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My hair was washed, trimmed, blown dry, flat ironed, and then put in this tight updo style that I loathe. And all for what? To look like the perfect child for my parents.

I understand, I truly do. This is their image, what our family’s name means a lot to them, but I’m just a girl that wants to let her hair down even when the humidity makes my mountains of curls stand on end, no make-up, and walking down the beach with my toes in the sand.

Sadly, that won’t be happening tonight. Nope, I’ll be here tonight, in pain, in the form of this too tight dress, sky-high heels, and face plastered with more make-up than ever.

I look down at myself one more time, getting out the wrinkles that surely aren’t there from this insanely priced dress.

I’m on a mission, and that mission is to the bar for a glass of wine.

Walking stealthily in these heels, because let’s face it, Mother and Father were not going to allow their daughter to not act like a lady. Even at twenty-seven years old, with a job of my own, and a roof I pay for over my head. They still expect certain things, sure I should walk away and do my own thing entirely. But, sometimes keeping the peace is easier than dealing with the aftermath, and really what child wants to walk away from their parents. I love them even with all of the nonsense they put me through.

The bar is just in reach, sadly without stools, looks like this will be a standing only night until dinner is served. I look down at my feet and say a silent apology, promising them they’ll be in their customary flip flops tomorrow.

When I reach the bar, I ask the bartender, “Hi, can I get a glass of cabernet?”

“Coming right up,” he turns to uncork the bottle of wine. I take this time to lean on the bar, giving my feet a break, but also people watching. Something I enjoy thoroughly, no matter where I am.

It fascinates me how people act when there’s a charity event, sure it’s for a good cause, but I secretly think it’s so they can show off how much they are worth or the latest material item they bought.

It’s going to be a freaking really long night, I murmur under my breath.



My eyes lock on the woman that walked up to the bar, my hand is braced on the edge while my other hand is holding the glass of whiskey I asked for.

There’s no other word for her except drop dead gorgeous, the best part is you can tell she has no idea. She’s standing there, with her hair in all kinds of tight twists, and pulled back, severely at that.

It makes my hands itch to take out each and every pin that holds it back so tightly.

Her curves though, fuck. She has an hourglass type figure, something of a Marilyn Monroe body, curves I crave to have in my hands. She has me reeling and I haven’t even had her in my arms.

Taking one last sip of my drink before placing it back on the bar top, knowing one drink is my limit. Especially since I drove tonight.

I walk over to the beauty that has taken over my thoughts. I should be out there introducing myself to potential clients, but since she walked up everything and everyone else vanished.

“Hello,” I say to her, gaining her attention.

“Oh, hello there. I didn’t see you sneak up on me,” her voice is that of a melody, especially compared to my own gruff voice.

“I’m Rome Carter,” my hand going out to shake hers, when what I really want to do is take her into my arms.

“Nice to meet you Rome, I’m Summer Jones,” she replies, her eyes the color of the sky right before it’s about to storm, dark and hauntingly blue. Ones that I know will stay with me for all of time.

We both stand there, I see her staring out at the dance floor, and I know this is my in.

“Want to dance?” I ask her, knowing full well it’s the only way I’ll get to have her in my arms. And if it’s anything to tell by just one touch of our hands, I know once her body is near mine, I won’t ever want her to leave my side.

“Sure, let me just finish this glass?” she questions with a shyness in her tone. I nod my head, sticking close by her side. Knowing if I don’t these leeches at this event will be after Summer.

Once she told me her name, I remembered hearing about her at the office every once in a while. Summer’s a free spirit, one even her father can’t reign in, no matter how much he tries. She’s elusive like the wind.

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