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Kara sniffed a few times and dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve. “Even though you’ve only known him two months, you know better than that. You know he’s the kind of guy who always puts other people first. He probably hasn’t even told Josh the truth because he wouldn’t want Josh to feel bad.”

“Why would Josh feel bad?”

“Dr. Branson got promoted over Dr. Gates. If it weren’t for Josh, Brad could probably stay here and move up at Mercy General. But you know Brad would never let Josh know he was disappointed.”

Grace felt a tight band around her chest. It was true. She knew Josh and Brad had been in competition for the top spot after their residency. But she hadn’t realized Josh’s selection last month meant Brad’s career in New York was stalled. It made so much sense. Brad needed to leave New York, but he’d never believe she’d be willing to go with him. Unless... Unless he believed their relationship was over, leaving him free to follow his dreams. After he found a new position in Los Angeles or whatever city he chose, she could let him know she was in love with him. If she came to him, fully aware he was leaving the city, he would understand she was willing to move with him. And it would be too late for him to turn down the job and sacrifice himself for her.

Kara sniffed a few more times. “I just... I just care so much about him. Thanks for understanding.” Kara laid her hand on Grace’s arm, but Grace recoiled at her touch, stepping back to glare at her.

“Don’t mistake my tears for weakness. I recognize you for what you are, and I don’t believe your affection for Brad in any way approaches your love for yourself. And whether or not Brad and I end up together, I promise he will be fully aware of your treachery. If he chooses you, knowing who you really are, then he deserves you.”

Kara’s stricken face morphed into an odious snarl. “Do you actually think I care about your opinion of me? I was trying to be nice, but now the gloves are off.”

Grace laughed, stalking back inside. “Watch out... People will see your claws.”


Brad knew he was in trouble with Emily and Spencer the moment he walked into the kitchen. Spencer glared silently at him, but Emily had no shortage of words.

“What were you thinking? You knew Grace saw you kiss that woman at the baseball game, and then you brought her here to dinner? Are you just trying to hurt her?” Emily’s blue eyes shot daggers at Brad as she spewed out her accusations.

“You were the one who told Ben about Grace bringing Horatio to dinner,” Brad objected. “I only brought Kara because I thought he was coming. I didn’t know they’d already broken up.”

“Yes, but you brought the woman that lied to Grace and stole her card and flowers. Olivia already told us.”

“Thanks for that.” Brad sent a sour scowl Olivia’s direction.

“How could you? I thought you said you loved her,” Emily said.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. Olivia told me I couldn’t tell Grace I loved her because we’d only been dating for two months. But it seems I’m required to follow certain unknown rules to prove I actually do love her even though I’m not allowed to say it.”

Emily coughed out her exasperation. “Ha! And what’s so strange about that? Yes, girls require you demonstrate your love for a while before we’re willing to accept hearing the words. It’s not that difficult.”

“It’s difficult if you don’t know the rules,” Brad complained. “Was it really such a sin I said out loud the words I was feeling?”

“No, it’s just hard to believe your feelings were genuine when you brought that woman with you, knowing how much it would hurt her.”

“Why isn’t anyone worried about Grace hurting me? She was the one who broke up with me just so she could date some other guy. And believe me, it hurt.”

Emily’s eyebrows lifted as she folded her arms. “You certainly seemed to recover quickly from your terrible hurt—kissing another girl on national television a week later.”

“I didn’t kiss her—she kissed me.”

“Semantics,” said Ben from behind him, dodging the fist Brad shot toward his side. “Watch it! I’m already injured.”

“It’s getting old, Ben,” said Brad.

“No it’s not,” chuckled Josh. “I hadn’t heard it yet.”

“Why isn’t anyone upset about her dating this Horatio guy and accepting a diamond ring from him in less than a week?” Brad had the distinct impression everyone had chosen sides, and no one was on his.

“I kind of figured she made him up,” said Emily.

“She did make him up,” said Olivia.

“And this would have all been over if Kara hadn’t intercepted the card and flowers,” said Josh.

“Wait a minute... She made him up? Isn’t anyone upset with Grace for lying about Horatio?” asked Brad.

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