Page 50 of Saving Baby Amy

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A knock sounded on the door, along with Hannah’s voice. Jon got out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and Chloe called for her to come in.

‘Have you told him?’ Hannah dispensed with the usual ‘Good morning’. She was obviously looking forward to going home with Chloe, and that had to be a good thing.

‘I hear that you’re coming back with us. And you’ll be staying with Chloe for a while.’ Jon grinned at her.

‘Yes.’ Hannah’s smile was radiant, excited, as if this was a new beginning. For her, it was, and her future seemed more assured than his did right now. ‘When can we go?’

‘We haven’t got round to that yet,’ Chloe rebuked her gently. So much had changed between the two sisters. They voiced their own wants and needs more freely, no longer afraid to negotiate something that suited them both.

But it was obvious that they were both looking forward to going home. ‘We could go today, if you want.’

‘Today?’ Hannah grinned. ‘That’s fine with me.’

‘Me too.’ Chloe looked at Jon. ‘Shall I see if I can book a hotel for us? About halfway?’

Suddenly he wanted this done with. To stop worrying about what would happen between him and Chloe when they got home, and just get there. ‘Or if you can book a channel crossing for late this afternoon, we could do it in a day. It’s still early, and if we’re packed and ready to go in an hour...’

Chloe was biting her lip. Perhaps she was as afraid of this as he was. In which case it was better to do it now, before the uncertainty began to gnaw at them both.

‘Yes.’ She seemed to come to the same conclusion he had. ‘We’ll do that, then.’

* * *

They shared the driving, eating in the car, and made the channel crossing just in time. Hitting the Friday evening traffic as they approached London slowed them down and it was late when Jon drew up outside Chloe’s house. Carrying their bags in, they dropped them in the hall.

Chloe seemed on edge, bustling around, opening windows and doors to air the house and then closing them again when the chill evening breeze made her shiver. She switched the kettle on for tea, even though no one wanted it. And the one question that seemed to be on everyone’s mind—who was going to sleep where—needed to be answered soon because they were all tired.

In the end, Hannah made the first move, fetching her sleeping bag from where it was tied securely to the top of her rucksack, and laying it on the sofa. ‘I’m ready to turn in.’

‘Why don’t you take the spare room? It’ll only take a minute for me to clear my things out, and I can sleep down here.’ Jon saw Chloe raise her eyebrows and his heart jumped suddenly. Maybe she did want him in her bed still.

Hannah looked from Jon to Chloe and then back again. Then she rolled her eyes, grabbing her rucksack and stomping up the stairs. Jon could hear her banging around in the spare room, and when she came back downstairs she had the few clothes that he hadn’t packed and taken to France with him bundled in her arms.

‘Here.’ She dropped them onto the sofa and picked up her sleeping bag. ‘Work it out, people. I’m going to bed.’

Jon heard Chloe giggle behind him. Then he felt her wrap her arms around his waist, her body pressing against his back. ‘I’m sorry. I think she gets the unsubtle streak from James.’

Jon turned. It was the first time he’d held her today, and he hadn’t realised how much he’d missed it. It felt like a long, deep breath after hours of fighting for air. ‘Don’t knock it. It’s one of the things I like about James.’

‘Me too.’ She looked up at him, her gaze melting through his uncertainty. ‘Would you come to mine?’

He kissed her forehead. ‘I’d like that very much.’

* * *

Coming home was so full of promise. A new start for Hannah, this time based on firmer foundations. And so full of questions where Jon was concerned. They’d made no promises and told no lies. The only plan they had was that there was no plan. But reality demanded that they make one, sooner or later.

Not tonight, though. He led her up the stairs and she closed the door of her bedroom behind them. Jon pulled his sweater and shirt off over his head in one movement, and she remembered how much she loved his body. So strong, bulky in all the right places, and yet his eyes were so tender. His arms so warm.

And he knew just what she needed. Tonight was no exception to that. His nakedness was somehow innocent, rather than sexual, as he slipped between the sheets, waiting for her to undress and come to bed.

‘What’s going to happen now?’ It felt as if everything was changing and the only thing she could cling to was him.

‘Go to sleep, sweetheart.’ He curled his body around hers, holding her. ‘We’ll work it out in the morning.’

* * *

There was no

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