Page 49 of Beautifully Broken

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Damian turns, and when it looks like he’s going to leave, my body comes to life. I rush forward as the words explode from me, “That’s it? You just came here to threaten me?”

Anything to make him stay a minute longer.

God, I missed him so much.

Damian turns back to me, slowly shaking his head. “I’m not threatening you, Cara. The day I dragged your ass out of that container, you became mine. I will never let you go. I’ll give you the time you need with this lady, but then you’re coming home.”

Oh. My. God.

A weird mixture of worry and happiness courses through my veins.

I’m his?

I’m not ready for that kind of relationship. Still, I can’t stop the joy I’m feeling from knowing I matter to Damian.

More than I thought.

Needing to come clean with Damian, I let the words fall between us. “I… I…” My voice cuts out from all the emotions waring in my chest. “I’m not ready for a relationship.”

Damian's eyes soften on me. “I know, Cara. I don’t expect anything from you. I want you as you are. I can’t wait.”

“What if I’m never ready?” I ask the question that made me run in the first place.

Damian’s eyes hold a world of understanding, and I can see the past month has not been kind to him, either.

I didn’t know I could hurt him. He seemed so untouchable.

“I’ll be okay with that,” he replies. “I just want you in my life, no strings attached.”

I walk to him and tilt my head back so I can see his face.

I don’t remember him being this tall.

“You have to stop growing,” I try to joke the uneasiness between us away. “I know I’m unreasonable in my demands of you, but it’s one thing to help someone and a totally different thing being in a relationship. I couldn’t even deal with the thought of it.” I drink in the ink curling up his neck.

I missed you.

“Next time, don’t run. Just talk to me,” Damian whispers as he lifts his arm. When his palm cups my cheek, I almost melt into his touch, feeling the safety I missed so much. “Can this woman you’re living with make food?”

“Yeah, she whips up bread from scratch,” I answer, my voice soft.

“Then eat, baby,” Damian leans down and brushes his lips against my temple. “You’re fading away. I won’t have you starving.” Then he steps back and takes a phone out of his pocket. Holding it out to me, he says, “Call when you’re ready to come home.”

I take it and swallow back the tears because it’s too soon to say goodbye to him again, and I haven’t even told him I’m pregnant yet.

Damian came to tell me he’d always be there for me, but that might change once he finds out I’m having a baby.

When he walks out of the room, part of me wants to run after him, but knowing Damian has my back while I get to be with Annie doesn’t bring the comfort I thought it would.

Instead, it leaves me feeling torn.

Chapter 19


I drive back to the motel I’m staying at with no intention of leaving this town without Cara.

I just had to see her up close. The month we’ve been apart hasn’t changed a thing. On the contrary, it only solidified my feelings for her.

Deep in my bones, I know if there’s a possibility of a future with a woman by my side, that woman will be Cara.

Only Cara.

There are so many reasons why it has to be her, but the main one is because of her inner strength. Every day she wakes up, choosing to live, is a day she won the battle.

She’s fighting back and not letting what happened to her beat her down.

It makes my feelings for her grow much faster than I ever thought possible.

Come hell or high water, Cara’s mine, and I’ll kill anyone who stands in the way of keeping her by my side.


It’s been five days, and I can’t stop staring at the phone. It only has one number on it – Damian’s – and I know if I press dial, I’ll hear his voice.

I know if I ask, he’ll come to get me.

I haven’t told Annie, but I think she suspects something’s up.

It’s close to midnight when I sneak outside, shutting the door softly behind me. The stars are clear, and the nights are getting warmer.

I walk a short distance from the house so I won’t wake Annie. There’s a slight breeze ruffling my hair and the nightgown I’m wearing. Annie insists every woman should have a nightgown. She makes them so big I feel lost in them. They just hang straight down from my shoulders, and most nights, I get twisted up in the fabric.

Suddenly the phone vibrates, and I shriek as I drop it. Stunned, I stare at the glowing screen. Then my heart begins to race as I crouch to pick up the device.
