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I hate wearing these damn monkey suits, yet I find myself once again wearing one for this event. One that is supposed to bring a slew of new clients in. If it wasn’t for a good cause, I probably would have just written a check and called it a day.

When our company was invited to this event, all of us started to overlook it. Until our secretary stated what the cause was for. It put us all on hold. Mason and Heath looked at me, and I knew what that look was.

Of course, they would volunteer me, both of those knuckle heads refuse to wear ties to our business meetings, let alone a black-tie event.

That left me to be the front man tonight, much like I am at our real estate firm.

The three of us were well known in our college careers to raise hell, but to work, and to work hard at that.

In our younger years, we didn’t come from a world filled with love and devotion. That is before we all landed in a foster home and were eventually adopted out to our mother, a woman I look up to like no other before. Why she ever felt the need to adopt three unruly teenage boys, I’ll never know, but fuck am I thankful for her.

She cleaned us up, made us get good grades, put our butts in a sport, and was front and center no matter how well we did or how bad we did.

We’ve always been as thick as thieves, just like we are today. We weren’t going to let our past define us.

Momma Tina is the reason we are where we are today. She showed us what it was like to receive love, devotion, and to know our own worth.

We had hopes and dreams, and the three of us devised a plan. We divided and conquered, each of us getting a degree in the field that we loved, but also would be beneficial to our futures. Not to mention, we all wanted to repay her back, not just in monetary funds. Though all of us knew how much it costs to raise a boy, let alone three boys.

So, we did what we had to do. Now here we all are in our thirties. I meet with potential clients and other real estate companies, essentially a hook, line, and sinker aspect of the company. That doesn’t mean I’m not out there busting my ass with the rest of the employees. There is always a new client, not to mention homes, condos, and commercial businesses that are looking to be bought and sold.

Mason is the mastermind with numbers. He’s constantly crunching, calculating, and investing. He keeps us well informed on what we need to maintain our company and makes us money, hand over fist.

Heath, well he is the mastermind behind Three Brothers Investing. He loves to live behind his computer and keeps us running with the day to day aspect, if it’s anything to do with technology, he’s the one doing it.

The three of us all kept the same pact, to work our asses off, make our mom proud, go to college, invest as soon as we could, and become successful.

I run my fingers through my hair one last time while looking out at the dark ocean that you can see from the building. What I wouldn’t give to be out there in the ocean though, just me, my surfboard, and the waves.

I’m already counting down the hours until this shindig is over, taking one last look at the water I turn and head towards the open bar.



This venue is more than opulent, it’s like a fairy tale in a dream I once had as a little girl. The room setting is dark, but has twinkling lights all along the walls, chandeliers that are sparkling from the way they are hung, the abundance of flowers, and flickering luminaria candles that are on the table settings.

Sure, it’s beautiful. But not as beautiful as the sun that rises over the ocean every morning.

My father was adamant for me to be here, he had a last-minute business meeting he couldn’t cancel…supposedly.

Now it’s up to me to look, act, and appear to be the best of the best.

That’s why I’m groomed from head to toe for this function. My day started at the spa and ended with being poured into this skintight dress. Something I would never wear in the land of Summer. How they think this is how I would ever normally function is beyond me. I’m the type of girl that prefers to be in a pair of cut off jean shorts, tank top, and flip flops. Lucky for me, living in New Smyrna Beach allows me to do that most of the year.

I take a deep breath and let it out, praying like hell it’ll give me a little more breathing room. The personal shopper that picked this dress out should have to wear it for a week, and then come talk to me.

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