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“I’m going to remember that remark next month when your birthday comes along.”


Emily knew something was wrong from listening to Spencer’s side of

the conversation. He’d taken the call while walking her up to her apartment, but now he stood outside her door, listening and asking scary questions like, “How long will it take you to recover?” and “Does Brad know?” It was something about Grace, and his alarmed expression made her heart race. What could it be? Had she been in an accident?

When he hung up the phone he turned to her, rubbing his temples. “That was Grace. She’s having a biopsy tomorrow afternoon. I can’t believe she waited this long to tell me.”

“A biopsy? For cancer?”

“Yes. It’s called a needle biopsy. She said it’s most likely a couple of cysts, but there’s a chance it’s cancer. I mean, that’s why they do a biopsy, right?”

“Tomorrow afternoon? Is she scared?”

“She’s terrified. She didn’t talk about it, but I know her. She’s afraid of blood and needles and surgery. It’s like a phobia with her. She tries to cover it up since she’s grown, but it’s still there.”

“Ohmygosh! Maybe I can go sit with her. What time is she having it done? And where?”

“She said it’s tomorrow afternoon. I’ve got an accounting test, so I can’t go.” He closed his eyes tight, pushing his hand through his hair. It hurt to watch the worry on his face. He was so close to his little sister.”

“I’m sure I can get off work. Where is she doing it?”

“She said she’s going at one o’clock to the outpatient surgery at Mercy General, and she thinks the procedure will be at two. Oh, and Mom is supposed to go over as soon as she gets off work.”

“But no one will be there when she’s waiting to go in? That’ll be the worst time. I’m going for sure—she doesn’t need to be alone.”

Spencer’s face relaxed a little as he wrapped her in his arms. “Thanks so much. I’ll feel better knowing you’re with her.”

Emily felt a warm glow as she reveled in the security of his embrace. “She’s going to be my sister in a few months. What did she say about Brad? Has she told him?”

“No, but she said she’s going to talk to him tomorrow night after she wakes up.”

“After she wakes up? Is she going under general anesthesia for this?”

“No, but she’s taking a sedative and they’re giving her an IV.”

“I’ll be sure to be there by one o’clock.”

“Thanks Emily.” He lifted her chin, and his kiss took her breath away.

When he released her, she stayed in his arms until her heart rate returned to normal. With her head against his chest, she could hear his own heart pounding.

“Wow. I really like these ‘gratitude kisses’. I’ll try to earn them as often as possible.”


Olivia was exhausted when she went up to her room. Her clinical rotation in NICU was intense, and she’d stayed at the library to study until eight p.m. Knowing her alarm would go off at five a.m., she’d planned to shower and fall into bed. But when she opened the door and found Grace looking up at her with red-rimmed eyes, she knew it was finally time to clear the air. Despite her fatigue, her heart rejoiced. She’d missed her sister—they’d never stayed angry at each other for this long. Not that they’d actually been angry, but they weren’t communicating about anything of importance. Olivia missed that closeness so much. She’d almost felt like she’d lost a limb—everything seemed off-kilter without Grace.

Olivia opened her arms and in a blink, Grace was hugging her, both of them weeping.

“I’m sorry,” sobbed Grace. “I just couldn’t explain it to you, and I didn’t want you to disapprove.”

“But I’m your sister. I’m on your side, no matter what.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?”

“Yes, but I expect you to tell me everything.”

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