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“You only liked her because she laughed at your stupid jokes.”

“I liked her because she was the only girl with the intelligence to recognize and appreciate my humor and great wit.”

“That’s only because your intellect is on a level with her first grade students.”

Ben gave a belly laugh. “That might be why she was attracted to you. That and the fact you’re so short.”

“I ought to pin you to the floor for that. But we already know who’d win that battle.”

“Only because you’re fatter than I am. It’s a middle-weight fighting a heavy-weight.”

“I’m not fatter, I’m fitter. This is solid muscle.”

“Ha! I’d take you on if you hadn’t already torn my rotator cuff. That’s actually why I’m in town—I’m having a surgery consult.” Ben moved his shoulder, wincing.

“Are you kidding me?” Brad said. “Who’s your surgeon?”

“Dr. Blankenstein or Blankenship or something like that.” He fumbled in his pocket, pulled out an appointment card and handed it to Brad.

“Dr. Blankenship. David Blankenship. I know him—he’s a good guy. Oh man, I’m sorry you’ve got to have surgery on your shoulder. Did that happen when we were playing around last month?”

“No, you didn’t actually do it. I was wrestling this other guy, kind of on a dare—a former football player. He beat me six out of six times. I guess I should have stopped after the fifth time, but I really don’t like losing.” He laughed again. “But never mind that. Why did Grace break up with you?”

“Maybe I broke up with her? Why do you assume she broke up with me?”

Ben leaned back and propped his feet on the footstool, crossing his arms. He appraised his brother from head to toe. “Nope, I don’t buy it. Grace way out-classed your ugly butt. You wouldn’t break it off with her unless you were stupid. Hmmm... On the other hand, you can be pretty stupid sometimes. Maybe you did break up with her.”

Brad had an urge to wipe the smirk off Ben’s face. He forced his fists to unclench and stretched his stiff neck from side to side. Maybe he could divert the conversation before he tore his brother’s other shoulder. “Speaking of ugly butts, you never told me how long you’re going to be here.”

“I’m planning to stay through the weekend if that’s okay. I’m doing some business stuff in addition to the surgery consult.”

“How is your new business going? Tell me again what you’re doing?”

“I’m creating printed books based on people’s Facebook entries. They just upload their favorite posts and pictures into the pre-made format, and I print the book for them.”

“I can’t believe it. My brother, who never reads, has a business printing books.” Brad chuckled, “Aren’t you kind of a hypocrite?”

“They’re picture books!” Ben narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows, pretending anger. But he couldn’t suppress a laugh. “I think it’s apropos I’m making money off of people who are foolish enough to waste their time buying and reading books. Someone is going to take advantage of these people—it might as well be me.”

Brad shook his head. “Sometimes I can’t believe we had the same parents. Maybe your father was the exterminator. Didn’t he have eyes like yours?”

“Very funny. That might explain why Mom always liked me better than you. But maybe we should both be worried—Dad didn’t care much for either one of us.”

“Ha! That’s true. Have you had dinner? We could go grab a bite somewhere. I’m suddenly starved.”

“No, I haven’t eaten.” Ben stood and started toward the door. “Now, I think you were telling me why Grace broke up with you.”

“No, I wasn’t,” Brad growled, falling in step beside his brother, aware his appetite had fled to once again be replaced by a sour stomach.

“Seriously, it’s really over? I thought for sure you were going to marry her. I’ve never seen you so stupid over a girl. I mean, I’ve seen you stupid plenty of times. But not over a girl—not until Grace.”

“Look. There’s nothing to tell. We broke up. It’s over. I don’t even care about her anymore.”

“Really?” Ben tilted his head with a wry smile. “Then it’s okay with you if I ask Grace out? OW! I think you broke a rib. If I have to have another surgery, you’re paying for it.”


Grace’s heart skipped a beat as her cell phone rang. But a quick glance showed the call was from her future sister-in-law, Emily. She debated whether to answer the call. She might accidentally miss Brad’s call if it came while she was talking to Emily.

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