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“Technically, she didn’t lie,” said Olivia. “There is a boy named Horatio who’s in love with her, and he did give her a ring. But he’s only six years old, so I don’t think he’s a real threat.”

“Ha!” said Ben. “You got outmaneuvered by a six-year-old. That is so awesome.” His laughter grew at Brad’s outraged expression until he was rolling on the floor. His hilarity was contagious and soon the other four were chuckling, too.

“I’m glad you’re all enjoying yourselves at my expense. It would be nice if someone was willing to help me out.” Brad tried to control his growing irritation.

“I tried to help you, but you wouldn’t listen,” said Josh.

Spencer finally spoke. “I’m willing to help, but I think it may be too late. Bringing that woman to dinner may have been the last straw.”

“I’ll help you,” said Emily. “But only because I feel sorry for you because you look so terrible. Have you been sick?”

Brad rubbed his forehead. “If you must know, I’ve hardly slept since she broke up with me.”

“Shhhhh!” said Olivia from her listening post near the kitchen door. “I think Grace and Kara are back inside.”

Ben continued in a low voice, “Maybe if we can just get through dinner, you can get Grace alone long enough to apologize and talk to her.”

“I’ll even distract Kara for a while,” said Josh, “although you’ll owe me big time. I don’t know what you see in that woman.?


“She’s beautiful, of course. That’s what Brad sees in her,” said Olivia.

“I don’t think she’s beautiful.” Brad stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I think Grace is beautiful.”

Olivia’s mouth quirked up on one corner. “I hope you still feel that way when she takes her hat off.”


Grace felt Brad’s eyes on her during the entire dinner. She kept hers glued awkwardly to her plate, only speaking to give monosyllabic answers to direct questions. Kara, however, was animated and charming, flattering almost every person at the table, including all three of her sisters. She even directed a few veiled compliments toward Grace, enjoying her obvious discomfort.

“Grace, I absolutely love your hat!” said Kara. “I’ve tried to wear them myself, but my hair is just so long and straight they never look good on me.” She flicked a heavy tress over her shoulder. “But with your short, wiry hair, hats look great.”

“Gee thanks,” muttered Grace, acutely aware of the blood rushing to her face.

But Olivia’s expression was the epitome of if looks could kill. “Kara, I’m so glad we’re getting to know you. When I first met you I thought you were a stuck-up... uhmm... Well, let’s just say I thought you were stuck-up and malicious. But now, after seeing an example of just how kind and thoughtful you are, I know I really underestimated you. Stuck-up and malicious wouldn’t even begin to describe you. I mean, you are just soooooooo malevolent! Oh, I’m sorry, I meant to say benevolent.”

Hannah and Claire giggled, but their mother’s eyebrows furrowed. “Olivia... I think you’ve said quite enough.”

“But Mom,” said Olivia with wide eyes. “I was only complimenting Kara, the same way she complimented Grace.”

“Mom. May I be excused?” asked Grace. She couldn’t handle the stress for another moment. And it was killing her to sit across the table from Brad when he was sitting with Kara.

Connie put her hand on Grace’s arm. “Before dessert? Are you not feeling well?”

“I’m just not hungry.” Grace spoke the truth, having pushed her food around on her plate for the duration of dinner.

“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll come check on you in a bit,” said Connie.

When Grace stood up to leave the table, she saw the satisfied smirk on Kara’s face. But Brad rose as well. “I’ll walk you out. I’d like to talk to you before you disappear.” Grace saw the smirk hop from Kara’s face to Olivia’s.

By the time Grace slipped into the den with Brad following closely, her heart was hammering and her hands were perspiring. “Grace? Could we sit for a minute?” Brad indicated the couch with his outstretched hand.

“Okay.” Her voice sounded quivery, and she took a deep breath to steady herself as she perched on the end of the couch.

Brad took up a position so close she could feel his warmth radiating from his legs. He reached out and picked up her hand between both of his, holding it firmly when she tried to pull away. “Grace, we need to talk.” He closed his eyes as he drew in a lungful of air and let it whistle through his lips. “I tried to call you yesterday, but you didn’t answer or return my calls.”

“That’s because I lost my phone. I left it—”

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