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“Hi Emily. Uhmm, I can’t talk long. I’m kind of expecting a call.”

“Okay. This won’t take long, anyway. Spencer and I just wanted to see what y’all were doing Friday night?”


Emily laughed. “Don’t make fun of my Texas accent. I meant to say you—both of you. You and Brad. Do y’all have plans? Because we were thinking of making fajitas and playing cards while the boys watch the baseball game.” She chuckled, “Who am I kidding? I mean, while all three of you watch the baseball game. You’re just as bad as they are.”

“Uhmm... Can I get back to you on that? I mean... I’d have to talk to Brad first.” She felt her eyes starting to water. She had to get off the phone before Emily noticed anything amiss. “Oh, I think that’s the other line. I’ll get back to you soon, okay?”

Disconnecting the call, she searched her pocket for a tissue that wasn’t totally drenched. She wadded up a handful of wet Kleenex and stuffed them in the now-empty box and stumbled toward the trashcan.

She jumped at the voice behind her. “Okay Sister—spill it,” ordered Olivia. “You’ve been emptying tissue boxes for days, and I know you don’t have a cold.”

“It’s nothing—just hormones.” Grace’s phone coughed out a message indication. She hurried to open the message, only to find a communication from Emily about their Friday night plans. Her shoulders slumped along with her spirit as she slinked back to the couch.

“You know we’re synced, so don’t give me that hormone excuse. What’s up? You’ve been acting weird since Saturday.”

“Please, I don’t want to...” Her words stopped as her phone rang. Her heart began to race as she checked the caller ID. It was Josh. A nauseous feeling welled up in her stomach. Josh had said he would call if things didn’t go well. This must mean Brad had rejected her offer. She silenced the phone and swallowed the bile that rose in her throat, failing to stop a fresh flood of tears.

Olivia was beside her in a second, hugging her sopping face in her arms. “Grace, what happened? Did someone hurt you? I’ll kill them for you. I can do it—I’m bigger than you are.”

At that proclamation, Grace let out a muffled chuckle. She sniffed and wiped her face on her sleeve for lack of a dry tissue. “It’s just... Don’t tell anyone, okay? Please? Not even Hannah or Claire or Spencer?”

“Okay, I promise. Our sisters are both out for the evening anyway.”

“I... We... Brad and I broke up.”

“What happened, Grace? I really thought you were perfect for each other.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. It’s all for the best. You know me—I don’t date anyone for very long.”

“Yeah, but you don’t usually cry when you break up with your boyfriends. What’s the deal? Are you in love with Brad?”

“Of course I’m not in love with him!” Grace bit back with vehemence. “I’m the one who broke it off.”

“Okay, okay. Whatever you say. I wasn’t trying to be offensive, you know.”

Grace cringed, “I’m sorry, Sister. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

“But something is different with Brad. Right?”

“But I’m not in love with him.” Grace’s chest tightened until she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t be in love with Brad. They’d only been dating for a couple of months. In fact, she’d broken up with Brad for declaring he was in love with her. The whole idea was ridiculous. She was only feeling guilty because she’d hurt his feelings. And lonely because she missed his company. And depressed because he’d rejected her apology. And despondent because she had so many regrets. That’s all it was—she couldn’t be in love with him.

“Whatever. I guess it doesn’t matter since you two have broken up, unless you think there’s a chance you might get back together.” Olivia narrowed her eyes at Grace. “Is that why you keep checking your phone? Are you hoping to hear from him?”

Grace fumbled the phone in her fingers, almost dropping it on the floor. “No, I’m expecting a call from a parent. You know... Problems in the home.” She realized she’d been lying a lot recently. She hoped she could keep all of her stories straight.

Olivia nodded understanding as she embraced her sister again. “You know what you need? Chocolate!”

Grace sniffed. “I’m listening...”

“I’ll go buy a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy ice cream.”

“Are you going to eat with me?”


“Better make it two.”

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