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“No, this room is scary. I’d rather fall asleep in the waiting room. Is that okay?”

“Sure. But don’t wander off or we’ll never find you.”

With the knowledge the sedative was in her system, Grace already felt less tension. She managed to finish her admission interview with Mark, who regarded her with trepidation.

Fearing she’d missed Brad’s call, Grace checked her cell phone and discovered Spencer’s message. She gave herself a mental kick for forgetting to unblock Brad’s number and another for forgetting to tell her family about her error concerning the surgery time. She was about to send a group message when a thought occurred to her. If her sisters didn’t realize the time had been changed, they would arrive too late to embarrass her while she was under the influence of the IV drugs. She couldn’t help the smile that slid onto her face—she’d outfoxed her sisters.

She confessed to her mother in a text. Mom. Got surgery time wrong. Starts at twelve. Don’t tell the family. Will wait here until you get off work. Took premed already. Please pray.

With that done, she unblocked Brad’s number and sent another message. Unblocked your number. Please call soon.

She settled in to wait, attempting to concentrate on the mystery on her kindle. She reread the same paragraph multiple times before abandoning her book to watch the news on the waiting room television while her mind drifted into oblivion. When her head jerked, she woke with a start to discover thirty minutes had passed. A band tightened around her chest with the realization she might not be able to speak to Brad before the procedure. Her mind was getting foggy, but she knew she needed to communicate with him somehow.

She opened the message screen and forced her numb mind to move her fingers. brad. i am having a needle biopsy. mercy general at 12. i am sorry i didn’t tell you before. in case i never wake up, i love you.

She strained her eyes in a hopeless attempt to focus on the small words. Should she really leave that last sentence in there? It was kind of lame to say it for the first time in a text message. But what if she didn’t survive the procedure and he never knew the truth? She took a deep breath and sent the message to Brad.


Kara was totally frustrated. The emergency room had been so hectic due to the accident victims she hadn’t had a single moment to speak to Brad alone. She had to talk to him soon before he had a chance to make up with Grace. She needed to tell him her big news. The inspired idea had come to her after her earlier conversation with Josh Branson. She’d dug the application forms from a discard pile in her locker, and she couldn’t wait to reveal them to Brad. It was a surefire way to prove she was selfless and altruistic. In light of her revelation, he was bound to find her much more appealing than Grace. She couldn’t think of any other reason he would be attracted to the diminutive girl who toiled as a first grade teacher other than the self-sacrificing nature of her job. Once he discovered Kara’s philanthropic plans, he’d be open to dating her. And after she’d bedded him, she could use her ample skills to control him. Later, when her application mysteriously fell-through, he wouldn’t realize she’d never actually sent the forms into the agency. By that time, he wouldn’t want her to go overseas anyway.

“Brad! I mean, Dr. Gates! Do you have a second?” She pulled the papers out of her coat pocket and cut him off before he entered the lounge.”

“Actually Dr. Dickson, this isn’t a good time.” He slipped past her and through the door.

“It will only take a second. I only need your recommendation on this form. I’m applying for Physicians Across Borders.”

He halted while reaching for his cell phone and turned to face her. “Really? That doesn’t seem like your cup of tea.”

She shrugged and lowered her eyes. “I know. No one knows the real me. I really want this. But I’ve got to get some great recommendations or I won’t have a chance.”

“A chance at what?” Josh’s voice rang out behind her.

“Kara’s applying for Physicians Across Borders. Did you know that?”

“No, I didn’t,” said Josh, squinting as he regarded her. She felt her face getting hot. She’d hoped to keep Dr. Branson out of it. He might be suspicious.

“What is this?” Brad was staring at his cell phone with his mouth hanging open.

Josh said, “Did you hear from Grace?”

“Yes... But what do you make of this text?”

Kara cleared her throat. “About my application...”

Josh snatched the papers from her grasp. “Don’t worry, Dr. Dickson. I’ll make sure this application gets completed before the deadline. And I’ll secure your recommendations as well.” His smile was genuine. In fact he was almost chuckling. Perhaps he believed her after all.

“Well, can I just—”

“Dr. Dickson, could you please give me a private moment to consult with Dr. Gates? Thank you. I’ll get back to you about your application.”

Kara found herself staring at the outside of the locked lounge door.


Brad showed the text to Josh. Brad . i an having a meddle noisy merry general at 12 i am spray i didn’t yell you before. On case i beverage wake ipod , i live you.

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