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“I know—you’re new. But you need to find the sub who’s scheduled to come to my room and get them to come early.”

“Oh... Oh...” She began to shuffle through papers on her desk, her hands trembling.

“It’s probably in the computer,” said Grace. “Do you want me to look?”

Relief flowed over Danna’s face, and she gave Grace a grateful smile. “Would you please? It’s just that I’m—”

“Yes, I know—you’re new.” Grace thought Danna ought to have learned something during her month-long term as the receptionist, but she kept the opinion to herself. She could hardly criticize the flighty girl, when she had a tendency to make such crazy blunders, herself. She located the substitute schedule and the phone number for Danna. But at her panicked expression, Grace decided to make the call herself.

“Hello? Is this Brian Taylor?”


“This is Harbinger Elementary. I know you’re scheduled to substitute at eleven o’clock, but I’m hoping you can come early.” At his hesitation she added, “It’s kind of an emergency.”

“Uhmm... I could probably be there by ten.”

Grace sucked in a deep breath and held it. Ten o’clock would have to do. “Okay, thanks so much.”

Danna was still regarding her with wide eyes. “Where are you going?”

“To the hospital.” Grace held her hand to her throat, feeling the rapid pulse in her neck. “And I wish I already had that sedative they’re giving me. I need it now.”

The door opened behind Danna, and the principal peered outside. She frowned when she saw Grace and stepped to the desk, shutting the door behind her.

“What’s wrong, Grace? You’re white as a sheet.”

“Oh Ms. Garcia, I’m such an air-head! I thought my appointment was for one o’clock, but it’s really at eleven. I just called to get my sub to come early. He said he could get here by ten.”

“Grace, your hands are shaking. Don’t fret about this—I’ll cover your classroom as soon as I handle a few things up here. You don’t have to wait until ten o’clock to leave.”

“Thank you so much! I’m so nervous about getting there on time. If I’m late I won’t have time to get checked in and get the sedative. I want to make sure it has time to work before they give me an IV. I’m so afraid of the needle.”

She chuckled. “Poor Grace. I don’t know how you’re going to handle having children.”

“I may have to adopt,” said Grace, only half-teasing.

“You’re having surgery?” asked Danna. “What are they doing to you? You don’t look sick.”

Ms. Garcia stopped her. “Danna, all health issues are private. You aren’t supposed to ask these questions unless you need to know. And if anyone shares health information with you, you’re not allowed to give that information to anyone else. Do you understand?”

Danna started blinking rapidly, and Grace thought she might start crying. She decided to diffuse the tense situation with humor. “It’s okay, Danna. You might as well know. I’m having plastic surgery.” She winked at her principal. “The next time you see me, you won’t even recognize me.”

Ms. Garcia played along with her. “Yes, I’m hoping you’ve decided to go with a bigger nose to balance out those cheek implants you’re getting.”

“The breast reduction is going to be the best part,” Grace chuckled. “It’ll be so much easier to find clothes to fit.”

Ms. Garcia placed a hand on her arm. “Seriously Grace, I’ll be praying for you. I’m sure everything will be fine. And who’s your sub?”

“I’ve never met him. His name is Brian Taylor.”

“Brian’s great—he’s quite intimidating. He used to be in the marines, and he’s great with discipline. He’s about six foot four and he’s built like a cinder-block.”

“I’m sorry I’m going to miss him.” She remembered her abandoned classroom and gasped. “Yikes! I’ve got to get back to my classroom. Thanks so much, Ms. Garcia.”

On her walk back to class, Grace began to feel guilty Brad wouldn’t hear about her biopsy until after it was over. After all, he hadn’t really done anything wrong. She couldn’t even be angry with him about the Kara (a.k.a. Leanne) situation since she’d already broken up with him when they went to the baseball game together. She retrieved her phone and entered a text with trembling fingers. Call me when you get a chance. I have something important to tell you. She thought for a moment. They hadn’t really talked in a month—he was probably angry with her. And I’m sorry! There—now he would know she was taking the blame. She pressed send before she could chicken out and made sure her phone was in her pocket where she could feel it vibrate.

Adrenaline working overtime, she took a few deep breaths to slow her heart and squeezed her hands into fists. She couldn’t wait to take that sedative.

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