Page 53 of Saving Baby Amy

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A LOT HAD happened in the last three months. Hannah and Amy had moved in permanently with Chloe, and they’d run a whole gamut of feelings together. Crises were averted, hugs were exchanged, and new avenues and opportunities were explored. But the one thing that hadn’t happened was that she’d bumped into Jon at the hospital.

She’d been almost relieved. She knew she couldn’t see Jon again, not yet. The idea that they could be friends, with or without benefits, after all that had happened between them was ludicrous.

And he obviously felt the same. Chloe had kept to her side of the hospital and he’d kept to his. She’d heard a few people talk about him, and supposed he must have heard people talk about her, but she’d resisted the temptation to show any interest. His signature had been on the records for some of her patients, children who’d been referred up through A and E, and she’d even traced her finger around the loop of the J once or twice. But that was all.

It hurt, but it had to be done. She’d get over it. It was just a matter of when.

* * *

Even so, the early morning call from A and E made her hesitate. But there was a patient there with a displaced ankle fracture. Before he was admitted for surgery it required a recommendation from one of the doctors from Orthopaedics, and Chloe was the one who happened to be at work early this morning.

She walked down to A and E, trembling. In and out. Don’t look right or left, don’t stop to talk. Just do your job. With any luck Jon wouldn’t be on shift this morning.

The doctor who had called beckoned her into an empty cubicle and she sat down next to him at the monitor to look at the X-rays.

‘He’s had a fall, but there doesn’t seem to be a concussion, although we’ll be keeping a close eye on that, particularly if he needs surgery. I’m reckoning he might...’ Dr Marshall had worked in A and E for long enough that nothing much surprised him, and he could usually anticipate what ongoing care his patients would need.

‘I’d say so.’ Chloe looked carefully at the X-rays. ‘That’s a nasty one. I’ll wait and take the paperwork upstairs with me. I can have it on Mr Saunders’s desk for when he comes in.’

‘I’d appreciate it. He’s one of ours, he works here.’

‘Well, he’s not going to be at work for a while...’ Chloe’s eye drifted to the patient’s name in the corner of the screen and her hand flew to her mouth. ‘Jon?’

‘Yes. He’s quite new here, you might not know him...’

Never mind that. Chloe didn’t have the time to think up something appropriate to explain that she knew Jon very well. ‘What happened to him?’

‘Apparently he was up in the loft at his house early this morning. Something gave way and his foot went through the ceiling.’

‘He fell through the ceiling...’ Chloe must have been showing all the signs of panic because Dr Marshall snapped into reassurance mode.

‘No, he fell over. There’s the damage to his ankle, and he’s going to have quite a shiner tomorrow. Apparently he managed to get down from the loft and then down the stairs, trying to reach his phone. But the builders came in at six and found him in the hallway. Called an ambulance.’

‘But he’s okay?’ Suddenly that was all that mattered. Jon had been hurt and there had been no one there to help him.

‘Go and take a look for yourself. I’ve got to wait for the results on some routine tests and I’ll be ten minutes with the paperwork...’ Chloe was on her feet already and Dr Marshall called after her. ‘Cubicle Six.’

* * *

His ankle was uncomfortably numb. His left eye was closing fast, and it was more than likely that he’d be staying here for a couple of days. Jon was sick of staring at the ceiling so he closed his eyes for a few moments, drifting in a sea of analgesia.

He heard the door of the cubicle open and ignored it. Probably someone wanting to take his blood pressure or check his pulse. He’d already told them that he was okay and that it was just the ankle they needed to worry about, but the A and E staff, who normally took his word for everything, had been taking it in turns to remind him that they’d be the judge of that.

‘Jon...?’ He felt a touch on his forehead, as light as a whisper. He must be dreaming. Jon struggled to open his eyes, since those kinds of dreams could probably get him in trouble with his work colleagues, and saw a pair of honey-brown eyes looking down at him.

‘How are you?’

All he could think of was that finally someone was asking him how he felt and not telling him. And that he wanted desperately to hold onto Chloe, but that he dared not reach for her.

‘Okay...’ Suddenly his mouth felt as if it was full of cotton wool.

‘I’ve taken a look at your X-rays. I think you’ll need surgery to fix the bone in your ankle, but I’m putting the papers on Mr Saunders’s desk as soon as I get them. He’s the best, you’ll be in good hands.’

She leaned over him, and he caught the scent of her soap. ‘That eye looks nasty. I’ll get someone to bring an ice pack. Your heart rate’s slightly elevated...’

That was hardly a surprise. It had been perfectly normal before Chloe had arrived.

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