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“Yeah well this ugly mug finally told me to get my sorry ass off base and start exploring.” He nods toward Nate who shrugs and is still holding EJ.

“Well I’m happy you’re here,” Ryley says with a wink. “I didn’t really want Evan to hear the wedding talk with Cara, so with all of you here, you’ll be able to keep him busy.” She pushes Evan, who smiles.

“Where’s Cara?” Evan asks.

“Later flight, but she’ll be here. She has a lot to tell us.” Nate puts EJ back on the ground.

When Evan cocks his head toward the stairs, Nate and Rask both nod.

“We’ll be downstairs, babe,” he says to Ryley as he kisses her on the cheek.

We follow Evan down and into the back of the house. I haven’t seen this room yet, but knew there was something he was hiding. He punches the code on the door and waits for it to click. The lights come on as soon as the door opens, and when I step in I feel like I’m in the belly of a submarine.

“Ready for war?” Nate asks, as he looks around the room. There are monitors along one wall, all hooked up to surveillance cameras outside. One in particular faces the shipyard, showing us exactly what’s going on. Maps line one wall while the other wall is covered in pictures and notes of the people responsible for our deployment and the aftermath.

“It’s reinforced,” Evan explains. “If someone shows up, Ryley knows to bring EJ down here and lock herself in. This monitor here,” he points to one on the far left, “shows her who is at the door, so if someone is telling her it’s clear, she can see them. If the power is cut to the house, the authorities are alerted and come out regardless of being called or not.”

“Jesus, Evan, you’re planning for an apocalypse or for a nuclear bomb by the looks of it.” Nate seems worried, maybe even confused.

Evan nods and points to the monitor that’s trained on the shipyard.

“Chesley is across the Sound. Now, you tell me why someone like him is suddenly worried about the shipyard. You and I both know from growing up around here, no one pays much attention to this base. They send ships in, get repaired, and move them back out.”

Nate moves over to the monitor and takes a closer look.

“What’s going on?” Rask asks, taking a seat at the small table.

Evan shuts the door, motioning for us to take a seat. “I’m not sure where to start, but I have a feeling we’re being watched. Who knows you’re here?” The question is aimed at Nate and Rask.

Nate speaks first, “Carole, Cara, and Master Chief York. I had to tell him, plus Poole. He drove us to the airport.”

“My parents,” Rask says, quietly. “I still call them and tell them stuff.”

“Do you think Rask’s parents are in Chesley’s back pocket?” I ask Evan, who nods.

“It makes sense in my head, but right now the craziest things make sense to me.” He shakes his head and looks over at Rask, who has his eyes focused on the table. Evan bumps his shoulder into Rask. “I don’t mean anything bad, but shit, they don’t give you the time of day. Why would they keep your secrets?”

“They wouldn’t,” Rask admits regretfully, making me feel even worse about his situation. “They never take my calls. Hell, I’m not even sure why I call anymore. I guess I feel like one day my mom will answer and even if she doesn’t say anything I’ll kn

ow she’s listening.”

The room grows uncomfortably quiet as Rask’s words set in. I feel sorry for him, as I’m sure he feels for me, but I don’t need to tell him that. We’re lost right now. Hell, even Evan is and he has his family back.

“Can someone please start from the beginning?” Nate all but begs by throwing his hands up in the air.

“Within days of buying this house, I’m sitting outside minding my own business when a helo shows up and drops off Chesley. Now, I’m thinking it’s not a coincidence, but I’m trying to give the Navy the benefit of the doubt. Except days are going by and Chesley’s not leaving … hell, he’s not even moving.”

“How do you know?” Nate interjects

Evan points to the monitor. “I watch there and upstairs on my deck. Plus, the video records so I can watch when I’m bored.”

“That’s really creepy, Evan.” Clearly Nate isn’t as impressed as I am.

“Call it what you want, Nate. All I know is that Chesley isn’t leaving that hangar except for the other night when McCoy and I were screwing around with a suspicious trawler. After we scared them into leaving, Chesley and Abigail left in a black car, returning around six a.m.”

“Isn’t that who we saved?” Rask questions, earning nods from Evan and me.

“Yeah it is.” I clear my throat and take my turn telling the guys what I learned yesterday from Marley. Between the holy shits and motherfuckers, I think I have them convinced we’re in danger, even if neither Evan nor I can prove it.

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