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“On the subway,” he finished for her. “I know that now. But I didn’t know that when I invited Kara to come to dinner. I also didn’t know Horatio wasn’t coming or that Kara was the one who prevented me from getting your card and flowers.”

“It’s okay. I’m not mad at you. I can understand why you would date her. I mean, she’s smart and beautiful and tall.”

“I’m not dating her.”

“Well, I know you quit dating her when you started dating me, so it’s natural that—”

“Did she tell you that? Did Kara say we were dating before I started dating you?” Brad’s blue eyes glinted like steel as his jaw clenched.

Grace swallowed hard at his palpable fury. “I... I think she just said you were interested in her before I came along, but she implied you and she had... that you were... you know... together.” She felt her cheeks burning.

Grace was shocked to hear him curse. “Look Grace, she lies—you shouldn’t believe anything she said. I’m just now realizing how low she’ll stoop to get her way.”

“So... You never considered going back to Los Angeles with her to work at Central Hospital?”

“No way! As far as I’m concerned, Kara Dickson would be a major deterrent to working at Central Hospital. And I’m sorry I brought her here. Okay? And I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you Thursday night. And I’m sorry I talked to you about being in love and getting married. I know it’s too early to think about that. Okay?”

“Okay.” Grace felt hope blooming as he squeezed her hand.


“Huh?” She looked up through her lashes to find his face close to hers.

“Can I kiss you?”

“Uhmm... I don’t know—”

Brad swallowed her protest as he pressed his lips to hers. All objections flew out of her head as a dizzying sensation overwhelmed her. With only the lightest tender touch of his mouth against her lips, she felt a tingle spread from her neck down her spine. His fingers rose to gently caress her cheek. He pulled back a fraction and whispered, so close she could feel his breath on her face.

“Grace, I like you a lot.”

The warm feeling building inside Grace was replaced by a sudden chill. Had he changed his mind about loving her? Her crazy reaction to his profession of love must have caused him to take a step back. Now she recognized her own feelings of love for Brad, he no longer felt the same. Before panic could overtake her, Grace clamped down on her emotions. She had to be sane and rational—she couldn’t afford to overreact again. If he loved her before, he would come to love her again once he knew he could trust her.

Brad rested his forehead against hers, with one hand holding her face toward him. He moved slightly to brush his lips against hers again. “Do you like me too?” he asked, his voice sounding uncertain in the wake of her silence.

“Yes, I do.”

“Uhmm, I’m glad.” He smiled as he kissed her again, torturing her by bestowing only the softest amounts of pressure on her mouth, feathery caresses against her desperately seeking lips.

Grace pulled away from his embrace to force a sense of reason into her head. She attempted to slow her breathing as she studied Brad with wary eyes. To her great distress she realized he looked exhausted, as if he were recovering from some lingering illness. There were shadows under his bloodshot eyes, and his face appeared thin and drawn. So at least one of the things Kara had told her was factual. Grace had to find out if anything else she’d said was true. Was his job schedule wearing him out? Was he really giving up his hopes and dreams by remaining in New York City? Was he sacrificing his happiness for hers? She had to find out the truth. She would do whatever it took to ensure Brad got the life he deserved, even if she risked not being a part of his future.


Brad felt like a bundle of dynamite waiting for a spark. His nerve endings were on high alert, sending out lightning bolts each time his lips contacted hers. He was determined to stay in check, holding himself back from the urges that almost overwhelmed him. He had to take it slow with Grace. Now that he had her back, he had to be careful not to scare her off again. He wouldn’t be foolish enough to speak of love again for a long time, and he certainly wouldn’t mention marriage. He was so relieved there hadn’t actually been another guy. Well, technically there was another guy, but he was only a six-year-old. He tried to relax his tense muscles as he eased against the back of the couch, keeping a close eye on Grace lest she attempt to flee his presence.

He saw her chewing on her bottom lip the way she always did when she was worried about something. To him it was an adorable habit. He spied the funny-colored hair peeking out the hat he’d knocked askew. He grinned and cocked his head to the side.

“Let me see it. Take your hat off.”

She grabbed it and tugged it down tight over her hair. “No way.”

He laughed and tickled her side until she tried to fight him off, leaving her hat unguarded. He snatched the hat from her head and held it out of reach.

“You rat!” She covered her head with her hands.

“Stop,” he said, pulling at her hands. “It’s not that bad.”

“It’s awful,” she moaned, giving up and collapsing against the couch in defeat.

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