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“Did you talk to any of the other wives or girlfriends from Evan’s unit?”

“Mostly Frannie, she’s River’s wife. They had just gotten married a few days before the guys were called. We had been celebrating on the beach with a bonfire and a cookout. Kids were running around and some guys from different units and their families were there. That’s the thing, the SEALs are a brotherhood and they’re always going to protect their family.

“Anyway, we had been on the beach when the call came in. River, he was their boss, got the call and just like that the atmosphere changed. The fire was extinguished and people started packing up and heading home to spend their last night with their loved ones. It’s amazing how one phone call or a knock on the door can change everything.

“But to answer your question, Frannie and I hung out a lot. She’s a little older than me, but she and River didn’t have any children. She helped out a lot when EJ was born. Between her, Lois and my mom, I had someone at my house all the time.”

“What about Evan and Nate’s mom?”

I stand and walk over to the window. Evan is still sitting there, waiting for his turn.

“How much time do we have left?”

The therapist is quiet until I look at her. “Twenty minutes, but we can go over. I’m just seeing you and Evan today. We still have a lot to cover.”

“What do you think you’ll be able to tell us after all of this is over? This was Lois’s idea, not mine, although I made Evan come. What are you going to do for us?” I look back at Evan and wish I were down there with him. I’m not sure what I’d say, but I think I’d like to hold his hand.

“Ryley, I’m hoping by the end of the day I can give you an assessment. Provide you with an outsider’s opinion on which way you and Evan should go. It may not be what you’re looking for but it may be exactly what you both need. We won’t know that until we’re done and I’ve had a chance to go over my notes.”

I stand up straighter when I see a woman approach Evan. She’s in NWU’s, identical to his. He leans back and greets her as she sits down. I want to bang on the glass, but what good will it do me? I’ve moved on.

I PONDER HER QUESTION. It would be so nice to talk to someone, anyone, who isn’t tied to the military. All week I’ve been asking the questions, and each answer is ‘it’s classified’ or ‘we don’t

have any recollection of that happening’. My favorite one is, ‘the mission went as planned.’ No, the fuck it did. Snatch and grab and with a four man crew, I should’ve known something was up from the get-go.

However, I don’t have the answers the doc is looking for. I only know what I know and what our mission was. If I tell her, is she at risk? Probably, but what if she’s able to take my story and help Ryley and I figure out how to co-exist? As much as I’d love to think the doctor is going to convince Ry to stop her wedding, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Ryley owes me nothing, even if I think she does. She was the dutiful girlfriend waiting for my return, and when I didn’t, she moved on. It’s expected. She did exactly what I wanted her to do; I just didn’t expect it to be with my brother.

“My unit leader, River, had just gotten married when we got the call. We had been home for some time, and I actually started to have a routine with Ryley. She’d get up with me in the morning, we’d make breakfast together and I’d make love to her before I left for work. I never wanted her to feel like we didn’t have a last time together. I know it seems chauvinistic, but it was important to me that she and I had connected on that level before I went to base. Reporting to base each day, I never knew if I’d be home for dinner or not, so I had to treat each day like there wasn’t a tomorrow morning.

“Anyway, we’re at the beach, ya know? It’s a normal day. The sun is out, we’re eating and lots of guys and wives are there. River’s phone rings, and he excuses himself. When he comes back, he says make sure everything is right at home. That was his code for we’re leaving. Right then and there, everything shifted. It was time to go home, make everything right with our spouses and pack.

“River, Frannie, Ry and I were the last to leave, and as the girls walked to our cars, he stopped me and said that it was just four of us going: me, him, McCoy and Raskin. It wasn’t the first time a unit of four had gone out, but the way River said it made me pause. We were heading into Cuba and a child of a U.S. politician had been kidnapped and taken there. Intel told us where the child was, and the commander said it’d be in and out.

“I echoed River’s thought though and felt that something wasn’t right. It wasn’t our territory, and it should’ve been a unit from the east coast going, so why did we only have four members if we were going into hostile territory? He didn’t have the answers and wasn’t about to question our CO.”

I stand and retreat to the water cooler and fill yet another paper cup. I keep my back to her, hiding my expression because this is harder than I thought. I shouldn’t be talking about that day, but I feel like I’m left with no choice. The prize at the end of the tunnel, whether I win or not, is worth it.

“Had you ever felt this way about a mission previously?”

I shake my head. “Not even when we were in Afghanistan. We’re elite. We’ve trained for everything possible. We may get nervous or excited, but it’s not like we’re jumping out of our skin. Jumping out of planes, walking through water and dense forest, it’s second nature. This mission should’ve been easy compared to seeking shelter from a sand storm and being fired at by the Taliban.”

I opt to sit on the couch instead of returning to the chair. Hopefully I can relax a little more now that the floodgates are open. I’m still mentally battling with the fact that someone has made a mistake. Mistakes cost people their lives and simply can’t be made. Everything we do is checked and double-checked. We’re efficient, perfectionists. At least I am.

“Some of my questions about while you were gone may seem out of the ordinary. I don’t pretend to understand what it is that you do, and as I’ve stated, I’m here to help you and Ryley come to some sort of conclusion. The more we talk, the more it seems that there was a communication breakdown. Again,” she says raising her hands. “I’m not in the service, I don’t know. I’m simply making a guess on how four highly trained Navy SEALs disappeared, to have their families mourn their loss, only for you to return completely unaware that anything was amiss.”

“You and me both,” I mumble. She’s right. Now that I sit here, too much of the past six years isn’t adding up. If this is an error, it’s a grave one, and someone had to know we’d return unless we weren’t supposed to return. My time in Cuba is fresh. The memories are there. I have no doubt that McCoy, River or Raskin can recall every order, every maneuver we made to secure not only the child in question, but the many that we found when we arrived.

“When we found the missing child, we stumbled upon something bigger. We extracted the child and met at our rendezvous point. That was planned. What wasn’t planned was the directive to go back to the site and…” I trail off, uncertain of what words could describe what we were told. I shrug and continue, “Secure the location. We were told that another unit was deploying immediately. We didn’t think anything of it, until we got back to where the child was being held and everyone was gone.”

The doc flips the page of her notepad and continues to write. I want to get up and take it from her hand and make sure she’s not writing down something she shouldn’t be. I know I have to trust that what she’s writing is going to help Ryley and me, but with everything that has happened, it’s hard for me to trust anything right now. It makes me wonder what’s going through her mind.

“What happened next?”

“We started searching for clues as to the whereabouts of the missing, which took us deeper into the jungle. We lost our communications for a bit, but assumed command was aware of that. It was probably weeks, if not a month before we finally reached an elevation where we could use our Sat phone, but the orders were the same. Find the package and retrieve it. We reiterated that the package had been delivered, but the communications back were that it hadn’t and to find it.”

“At any time were you able to communicate with Ryley?”

My head shakes back and forth, my lips forming into a thin line. “Without sounding heartless, no I didn’t. I’m there to do a job. I’m there to protect you and her from people who are trying to do our country harm. I’m not thinking about calling her to check in. I’m thinking about keeping my men alive. We’re on a mission with a goal in sight. We stayed hidden, kept tracking the people we were looking for and checked in every few days with command.”

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