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“Nothing,” said Spencer, with a stern set to his jaw. “It’s not our place to interfere.”

“Buddy,” said Ben. “As I understand it, Brad saved your rear by interfering between you and Emily.”

Spencer’s frown relaxed. “I guess that’s true. He did send me the text to warn me about that picture Becca used to sabotage our relationship. If it weren’t for him, we might not be engaged.”

“So we owe it to Brad to help him out,” said Emily. “Let’s—” She swallowed her words as the bathroom door opened and Grace emerged, looking decidedly green. She moved to put an arm around her petite friend. “Can I get something for you? Maybe a glass of water?”

Grace nodded and moved to sink onto the couch, keeping her eyes averted.

Emily strained to listen as Ben murmured to Grace. “So I’m in town until Monday. Want to catch a play with me? I’ve been wanting to see Aladdin.”

Emily almost dropped the glass of water when Grace held up her left hand and wiggled her finger, flashing the large diamond at him. “I can’t go out with you,” she told Ben. “I’m taken.”

His brows scrunched with a deep furrow between them. “I thought you said you hadn’t even started dating.”

Grace pulled her shoulders up and dropped them as if the effort exhausted her. “It seems I’ve gotten in the habit of telling lies lately.”

“Maybe you’re lying now,” Ben suggested.

Grace stood and trudged toward the door, ignoring the water glass Emily offered. “Whatever,” she said. “I’m going home.”

“But the game’s not over,” said Spencer, clearly nonplussed his sports-fanatical sister would leave in the middle of a baseball game.

“I’ve lost interest,” said Grace.

“Or maybe you just don’t want to look at Brad with his date anymore,” said Ben.

Emily saw tears rolling down Grace’s face as she slipped out the door without responding to Ben’s remark.

“Wait Grace!” She followed her out into the hallway and shut the door behind them. Grace was heading toward the stairs when Emily caught her and pulled her into a hug. “I know you’re hurting, no matter what you say. You were there for me when Spencer and I were having a rough time. And I’m here for you now.”

“It’s not the same. Spencer was in love with you—Brad’s not in love with me. It’s so stupid.” She swiped at her wet face. “I didn’t even want him to be in love with me, and now I wish he was.”

“Are you really engaged to Horatio?”

“What does it matter? Brad has obviously given Ben the go-ahead to ask me out. So he’s finished with me for sure.”

“Just because Ben is flirting doesn’t mean Brad is okay with it. You know how Ben loves to antagonize his br

other. I think Ben wants you two to get back together.”

“He has a funny way of showing it. But really it just confirms what I already knew. When I spoke to Brad, he could barely be civil to me. I had one shot at making things right and I blew it. I left flowers and a card for Brad with Leanne, and obviously she wanted him for herself.”

Emily gritted her teeth. “That girl he was with tonight? She sabotaged you? You should strangle her—I might do it myself. Why don’t you just tell Brad what she did?”

Grace lifted puddled eyes her direction. “I tried to give him flowers, and he never got them. I tried to talk to him, and he didn’t want to listen. Obviously Brad and I were never meant to be. You shouldn’t have to work so hard if it’s right.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“Yes. I’ve always believed I’ll be able to tell when the right guy comes along. I’ll just know—everything will feel right. That’s how I knew I was supposed to break up when he first said something about being in love with me. It messed up my mind so much I could barely eat anything. In fact, I’ve hardly eaten for a week. I would never feel so afraid if it was meant to be—if we were supposed to be together forever.”

“I think you’re totally off. I was scared to death to fall in love when I met Spencer. I fought it for a long time, and you know things weren’t real smooth for us. What if I’d given up when things got rough? What if I’d decided since I went to the wrong hiking area we weren’t meant to be together?”

“That’s different.”

Emily put her hands on her hips. “How? How is my situation different from yours?”

“Because you and Spencer were destined to be together. Nothing could keep you apart. Obviously, the opposite is true for Brad and me. All the signs point to Brad and I staying apart. He didn’t get my flowers. He wouldn’t talk to me. He’s already found someone else, and so have I.” Grace held up her hand to flash her ring again before hiding it inside her purse.

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