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Warmth permeated her skin and the faint, familiar smell of him teased her senses.

It felt ridiculously intimate, wearing his jacket. She probably should have given it back, but instead she pulled it closer.

They were walking toward the park, and every step was taking her farther from Valentine.

She was about to stop and say it w

as too far, when he turned the corner.

“This is where I live.”

“Here?” She blinked. “This is Fifth Avenue.”

“That’s right. I live on Fifth Avenue.”

This time she did stop. “You live on Fifth Avenue? Overlooking the park?”

“Yes. And I suggest we get indoors before you die of shock or hypothermia.” Without giving her a chance to respond, he stepped into a building, exchanged a few words with the doorman and then there was only the smooth glide of the elevator as it rose.

His shirt was soaked through, the fabric clinging to his skin. She couldn’t drag her eyes from the powerful muscles of his shoulders and when she did her gaze met his and the connection was like being stuck by lightning.

“You’re soaked, too.” Her voice was croaky, but she was just relieved her vocal cords hadn’t been fried along with her brain cells. “Sorry.”

Daniel yanked off his tie. Raindrops glistened on his hair and his shoulders. “I know it’s easier said than done, but try and relax. My sisters have been using that vet practice for years. They’re good.”

To stop herself from thinking about Valentine, she thought about the guy they’d met. Seth. She wanted to know why Daniel had looked at him with such naked animosity.

She was about to ask him more questions, but the doors opened and he urged her out of the elevator.

His apartment was as spectacular as the address—a duplex with a winding staircase that led to the upper floor and a terrace that wrapped itself around two sides.

Her entire apartment would have fitted comfortably into his living room.

She remembered what she’d read about him. He was considered one of the top divorce attorneys in Manhattan. The lawyer you wanted on your side when things went wrong. And he’d been on her side tonight, despite the fact that she’d taken Brutus to his offices with the sole intention of embarrassing him.

She turned, pathetically grateful. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For helping me tonight. After what I did to you today, I wouldn’t have blamed you for walking away.”

“Why would I have walked away? You seemed like you needed help.”

She was so anxious about Valentine she could barely summon a smile. “So you really are a Knight? What sort? White or shining armor?”

“I guess that all depends on perspective.”

“I think I’ve lost all perspective.”

Dark brows met in a frown. “You need to sit down, but first we should both clean up. Take a shower, then I’ll make us something to eat. Whatever questions you have can wait until then.” He led the way upstairs. “There’s a guest bedroom and bathroom you can use. Help yourself to towels. I’ll find something for you to wear and leave it on the bed.”

She’d given no thought to the state of her clothes, but now she realized she was almost as much of a mess as he was.

“Valentine ruined your suit. And what he started, the rain finished. I’ll pay to have it cleaned. And if it’s beyond repair, then I’ll—”

“Molly,” he interrupted her gently. “Go take a shower.”

“Right. Shower. Sounds good.” She felt tears sting her eyes and blinked rapidly. Crying on him would be the final insult to his suit. She turned away but Daniel reached out and caught her arm.

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