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And before her friends in Brooklyn woke and asked her lots of awkward questions, although knowing them they already knew exactly where she’d spent the night.

And then there was Matt. Oh God, Matt.

How could she have forgotten about he

r brother?

“We can’t tell Matt.” Her tone was urgent. “He can’t know about tonight.”

The smile faded from Jake’s face, and she knew he hadn’t thought of that, either.

“He’s my closest friend. I won’t lie to my friend.”

“I’m your friend, too, and I’m not asking you to lie. I’m saying we don’t need to tell him.”

Jake was silent for a moment and she sensed his internal battle. It was visible in the tightening of his mouth and the taut lines of his shoulders, and she stood, drenched in guilt, knowing that she’d made things difficult.

“This is all my fault,” she sighed.

“Yeah, because you had to force me. Did you notice that?” He took her face in his hands and kissed her gently. “Why don’t you want to tell him, honey?”

He’d used endearments before, but never with his voice so rich with affection.

“You know why. Because he’s overprotective. Because he’d read too much into it. Make something of it. And anyway, what is there to tell him? It was one night of sex.” Until she said the words aloud she hadn’t realized how badly she wanted him to contradict her.

It seemed inconceivable to her that something that felt so life changing and perfect could be extinguished so quickly, but she knew Jake. And because she knew Jake, she wasn’t surprised when he nodded.

“All right. We’ll do it your way.”

She had no right to feel this crushing disappointment.

She knew the way he lived his life, and she, better than anyone, understood the reasons.

His mother had walked out and left him.

It was something she found hard to imagine. She thought about her own mother, the laughter they shared, the love. She counted on her parents 100 percent. Yes, there were times when they drove her insane because they were so protective, but she also knew how lucky she was. Never, not once, had she ever doubted that they would be there for her.

True, Jake had Maria, but she hadn’t been able to undo the damage that had already been done.

And Paige had walked into this knowing that and knowing the rules.

Jake dragged his thumb slowly over her lower lip, and then bent to kiss her. “Wait there.”

He was back moments later, wearing jeans and a shirt.

She looked at him in surprise. “Where are you going?”

“I’m taking you home.”

“I don’t need you to take me home. There are no expectations, Jake. No responsibilities or commitments. I walk out of that door and we both go back to doing what we were doing, with whoever we want to do it with.”

His brows drew together in a frown. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It was one night. I told you I could handle it and I can. We go back to our lives. Neither of us needs to feel awkward. You can date people and I can date people. No problem.”

His frown deepened. “You’re dating someone? You’re seeing someone?” His tone was several degrees cooler, and she was surprised by the change in him until she realized he was probably thinking that she’d cheated on some guy.

“No! I’m not seeing anyone right now. You think I would have done what we did if I was? I was talking hypothetically.”

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