interviews and then I have to fly to Paris for the next leg of the junket.’

She shook her head. ‘And what if someone recognises me from that awful prank?’

‘Then I’ll tell them what a stupid jock I was.’

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