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About a year ago, I asked Heidi if she would write me a story. I use the word “asked” lightly because in reality I probably bugged her about it for quite some time. Eventually she agreed but with one proviso – that I give her the characters and a cast list.

Mission accepted, I thought to myself, and about a day later, I sent her a character breakdown with a wish list of what I’d like to see in a story. I had no concerns that Heidi wouldn’t be able to deliver – we’ve all seen her work and what she is capable of - but I did think she’d come back to me with a “WHAT THE HELL?!”

The three main characters were called Nate Archer, Evan Archer and Ryley Clarke. Nate and Evan were twins. Ryley was their love interest. Oh, and they had a dog called Deefur (Dee for Dog - geddit?) You all know what followed.

In Here With Me, Heidi far surpassed my expectations. She gave me what I asked for and multiplied it by a thousand. She gave me two main characters that my heart ached for, that I that I sympathised with, that I wanted to cry with and hug and mourn. She gave me a third character – a missing character of sorts – which I wanted to know more about, who I wanted to hear from.

She gave me a story that I fell in love with.

After Here With Me was published, I went back to Heidi and said to her “You know, that’s great and all, but hey, I want to know what happened here and here and here” and literally sent her an email with about 15 different points. Not gonna lie, I thought she would defriend me right there and then with another “WHAT THE HELL?!”

But she didn’t. Instead, she answered every single point, and gave me much more on top. She wrote Choose Me.

She gave me such complex storylines that absolu

tely and completely blew me away. Things that I couldn’t even think of in my wildest dreams. Things that literally had me saying to her “What the Hell?”. Heidi completely and utterly astounded me with her brilliance with each chapter she sent me. One, in particular, just had a LOT of comments from me and I was literally swooning in each comment I left. That chapter was Chapter 9, and I’m sure you can understand why.

The original brief was “Please can you write me a story about twins who love the same girl but that girl is feisty and sassy and isn’t weak”.

She gave me Ryley Clarke - a fighter through and through. She IS sassy, she IS feisty and she’s made the best of the shitty hand she was dealt.

She gave me Evan Archer - a warrior. He loves his girl and his girl is Ryley. He’s spontaneous and outgoing. He loves his country and he fights to protect it. He’s loyal and what you see is what you get with him.

She gave me Nate Archer - he’s the protector. He loves his brother and he loves Ryley. He made a promise to his brother and he followed that through. He quiet and reserved and he’s the thinker, but like his brother he is also loyal. Family is important to him and he’ll do anything he can to protect them.

I’ve previously said that all you Team Evan lovers should prepare yourself for Nate and having read this story, I hope you can see that I was not lying. I thought I was Team Evan, and then I thought I was Team Nate but I can honestly say that I am Team Archer through and through.

Heidi - you gave me all of the above and so much more and all I can say is you took my challenge, you ran with it, you gave it life, you gave it soul and you gave me a whole load of feels with it. So thank you. And thank you for writing the story of the Archer Brothers and sharing it with your readers.

Now, about that deal we had when you send me daily Nate and Evan updates - we still on for that, right...?

Read the Acknowledgements

If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a team to write a novel – at least it did for Choose Me. My team is beyond amazing and I really couldn’t ask for a better support system to be involved in this novel. Writing about the military, as a civilian, is hard, especially when you’re dealing with the emotional aspects of deployment, coming home and the like. Writing the Archer Brothers was an emotional journey that I’m very happy I took. The stories I’ve heard, and have yet to hear, have and will change my life forever.

Yvette: I want to thank you for being the most understanding, loyal and supportive friend I have ever had. I love that we’ve been on this journey together for years and we’re not willing to slow down.

Traci: Who knew we’d come this far? I’m so happy that you’re on my team, in my life and that I can call you my friend.

Amy & Dan: Wow ß that pretty much sums up my thoughts. You guys have not only opened your door to me, but your life, and for that I’ll be forever grateful.

Art: You are someone I never want to play trivia against, but would gladly be on your team any day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the countless hours and useful information that you’ve provided for my novels. I’m forever in your debt.

Audrey, Georgette, Kelli, Tammy, Tammy & Veronica: You ladies sure do know how to make everything right in my world. I really can’t ask for a better group of girls to spend my time with.

The Beaumont Daily: You guys rock!

To my family: I know the hours are long, but I do it for you!

And finally to the readers: How you keep up with all the amazing novels being published I’ll never know, but you do it, and you do it proudly. If you’re reading this, take a moment, smile and pat yourself on the back because you, my friend, are a superwoman… or superman!

Read a Preview of Fighting for Love by L.P. Dover

Fighting for Love by L.P. Dover

Ten Years Ago

I lost everything today.

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