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His cock is thick and long, tunneling in and out of me. It’s glistening with my essence and in this moment, I know, this right here is perfection.

“You see what I’m seeing, Summer,” he grunts, never losing his momentum.

“God, yes.” I respond, trying not to give into temptation and close my eyes, “You feel incredible,” I moan.

“That’s all you, baby,” he responds. Our fingers find each other’s and are entwined with another. His eyes look into mine, even when I’m on the cusp of orgasm I don’t close them.

“It’s us, Rome. It’s just us,” I respond, and I give into the pleasure he’s giving me. My eyes close and I throw my head back and come.

“Fuckin’ beautiful,” he grunts and then I feel him coming inside me. The warmth that jets inside me causes me to clamp my muscles around his length.

Rome slows down, but not yet ready to pull out of me. My hands go to his shoulders and I bring him closer to me. I want our bodies as close as possible, not caring about the sweat or the mess we seemed to have created.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbles as he lowers his body.

“It’s okay, I promise,” as I attempt to pull him closer again.

He finally lowers his body, but then does this dip and brings me with him as he rolls onto his back. I’m now laying on top of him. My head finds his chest and I bask in our warmth.



Today’s the day I have to take Summer to the airport, I’m dreading it. This morning I woke up with her mouth on my cock, her hair was a tangled mess, something I love seeing. She’s not pretentious. She doesn’t wear make-up every day and she’s comfortable and confident in her own skin. If I could wake up with her every morning I would. Sadly, I don’t think she’s there yet or maybe she is and I’m just a pussy for not asking.

She walks out of her bedroom with one huge suitcase and a carry-on, which I know will carry her camera and gear.

“I’m kind of ready,” she says.

“Yeah. Kind of sucks though, huh?” I question.

“If I could move this back another month, I would. This company isn’t real big on that though, especially for the two models they have booked. Hopefully, I’ll be in and out of there in a few days and be home by the weekend.

She comes up to me and plants her face in my chest. My hands wrap around her and I soak our moment in as much as I can.

We stand there, both of us lost in the moment when the doorbell goes off, and not just once but repeatedly.

“What the hell?” Summer questions.

“I’ll get it,” I state, this is putting me in a piss poor mood even more now.

I open the door and come to an abrupt halt. I see Richard with his hand up in the air about to bang on Summer’s front door. Standing beside him is his wife, Stella.

My mom wasn’t wrong when she said Summer got the short end of the stick with these two. They’re both dressed to the nine’s and I can only imagine why they are here.

“Where’s my daughter?” he asks.

That’s when I feel Summer slide in beside me. Both of us are in jeans and tee shirts, the complete opposite to Richard’s three-piece suit and Stella’s form-fitting dress.

“I’m right here,” she responds. My arm finds her lower back as she leans into my side.

“What are you doing with Rome Carter? You know he’s nothing but gutter trash. I don’t know why Tina thought she should bring all those boys in. All of them are fatherless as well as motherless,” Richard mouths off.

If I were a man insecure in my past, present, and future, her words would get to me, but they don’t. I worked my ass off to get to where I am, and my family is as proud of me as I am of them.

“Father!” Summer is appalled from what her father said to me.

“I’m just speaking the truth,” he admonishes.

“Well speak it somewhere else, you’re not coming to my home and talking like that to my boyfriend,” she blows her hair that has fallen in her face, trying to get it out of her eyes.

I dip down and whisper into her ear, “I’m your man, aren’t I?”

“Yeah you are,” Summer responds.

“That’s enough Richard, let Summer make her own decisions for once. I think you’ve done enough lately, don’t you?” she preens.

“It’s nice to formally meet you, Rome. I’m Stella,” she holds her hand out, and it’s only then that I disentangle from Summer to shake Stella’s hand.

“It’s nice to meet you as well,” I respond.

“We’d love to stay and chat, but we’re on our way out,” Summer states.

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