Page 51 of She is Mine: Steamy Instalove
Cuddling. On my bed. With a chick.
Must be the end of the world. I wait for darkness to set in. For an earthquake to hit or a bomb to go off, calamity to strike, and take us both down.
Nothing happens.
I relax a little, and thread my fingers through her hair. “Are you okay?”
She nods. “Nightmare.”
“What about?”
She swallows hard. I can feel her throat move. “Falling.”
I tense. “Why are you so afraid of falling?”
She says nothing.
“Go back to sleep,” I whisper.
“Don’t want to.” She sounds like a petulant child, and I smile in spite of myself. “Tell me about you.”
“My life’s not a fairytale.”
“Never said it was. I’m also building my folder on you, you know.”
“You are?” There’s a pleasant catch in my chest, like a kiss at my very center. Oh, fuck. And the worst part is that I want to tell her. The whole sad story of my past. All that fucks up with my head. All I’ve lost and may still lose. “What do you wanna know?”
“Why your cock is pierced,” she says.
I choke on laughter. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting this. “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” She nods gravely and looks down at my crotch. I’m naked, and, oh shit, I’m getting hard under her gaze. Her hand moves to the stud in my nipple, toying with it, and sensation tears through me, shooting straight into my dick, so that it tightens and rises against my stomach. “Tell me,” she says.
No clue what she’s talking about. Fuck.
“About the Jacob’s Ladder,” she goes on, still toying with the damn piercing. “Why did you put it in? Does it feel good when you have sex?”
“I, uh…” Her hand trails down my chest to my cock, and how the hell am I supposed to think like this? “Yeah.”
“So is that why you did it?”
“No. Dakota… Oh shit.” Her hand now toys with the Jacob’s Ladder, tiny tugs and taps that make my body arch.
“It must have hurt.”
“Yeah. But I’m used to it.”
Her hand pauses. “You like the pain.”
My hips move restlessly. “Depends.”
“On what?”
Christ. “Sometimes I need it. Not much. Just a little.”
“Is that why you cut your arms?”
Oh hell. I clench my jaw and throw an arm over my face. Of course she noticed. “Yeah. I used to. Have you ever done it?”