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“Each of you will be assigned a permanent bodyguard. The only time that assignment will change is in case of illness or an unavoidable conflict.”

“Permanent?” Oz asked. “Forever?”

“Permanent until the threat has been handled, whatever way we deem necessary.” Donovan tucked his hands in his pockets. “We don’t like living with this any more than you do.”

“Wait a second, you mean you guys too?” Lindsey asked.

Lila smiled grimly. “You haven’t lived until you have to tell your six-year-old twins why that strange man is taking them to kindergarten.”

“Ugh, that’s horrible. Your poor girls.”

“Far worse than them is my husband. He actually attempted to put his bodyguard in a headlock on the first night.”

Oz grinned. “Attempted?”

“Yes. He did not succeed, much to his chagrin.” Lila sighed. “So, trust me when I say I want all this to be over just as much as every one of you. Probably more.”

“All of this can’t be Pat’s doing.” When Cooper’s grip tightened on my fingers, I flashed him a look. “I’m not defending him. He just wasn’t that bright.”

Noah’s eyes narrowed. “You’d be surprised the hidden sides people can have.”

Why did it seem like he was fixated on Coop? Who was not paying him any mind.

They’d been in the Rangers together, that much I knew. Cooper had left for an assortment of vague reasons. And he wondered why I hadn’t gone to confession about Pat? He wasn’t exactly Mr. Forthcoming either.

Sometimes I wanted to ask more questions, but mostly, I tried to respect his boundaries. Although what Lindsey had said about his dreams was preying on my mind. I’d kind of expected him to volunteer to crash with me this morning—why, I don’t know, since we’d never slept that close before—but maybe there were reasons he’d wanted his space. Or else he’d been worried about protecting mine.

God, why was everything so complicated all of a sudden? All I knew was that holding his hand felt nice. No one around us seemed to notice or care.

Except for me. I was definitely noticing and starting to wonder if he could tell my palm was damp again, for an entirely different reason this time.

Weirdo. He’s just being a good friend. Don’t make it a thing.

Lila was talking again, but my focus stayed on my fingers locked with Cooper’s. Clearly, I needed more sleep.

Then she mentioned the bus situation.

“We know you enjoy having more room and your current bus arrangements, but we’re making some changes. To keep everyone safe, we’re going to one bus for the band and security and another bus for the crew.”

“One bus? You can’t be serious. Blondie’s hair products take up a cubic mile.”

Lindsey reached behind me to playfully shove Jamie, who laughed and shoved her back. Then she seemed to notice how Cooper and I still had our fingers linked and raised a brow as she stuck her tongue in her cheek. I couldn’t help snorting out a laugh, and Coop slid me a questioning glance as if I was deranged.

At this point, maybe I was. But he didn’t let go of my hand.

“One bus, but not any ordinary bus. This is spacious with every amenity and worthy of being on a reality television show.” When Lindsey and Oz started to speak, she held up a finger. “Yes, there’s room for significant others.”

Oz let out a sigh. “Thank fuck.”

“That’s why you were worried, yep. But thanks for spelling it out.” Cooper grinned for the first time in I didn’t know how long as he squeezed my fingers.

Damp hands were now an issue. No doubt about it.

“You will all have plenty of room. Your significant others will too. We will have a modified security staff on the bus, led by Noah.”

“Well, of course.” Jamie snagged my soda and took a long pull before capping it and licking her lips. “Who else could we exp

ect to be in charge other than Master Sergeant?”
