Page 39 of The Boss: Book 1

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This was happening.


He supported me with one arm and braced his other on the window as he wedged me into the corner. His fitted shirt pulled, and I yanked at the cuff until the button popped and I got to more skin. My eyes widened at the sleeve of ink.

It was too dark to get much more than a glimpse of it, but the theme came through. A map and compass in intricate detail.

Detail I’d need to study later.

When my brain worked again. When I wasn’t ready to kill to get him inside me. When the ache went away.


His eyes went hot.


I locked my ankles at his lower back and reached between us. I wished for no condom. I knew the feel of him, the texture and the heat. I wanted to rip off the condom, but I didn’t. Reckless was one thing, stupid was another.

The purring groan that rumbled out of his chest made every nerve ending fire. I hissed as the flared head slipped inside. I was ready for him. Maybe too ready. My body already wanted to vise around him.

I couldn’t look away. He barely communicated with me, but here I could read a part of him. I saw the bliss and the calm wash over his face like water. His lids lowered as he sank into me. His eyes were mere slits as he slowly slid out and worked his way back in again.

Substantial wasn’t even the word.

I wanted to climb up the glass and get away from the overwhelming invasion.

Too much.

Not enough.

I hung on to his shoulder with one hand and drove the other into his hair as he rocked inside me again and again. I didn’t want it to end, but I needed more. Something…I didn’t understand. This was more than I’d ever imagined sex could be and still, I couldn’t tamp down the ache.

“Blake,” I said on a hiccupping moan.

Was that me?


My nails dug into his shoulder. “Please. I…” I arched, and his dress shirt scraped my nipples. I turned to look at his ink-encased arm, then outside into Boston. The city going on as if it was any other Thursday night.

His hips snapped forward, and my attention centered on him again.

On the swirling desire I couldn’t manage to get past.

Disappointment started to eat at the pleasure. Was this all there was? The build, but the payoff would remain elusive? Was it just greed talking? I’d certainly had more orgasms with him than anyone, but…

Frustration leaked into my chest and out in a growl.

He leaned into me until there was nothing between us, not even air. Full. God, he was everywhere. I tightened my thighs to drag him even closer. The friction from his clothing abraded and bunched. His fingers dug into my hip as he loomed over me.

That intensity lit his eyes again, and the freefall caught me off-guard. From an outlying frustration to unending, overwhelming release. Every nerve ending tingled, and my skin sizzled. I couldn’t look away from him, and all the rioting emotions slammed into pleasure until there was nothing but Blake.

Nothing but a steamroller leaving me completely shattered.

Nothing but him.

When my current world came back into focus, I pressed my forehead to his and tried to remember how to breathe. Luckily, my lungs still knew how to do their job, because I didn’t. The sharp thrusts of his hips were my only clue that he was as lost as I was.
